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David S. Klein, MD
Longwood, Florida 32750
Interests: My interests include bio-identical hormone replacement, nutritionally mediated weight loss, pain management and anti-aging.
Recent Activity
In response to the pressures being placed on medical practitioners, most intensely by the Federal Government, physicians are being forced into making expensive choices of software products and vendors. As these things go, the brochures and sales people are often the only pieces of the sale that is smooth. I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2011 at Meditab
David S. Klein, MD is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of MSM - long used as an equine feed additive - are now available in a salve that offers precise placement and rapid relief to the area of discomfort. Compare using our high potency, pharmaceutical-grade MSM lotion to Hock Injections...... Hock-Ease costs less than $3.50 per treatment, as opposed to $450 per injection, or more. One gallon of Hock-Ease can be expected to stretch into as many as 50 individual hock applications. We have found that it works best if applied 20 minutes before competition or training. Re-apply 2-4 hours later, if necessary. HockEase MSM... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2009 at Hock Ease
Posted Sep 27, 2009 at Hock Ease