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j kobara
Los Angeles
Social Entreprenuer and Networker
Recent Activity
Thanks Katie. I love this video and Brene. Have you ever seen her Ted talk on vulnerability? You should watch with Brisa. Love you. John
The Arrogance of Sympathy
We are trying and struggling to find out how each other are doing. Asking "How are you?" is a loaded question today. First we know everyone is dealing with the deadly contagions of COVID and Systemic Racism--in addition to life's amazing challenges. In our minds we are kind and caring. But our ...
The Arrogance of Sympathy
We are trying and struggling to find out how each other are doing. Asking "How are you?" is a loaded question today. First we know everyone is dealing with the deadly contagions of COVID and Systemic Racism--in addition to life's... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2020 at SWiVELtime
If I had the time........
The truth is you have been telling yourself for a long time--"When I have the time........" Time free from the outrageous and incessant barrage of work and email that trample our personal and professional priorities every second. We crave a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2020 at SWiVELtime
The Fire Right Now
The following remarks were delivered at The Roast of John E. Kobara in front of 350 of my eclectic friends and colleagues at the Palace Theater in Los Angeles on February 19, 2020. The event raised more than $200,000 for... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2020 at SWiVELtime
Grateful for your readership and comments. Yes dream about now and today and the next moment. I concur. Been too long since we saw each other and traded fish stories. Hopefully before Japan! Love John
The Year for a Leap?
The new year is just another year. A year of possibilities and opportunities. A year to reconcile our direction with our souls. A year to make promises to oneself to get better, healthier and more at peace with oneself. It is a moment of the year we let ourselves wonder about what might happen--...
The Year for a Leap?
The new year is just another year. A year of possibilities and opportunities. A year to reconcile our direction with our souls. A year to make promises to oneself to get better, healthier and more at peace with oneself. It... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2020 at SWiVELtime
Are You A Sushi Bigot?
In our effort to be efficient, we categorize things, lump them together and make sweeping assumptions. Call it stereotyping, call it confirmation bias. We generalize and intentionally or unintentionally--the result is the same--obscure nuances, differences, and essential facts about reality,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2019 at SWiVELtime
Gotta call my digital parole officer
The digital leash grows stronger and shorter. We are now accustomed to seeing our fellow humans looking at a screen ignoring the world and the humanity around them. I am as guilty as any but to be honest it still... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2019 at SWiVELtime
So you want more growth in your next job
This is one of this phrases I hear ad nauseam. In interviews, in my classes, and workshops. It has become part of a hollow script of job seekers and career changers. Young and old utter this phrase as part of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2019 at SWiVELtime
If You Want To Make the World A Better Place
If you want to make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change! Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror As mentors we know the power of the mirror for self-reflection and the great... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2018 at SWiVELtime
Nothing Uniform About this Man -- The touching story about a former priest turned fighter pilot then philanthropic advisor
This is story about my dear friend, Joe Lumarda, who reveals new personal truths for the first time. Truths that are relevant to the #metoo movement and the horrific unfolding of the latest scandals in the Catholic Church. It is... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2018 at SWiVELtime
What if the words we say were delicious?
Words, how we choose them, if we choose them, are so critical to who we are and what we think. We say so many things, often words just are shot out of our mouths without our full consciousness. There is... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2018 at SWiVELtime
Sorry about the delayed response. Yes, the road behind makes more sense than the road ahead. If you we are mindful of what we have today and make the most of it, the next portion of our journey will reveal itself. I trust you are well. Thanks for reading. John
Commencing Our New Lives
As we watch another crop of new graduates turn their tassels and "commence", we have to consider our own commencements. What are we doing with what we have learned from living and from the world around us, that informs our life purpose? How have our hearts and minds been changing, but not our a...
On one level I am glad when my words resonate. I have found these feelings to be quite common. Glad you see the opportunity to work your way through it. You have devoted so much of your life to others, to honor others, to make the world a better place. Believe me I know that there are many mundane things that seem unrelated to the work we enjoy most. While diversifying your portfolio and venturing out beyond the rim of the pot will yield great benefits, there is much to say about what a difference you make though your kindness and care everyday. Paulo Coelho wrote about a Chinese bamboo that grows completely underground for 60 months and then breaks ground once it is ready. It grows about an inch and 3/4 everyday until it gets to 75 feet! Sometimes the growth is invisible and then it explodes. All the best. John
Are you a potted plant looking for a garden?
