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Lemon Tart
Vancouver, Canada
Interests: French goat cheeses, Madagascar chocolate, heirloom tomatoes, first flush Darjeeling tea, full fat artisal yogurt, Provencal Rose wine, and so many things in between. When I'm not cooking or thinking about food (which is rare) I love a great Woody Allen movie, travelling to beautiful places, learning or perfecting languages and sifting through antique markets for the perfect Pyrex mixing bowl.
Recent Activity
Indeed, let the soup season begin! You can do this, Martha, or you could just sit by a cozy fire while Bruce does:)
Simplest Leek and Potato Soup
It starts with soup. The simplest of soups. Humble potatoes, a pot, a couple of minutes with a knife, a meditative simmer. Simplicity, comfort, elegance boiled into one. Hello! Its been awhile,eh? I'm still cooking, eating, and drinking, of course! And so with a container of peeled potatoes, ...
Simplest Leek and Potato Soup
It starts with soup. The simplest of soups. Humble potatoes, a pot, a couple of minutes with a knife, a meditative simmer. Simplicity, comfort, elegance boiled into one. Hello! Its been awhile,eh? I'm still cooking, eating, and drinking, of course!... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2013 at Lemon Tart
Good to be back!
Seed Saving: Fresh Fruit Syrups
Who knew something as humble and simple as fruit syrups could be the thing to finally get me out of my blogging slump? Sometimes its the simple things that enthuse me the most and a technique like this is one that represents my approach to food and produce specifically : Buy it beautiful, eat ...
Great idea! Sometimes if Im doing this with a high pectin fruit and cook it a bit too long it will indeed gel on itself becoming essentially jelly.
Seed Saving: Fresh Fruit Syrups
Who knew something as humble and simple as fruit syrups could be the thing to finally get me out of my blogging slump? Sometimes its the simple things that enthuse me the most and a technique like this is one that represents my approach to food and produce specifically : Buy it beautiful, eat ...
Seed Saving: Fresh Fruit Syrups
Who knew something as humble and simple as fruit syrups could be the thing to finally get me out of my blogging slump? Sometimes its the simple things that enthuse me the most and a technique like this is one... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Lemon Tart
2011: The Year in Food
Yes, I'm aware 2 months of 2012 have already passed, so it might seem a bit late for a retrospective. But I don't think there's ever a statute of limitations on memories and a day like today seems to perfect... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2012 at Lemon Tart
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy "V" Day everyone. While not a new recipe on the blog, here's one from the archives that is classic, dead pan easy and always impressive. Am I the only one who doesn't want chocolate desserts on Valentines Day? I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2012 at Lemon Tart
The perfect winter meal. I had my first Ribollita in Florence and it was stick to your ribs fair, creamy from stale bread added to the soup. I now stock up stale bread in my freezer for just this soup. Yours looks might lovely!
Ribollita (Italian Cabbage and Bean Soup)
I’m kind of digging this L.A. winter. I was worried it’d be too hot and that I wouldn’t be able to cook my
"Cake" for New Years
And...I'm back! I've cooked so much since I last shared something with you here and eaten even more. I've paid a visit to my new favourite place in the world, La Bretagne (or Brittany as is it known to the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2011 at Lemon Tart
Beaming Berries and Strawberry Gelee Tart
Quick! Grab the last of the berries out there and make this oh so summery dessert. This will have your guests beaming with delight, as I was when I finally made this tart, one that's been sitting on the "to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2011 at Lemon Tart
I'd venture you'd really love the Socca! Not at as photogenic as the squash blossoms, but OMG tasty!
Rosa's Lemon Tart
Its nearing mid June, yet here on the Westcoast carefree warm summer days seem very far away. The garden is sluggish and I've only just worn my sandals for the first time. My yearning for extended warmth and blue skies has recently has me thinking about the French Riviera and magical days spen...
