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C Weeks
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@tas: i have no idea. @eben: thanks, man!
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2016 on my friend leo. at APhotoContributor
@matt: dude, they remind me of "drive," too! @richard: i use indy film lab in alabama! they're amazing.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2014 on pretty palette. at APhotoContributor
Hey D! I just weighed the body/grip combination and it comes out at 671 grams. That's without a lens, of course. Hope that helps!
@konax: i think perhaps you are right. it's totally worth it to come out of lurker-mode for the chance of getting a rad piece of software! i'll bet the odds end up being about 50:1. not bad, though.
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
ben krebs: ya' know ... i found silver efex pro 1 the day before doing final output on a wedding. it melded so damn well with the film we shot! i hate it when there's a stark difference. in fact, if one shoots both for whatever project i think it should be mandatory to use sfxp2. ;) hey ... at least you learned something about color efex pro!!!! i think the film emulation it does is quite nice, actually. perhaps not as good as the monochrome plug-in but very nice indeed!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@deezee: you're welcome for the nudge. the plug-in looks identical between aperture and photoshop. i dunno about lightroom, though. i don't use it. let me know how it works out for you!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Blake R: the craft was pretty damn small, actually. i wouldn't strap myself into that thing, though. no way. first or last ... doesn't really matter. it'll be very random. :)
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Lennart: wasn't really trying to sell it ... i just really love using it ... honestly, i like doing personal and things-other-than-wires ... much more! cheers back from cali!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Aaron Shapiro: thanks, man!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Richard: i can only imagine why they block them. ;) what really made me think was seeing a ... some work a friend had ... the first 9 images or so were film scans ... and then there was this abrupt visual change ... for me it really made me re-examine digital monochrome. there was this sharp quality that wasn't hdr but very close to it for me. in fact, i think the guy sharpened it but whatever. digital monochrome and my feeling about it changed from that day forward. needless to say ... i'd keep on using silver efex pro 1 if that's all they offered.
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@JayG: there's a special aesthetic for looking at a wet process contact sheet, too. marking on it with a sharpie or wax pencil as well. digital is so "good enough" that i'm not sure digital vs. film is relevant. they're so different. i like both, too, and not only am i gonna be going by the lab today to see some proof prints (from digital) and drop off a few rolls!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Andreas: so ... you shoot film but don't make prints? frank and i have been talking about this issue nonstop. we both think it's very important to put that print in your hands and feel it. it's so much different than seeing something on a screen! honestly, download this trial ... apply some filters to your photos and print something... cheers back!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Lee Gillen: i like it when you guys see "the big picture" is kind of woven together with little fibres!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Tiit: thanks, man! it would be interesting to just "blog" but ... since i actually do something i love ... well ... i'm stoked! do wish i could blog more often! the archiving is almost complete ... now waiting for a drive to be recovered by a data recovery firm... at least i won't have to ingest it when it returns. hope the snow subsides soon!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Nestor: you're welcome! i like the portra filters in color efex pro 3, too. out there that morning i think people used about anything the could find to shade their eyes!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@simon: I liked 1 a lot ... this one, though, i really like!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@Igor Novakovic: i'm sure those real world bloggers won't like it much, though. that's the thing about silver efex pro 2 ... it's just right. it's not too much ... and it's more than just a little. i love it. hope you do as well.
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
@shashank uchil: good on you not wasting time at work! your employer must love you!
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on regime change starts at home. at APhotoContributor
C Weeks is now following The Proprietor
Jan 3, 2011
@claire: thank you so much, love. *gonna have to look at your website today*
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2010 on choke. at APhotoContributor
@elaine: truth-be-told in my domke bag sat the m9 and a nocti pretty much the whole time i was out. in as much as i would have agreed with you about film in the past .... i can't wholly agree anymore. for me ... the importance is the image ... whether it's captured with an m9, mp, 5dm2, pentax-whatever ... silver efex is the equalizer. digital/video straight out of a body or raw file is way too sharp. having done a lot of post-work on some motion i think that i'm gonna treat digital the same way i treat video and ... take the edge off. i've really enjoyed doing this little experiment. cheers for the comment!
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2010 on pretend jesus pt. 1 at APhotoContributor
@Arthur: back in the day of hcb they shot leicas because they were the smalled lightest things going. doisneau used that and a rollei. they had slow emulsions and really slow glass. most people were used to seeing photographers with view cameras and plates so ... i dunno how much the format really mattered to people. i totally didn't mind having a clean 3200 iso in my bag of isos. ;) so ... i'm thinking a toronto street workshop may be in the works... we're gonna do some us cities first but if we can get enough interest we may do toronto as well! not gonna publish my new "i took your picture excuse" online. ;) hope you're well, man!
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2010 on pretend jesus pt. 1 at APhotoContributor
@aerone: i'd like to think i project myself past the people i'm photographing. ;) i've seen quite a few 5dm2's "out there." in fact, i see quite a few leicas more often than i'd expect! never break out the big glass or a flash! ;)
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2010 on pretend jesus pt. 1 at APhotoContributor
@Thomas: i've quite enjoyed this experiment. seriously, a lot is in your head. project onto them that they don't see you. works. ;) i'm sure the bitching is quite new to at least a couple of people i know who read this. ;) perhaps there'll be no bitching in pt. 2. ;)
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2010 on pretend jesus pt. 1 at APhotoContributor
@Dmitry K: don't worry about them catching you. unless it's a group of like 15 bangers then i hope you have some verbal skills. ;) hmm ... toronto ... looking for some locations to do workshops ... didn't ever think of toronto ... but i wonder if that's close enough to nyc to attract some toronto-friends? thing is about the "impostors" is that they want their readers to think they're working yet have never done a commission/assignment. cheers back from the fall-like west coast!
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2010 on pretend jesus pt. 1 at APhotoContributor