All of us are lonely. All of us feel inadequate. Just part of the human pot. We yearn for more--fulfillment, use of our inner potential, and making some difference that matters. We desperately want to connect, grow and be accepted. Impress others. We deeply believe that our job will help define ...
Love that Proust quote. Not quite aligned with this post, but a wonderful sentiment that I agree with. Cheers John
Are you a potted plant looking for a garden?
All of us are lonely. All of us feel inadequate. Just part of the human pot. We yearn for more--fulfillment, use of our inner potential, and making some difference that matters. We desperately want to connect, grow and be accepted. Impress others. We deeply believe that our job will help define ...
Thanks Regina. One of the enduring values and lessons from my father. He heard me publicly discuss this a couple of times. The greatest regrets come from parenting. When and how do we guide our offspring. Challenging stuff. Repetition and the faith that down the road some of the truth will be harvested. Cheers John
Become a Public Person
It's a real wrenching thing to go from being a private person to being a public person. But it's what everyone wants - to get everyone's attention, to have your music make a living for you, to be validated in that way. --James Taylor My Dad Roderick Yoshimi Kobara lived a full and fulfilling lif...
Are you a potted plant looking for a garden?
All of us are lonely. All of us feel inadequate. Just part of the human pot. We yearn for more--fulfillment, use of our inner potential, and making some difference that matters. We desperately want to connect, grow and be accepted.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2018 at SWiVELtime
Commencing Our New Lives
As we watch another crop of new graduates turn their tassels and "commence", we have to consider our own commencements. What are we doing with what we have learned from living and from the world around us, that informs our... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2018 at SWiVELtime
Brad, yes busy is a choice. Amazing how what's important slips down our lists. I meet people who tell me their passions and then tell me there's no time for their passions! Passions first! Thanks for reading. John
Resolution: Question Everything! How will 2018 be different?
It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. —James Thurber Questions have been at the heart of the most life altering moments for me. Questions that stop you in your tracks and shift the way we see the world. These questions that dared me and scared me. If you knew the...
Douglas Impressed with your life philosophy. Your commitment combined with the openness to seek help will get you to the promised land. Just heard a big VC say that 97% of his profits have come from companies that pivoted. Your dream will take you on a journey, let it lead you. All the best. John
Are you Entrepreneurial? I Doubt It.
Our brains are not always connected to our mouths. We say stuff that sounds good that gets embedded in our hard drives and flows out our pieholes without any awareness of the meaning of these words. I meet lots of people who tell me their dreams, goals and ideas. I listen to the words they use. ...
Thanks for that insight. If we just stopped and listened to our bodies we would all be better off. Ans, "What I am doing to contribute to my health or condition?" To a healthier 2018 for all.
Resolution: Question Everything! How will 2018 be different?
It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. —James Thurber Questions have been at the heart of the most life altering moments for me. Questions that stop you in your tracks and shift the way we see the world. These questions that dared me and scared me. If you knew the...
Thanks Anna. India is still there. Maybe the allure of India has faded. The question is what else can you move off the back burner to the front of the stove? Regrets are little tumors that cannot grow. In the new SWiVEL doc in my post, one of the updated questions #8 is: What regrets do I have that I need to address, re-do or start over? Pick a date to go to India or wherever you want to go next. Start the planning and talking to others. Activate and animate your goal! No regrets please. Cheers John
Resolution: Question Everything! How will 2018 be different?
It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. —James Thurber Questions have been at the heart of the most life altering moments for me. Questions that stop you in your tracks and shift the way we see the world. These questions that dared me and scared me. If you knew the...
Resolution: Question Everything! How will 2018 be different?
It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. —James Thurber Questions have been at the heart of the most life altering moments for me. Questions that stop you in your tracks and shift the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2018 at SWiVELtime
The battle between the scheduler and the Asian jester
Yeah I talk too much. I know. The more I talk the more I think people want to hear me. That is my delusion. I tell stories. I try to provide insights. I try to use humor to be disruptive.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2017 at SWiVELtime
DIY open heart surgery
When I was 12 I was obsessed with the heart. Heart transplants. Artificial hearts. Michael DeBakey and Christiaan Barnard were my heroes. I was going to be a cardiologist. I surrounded myself with heart models and books. The idea of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2017 at SWiVELtime
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