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Corinne Skoog
Sartell, MN
Recent Activity
We're moving!
To bigger digs that we're still working on decorating. We'll keep this blog up until the end of 2011. So, come visit us at the new site! It's so awesome, we named it after Greg! What are you waiting for, click the link already! Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2011 at The Nothing Box
She's my little rock and roll
On Saturday, Corinne and I did the MS Mud Run - Twin Cities. (Tell me again, exactly which city is Dresser, Wisconsin's twin?) It was a fantastically kick-ass time, with a ton of great stories to tell. For shorthand versions of some of those, see below.* The thing I want to talk about though is the positively equalizing effect of thick, full-coverage mud. We live in a world wracked with body image issues and flagging self esteem. Fortunately, what was true in Akron in 1938 is just as true today. Everyone looks great when they're covered head-to-toe in mud. There's... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2011 at The Nothing Box
Well, that's not MY dad
Just a little over a week ago was Father's Day. (Seriously? Then why the hell is my Hai Karate jug still on empty?) And this Father's Day, as most Father's Days, I found myself questioning my adequacy as a father. I went to church and it didn't get any better. Pastor Doug spoke pretty passionately about all the things a good father is and all the things a good father does. He quoted scripture and he wove in some great anecdotes and, with every word, I was more convinced that I have completely missed the boat on this fatherhood thing.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2011 at The Nothing Box
Dick Van Fatten my dog up
Genetic testing would confirm that Jasmine is a dog. But she's nobody's Balto. There is no proud, regal wolf ancestor peering down from the heaven to which all dogs go and nodding thoughtfully as if to say, "Yes. THAT is my bloodline." For years I've given Kirby the guinea pig more dog cred than Jasmine. She was skinny. Her hair would get tragically matted way too quickly. She was whiney and a fantastically conflicted combination of timid and aggressive that may have made sense to Cesar but always just left me shaking my head. That's just who she was. She... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2011 at The Nothing Box
It's all about our sanity
...and the ongoing questions that surround its alleged existance. Have you ever wondered what would be valuable enough to make you give up what few sparse scraps of calm normality still exist in your life? What would possibly make you throw yourself on the seppuku tanto of insanity? For us, evidently, it's the glimmering hope of sanity for the next generation. On Thursday we brought home another dog. For those of you scoring at home, that's three dogs, two cats, a guinea pig and one sad little goldfish. Clearly and understandably, your first logical question must naturally be some variation... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2011 at The Nothing Box
Shameless bragging
Warning: Seriously, there is nothing in this post BUT shameless bragging. It's not even funny or anything. Everybody should probably just go ahead and skip this one. Except you, Mom. You'll like this! The American Advertising Federation – Central Minnesota held their annual ADDY Awards show the other night. (Insert your own small-market, provincial punchline here you metropolitan snob. I'm certainly not going to enable your tasteless disrespect by writing the insults for you.) As usual, it was a great chance to get dressed up, get together with friends, and hope that some disinterested third party has decided you're better... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2011 at The Nothing Box
Corinne Skoog is now following Greg Skoog
Oct 21, 2010
Dog bowl cut
Shouko's got her some 'o that wanderlust. She can't help it, it's in her blood. And she's not a marauding terror or a menace to the neighborhood. (Full disclosure, she IS a remorseless dog-toy thief. Unbelievable.) She just needs to get out and roam – meet some new people, sniff some new dogs, crap in some new yards, carpe some new diems. We have the invisible fence. She knows the intent. She understands the rules. And most times she plays by them and stays in the yard. (She'll charge right up to the curb, fangs bared and hackles raised, to... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2010 at The Nothing Box
Corinne Skoog is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Claudette and Maggie. Sorry for any confusion on locating the Simple Start CD. It's been so popular that we're temporarily out of stock. They're currently expected to be back in stock around March 23rd.
Summertime - Using Simple Click & Fill Pages in 12x12
This is an amazingly quick and easy layout to create. You'll need the following: Ingredients: StoryBook Creator Plus Software Simple Start CD, 12x12 Simple Click & Fill Pages Classic Summer Digital Additions Classic Spring Digital Additions How to create: Create a new 12x12 project. Add a...
Thanks, Marie! Yes, that photo is of me and all my sisters. My daughter took the photo for us as gift for our mom.
Lynne, you can find Pea Heather's Handwriting along with TONS of other free fonts here:
Digital Scrapbooking Idea - Mother's Day Layout - March/April Mini Catalog cover
Got a great pic that has an odd space to fill? Like a tree trunk? Dress it up with a quote! Ingredients: StoryBook Creator Plus 3 Software Simply Beautiful Digital Power Palette Font: Pea Heather's Handwriting Ingredients (Canada): StoryBook Creator Plus 3 Software Simply Beautiful D...
'Other Duties As Assigned'
I love that part of my job description. It's where all the 'extra' tasks related and unrelated to my job fit in. It's also how I found myself presenting the digital information session at the Minneapolis Regional this weekend. This was my first time speaking for CM. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I'm guessing I could have said no when I was asked. But if you never try new things, you don't grow. So, I heard myself saying "Sure!", while the rest of me wanted to run the other direction. Did I make it through the presentation?... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at CM Life
The best things in life are... 50 cents or less
Well, here we are. The first of our tiered gift-giving holidays. How'd it go? Initial reviews are positive. (But the long-term jury's still out.) For those of you not familiar with our creative challenge (and too lazy to scroll down one post), Corinne and I are monitoring the price of our gifts this year. And for Valentine's Day, that means we each had a cap of $0.50. (As caps go, that's a pretty tiny one.) What did I get? I got a handwritten love note from Corinne and two fun-size Snickers bars. The love note part I presume is self-explanatory.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2010 at The Nothing Box
Using your own sketches in SBC+ 3.0
I like to doodle. It's even more fun when I can bring it into SBC+ 3.0 and use it in my layouts. (You can find the ones I used in this layout here.) What's uniquely you? Sketches, handwriting, even your own signature. You can bring all of these into SBC+ 3.0 with just a few easy steps. Before you start, you'll need the following: • White paper or cardstock • Black fine tip marker • Scanner to create a jpg Once you've created and scanned what you like, follow the steps in this video. Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at Creative Memories Digital 411 Blog
ADDY it up
The American Advertising Federation’s Central Minnesota chapter held its annual ADDY Awards show on Saturday. There were 479 professional and student entries on display and 310 people there on Saturday to check out the entries and cheer for the winners. The best pieces received Silver or Gold ADDY Awards and will have the opportunity to move on and compete at the AAF’s 8th District competition (covering both Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin). From there, winners will go on to compete for a National ADDY Award. Gee Greg and Corinne, you might ask, how is it that you two know so much... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2010 at CM Life
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