Rosa's Lemon Tart
Its nearing mid June, yet here on the Westcoast carefree warm summer days seem very far away. The garden is sluggish and I've only just worn my sandals for the first time. My yearning for extended warmth and blue skies... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2011 at Lemon Tart
Well now that Patricia Wells just put out her glorious Salad as a Meal book, I think I'll sit on that idea for awhile. Can't compete with the Queen:)
Arugula Radish Salad with Meyer Lemon and Parmesan
If ever I were to write my a cookbook it would be about salads. This may come as a surprise to some of you. After all, the sweet realm is really the place of my heart and soul and certainly my specialty. But putting together interesting salads is something that seems natural to me, which I'...
Arugula Radish Salad with Meyer Lemon and Parmesan
If ever I were to write my a cookbook it would be about salads. This may come as a surprise to some of you. After all, the sweet realm is really the place of my heart and soul and certainly... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2011 at Lemon Tart
Nibby Nut Butter Granola
I've been making my own granola for years, before I made jam, crackers, bread or any other such foods. In the beginning I was amazed at how dead pan easy it was and I'm sure I asked the question "why... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at Lemon Tart
Thanks for the kind words! More tweaks here and there on the site to come. Happy cooking!
Orange Ricotta Pound Cake
As a follow up to the last post at Lemon Tart, where I told you my obsession with homemade ricotta, I thought you might like to know what exactly you should do with that beautiful cheese, should you find yourself with too much to eat by the spoonful. When there's only 2 of us in the house, ne...
Good question Jennifer. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. I'm just so in love with my raw milk. And yes this will work with ANY milk.
Ricotta Cheese : Make it Yourself!
Lean in close.... I'm going to tell you a secret, something dairy manufacturers haven't wanted you to know in a least a couple generations: You can. Make cheese. In less time than a Glee episode, you can have full flavoured, dreamy, ricotta cheese ready for so many great dishes. It doesn't ta...
Aw shucks, thanks Diane! That means alot!
Orange Ricotta Pound Cake
As a follow up to the last post at Lemon Tart, where I told you my obsession with homemade ricotta, I thought you might like to know what exactly you should do with that beautiful cheese, should you find yourself with too much to eat by the spoonful. When there's only 2 of us in the house, ne...
Orange Ricotta Pound Cake
As a follow up to the last post at Lemon Tart, where I told you my obsession with homemade ricotta, I thought you might like to know what exactly you should do with that beautiful cheese, should you find yourself... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Lemon Tart
Diane, if you click on the link to my yogurt post you can read my raw milk tale:) Basically I get it on the sly, but through all the necessary legal hoops. Its so worth it!
Ricotta Cheese : Make it Yourself!
Lean in close.... I'm going to tell you a secret, something dairy manufacturers haven't wanted you to know in a least a couple generations: You can. Make cheese. In less time than a Glee episode, you can have full flavoured, dreamy, ricotta cheese ready for so many great dishes. It doesn't ta...
Ricotta Cheese : Make it Yourself!
Ricotta cheese is made easily at home with good milk and nothing more. Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2011 at Lemon Tart
The elusive DG speaks.
A New Lemon Tart
Lemon Tart is currently undergoing some upgrades. A new look will be unveiled soon, but currently you'll notice a far better way of browsing the recipes on this site. The recipe box on the bar below the banner has links to every recipe on the site. I will also be making my way through to incl...
A New Lemon Tart
Lemon Tart is currently undergoing some upgrades. A new look will be unveiled soon, but currently you'll notice a far better way of browsing the recipes on this site. The recipe box on the bar below the banner has links... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2011 at Lemon Tart
Sour Cherry Sidecar
Using sour cherry juice to modernize a classic cocktail. Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2011 at Lemon Tart
A Valentines Day Collection
Happy Valentines Day! If, like me, you are staying in to celebrate, cooking something for or with your special someone, I've put together a few Lemon Tart links to help you create your menu for that someone special. Edible Valentines... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2011 at Lemon Tart
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