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wanderer, writer, researcher, poet, & social service volunteer
Interests: road-trips, government, politics, economics, technology, societal trends, history, future studies, poetry, poetry therapy, philosophy, support groups, aging, bereavement, American studies, buddhism
Recent Activity
I could have been an Olympic athlete But I gave it all up for a career in public service and education Or I could have been a rock star Or a super-millionaire bond trader Or an astronaut Of course, however, none of those are true. I never seriously considered doing... Continue reading
Did I tell you I've sold my home? This is a big deal to me. A very big deal. Continue reading
Again, I ask. I have been VERY irregular about updating this blog, mostly using Facebook instead. And still greatly missing Vox, which I truly loved. Why did they SXXXcan it? Continue reading
I picked an autumn background for my TypePad blog now because of my advancing years, nearing 70. And I picked a design featuring hills and mountains because they are the places that I love the very most, at least to travel through. But I do have to admit to liking... Continue reading
Finding it very difficult to cope with the death of my wife nine years ago, my own illness, and retirement from a long and satisfying career, I have sought the help of a social worker, a counselor. Today is the anniversary of her own husband's death, exactly one year ago.... Continue reading
I do think that one day, looking back, Americans will be greatly dismayed by how they have acted in the last couple of years, and certainly since September 2001. Not our finest moment; and probably among our worst. My parents' generation has been termed The Greatest because of the way... Continue reading
One thing I can see as a definite advantage of TypePad over Facebook is that it is possible to post much longer items. But you have to have some readers! I still sure do miss Vox. Continue reading
I have fussed with the name of this blog, the background design, etc., many times now! Not sure what is best. But I am stopping for now. Volleyball is on in London. Continue reading
I tried logging into TypePad using my Facebook account, and what it did (I think) is create a second blog. So I delete it (that account). Hope I didn't lose this original one, too. Continue reading
I turn 70 at the end of this month. That seems, to me, like a big deal. Getting old(er). Many men die in their early seventies. And of course, many don't. Continue reading
Today I got word that the sale of my former house, just a few miles away, will go through. Closing set for about two weeks. We have done so much work, over such a long time, to empty it out. Physical work and emotional work. Now we are nearing the... Continue reading
I will be seventy at the end of August. That seems pretty old to me. Aging Continue reading
I find that I have been drawn to the color blue lately. What does that symbolize? Continue reading
I do think that there are sometimes when it is good to be a Human Being. The Olympics seems to be one of those times. Continue reading
Somehow typepad seems to be working better with Mountain Lion. How could that be> Continue reading
I just installed the new Mac System X OS Mountain Lion . Had a bit of trouble, but now it is on and it seem to be running very well. Faster, I would say. Continue reading
I have not used Typepad in a very long time! Continue reading
I'm wondering if this still works. I haven't tried TypePad in a long time. Continue reading
I just set up my American Express card to be paid automatically out of my bank account. Was quite a chore! Stuff on a web page, then on a phone robot, then a human person, and then back to the web. I liked it better when we just dealt with... Continue reading
We attended on Saturday the funeral of a friend, a woman that I had worked with during my stint in Corporate America some 25 years ago. We kept in touch after we each left those jobs, and were able to have lunch every month or two. I appreciated that: I... Continue reading
I did not know before today that Henry Ford had contributed significant financial support to Adolph Hitler. That is very sad. I would like our genius inventors to be good in other ways, too. Continue reading
We had a dusting of snow overnight. The second slight snowfall we have had. I'm expecting a lot more. Last year, Lake Shore Drive was shut down in a severe blizzard. We were trapped in our house for a couple days. It seems to me that the weather is much... Continue reading
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Dec 8, 2011