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Gary May
Los Angeles, CA
Interests: Making clients better through their own eyes and actions, participating in conferences and associations including DrivingSales Executive Summit, JD Power Internet Roundtable, Motor Press Guild, Digital Dealer, networking and learning constantly. Other interests include cycling and scuba diving.
Recent Activity
Not paying attention to mobile, tech and search is about to get more annoying…and costly! What time is it? Really, what time is it? It’s not hammer time or time to get ill, although you may after reading this. It... Continue reading
Expose your business. Better yet, expose yourself!! It’s not about who bares it all. No, the game is about who gets the exposure at the right time. And most of the time, we perform poorly. Marketers have been talking for... Continue reading
Too often, we mix messages. We misconstrue. We miscount. And most often, decisions based off those actions lead to more of the same. There is a lot of “data” out there: actionable, validated, accurate data, and damaging, paralyzing, inaccurate “data”.... Continue reading
DrivingSales Executive Summit 2014 is officially in the books. It was a sold out event once again that enveloped the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas for the better part of three days. Planned was a (digital) star-studded keynote speaker list... Continue reading
Lo·gis·tics ləˈjistiks,lō-/ noun 1. The detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies. We are in the game of logistics. Like it or not car dealerships, at a minimum, are hubs of logistic activities: connections to... Continue reading
Have you ever listened to a profressional salesperson? No, no, really. Have you ever listened to a proferssional salesperson? Those skilled in the trade are fantastic about doing one thing extremely well: allowing the customer to understand that it's about... Continue reading
One of the first questions that is asked of us when engaging a dealership is “what is the R.O.I. of (fill in the blank)?” Well our friends, from leads to software, to websites and PPC, the question that is being... Continue reading
Yes, this is opinion. However don't take it as fable. It’s the consistent vicious circle in consulting: do it all as long as it’s what is wanted at that moment, backed up by someone else, doesn’t bite back at the... Continue reading
Yes, it is getting more and more difficult for business owners to make decisions today that will positively impact their business, especially in the arena of digital marketing. You might say “bull hooey” and protest that it has become easier.... Continue reading
Money. Lots of it! Tons and tons and tons of it! So much that for the first time, we're witnessing dealers that have been hands-on since 2008 starting to slip away a little from the stores and enjoy "away" time... Continue reading
Many today rant about change and how someone moved their cheese. The mindset of those who expect a static retail world show many who effuse about “the Good Old Days” while using mobile apps for airline tickets, ESPN Mobile for... Continue reading
It's no secret that we're on the move. All of us. You might even say that the speed at which things change is breakneck. What is less known is that as we speed toward wherever "there" is, the more we... Continue reading
As online business continues to change, car dealerships still struggle with understanding, education and improved results. Edward Shaffer brings a wealth of experience to IM@CS Interactive Marketing and Consulting Services (IM@CS) has chosen the National Automotive Dealers Association (NADA) conference... Continue reading
2013 brought us so much change that we thought it would be best to provide you with a non-prediction, non-forecast, non-reflective perspective...just to throw you off (and get a few more reads). Cut to the chase right now? Naw...let's tease... Continue reading
2013 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for automotive retail (again). Results are in for March and the first quarter showing that, with exception to some brands, you're making money. However are you making enough money to make... Continue reading
In a world at a breakneck pace and of mediocre marketing, it is more important than ever to know what you’re doing if you hope to attract, let alone keep, consumers’ attention. Add to that the entire market essentially being... Continue reading
Have you ever tried skiing? Uphill? Are you one for SCUBA diving? In a wading pool? Do you get your kicks running marathons? On a treadmill? How does this grab you: are you a fan of water skiing? On a... Continue reading
Customer service. The term is thrown out like freebies, party invites, pitches and proposals at NADA. Customer support? Customer satisfaction? Customer focused? What do your vendors call it? Does that come after reviewing how many days or weeks they’re allowed... Continue reading
(Warning, 1000 words below!) OK, who's got their 2013 game face on? Nobody? Good, let's make things difficult!!! 2012 was one heck of a year: consumer demand is still up and growing for cars (although demand still outstrips what sold),... Continue reading
As our industry moves (very slowly) toward digital dominance, more companies are chosen each year to assist with certain initiatives driven by the OEMs. As the market fills with mostly fledgling, so-called expert vendors in the major categories (website, SEO,... Continue reading
It's that time of the year again.... Well, actually not. Let's be completely honest. It's that one day of the year again. The one day where everyone around the automotivesphere expresses their public thanks: letters from the manufacturers' chief/department executives... Continue reading
As more tools are available to businesses to grow thier digital marketing footprint, it is apparent that more are simply buying turnkey services that promise to deliver traffic, conversion, imrpove SEO and other attributes. However, most of the time, they... Continue reading
Nobody looking from the left, not a soul peering in from the right; so it’s done. Manipulation. The to do, the call, the email, the touch…you know, the BS-logged activity. The stuff that’s done just to get the heat off,... Continue reading
Chuck Parker and the Automotive Digest team were at DrivingSales Executive Summit and J.D. Power & Associates Automotive Marketing Roundtable October 21-25 interviewing top executives and industry leaders. This is part of my interview, focusing on how mobile is affecting... Continue reading
From time to time, it’s good to get a strong dose of perspective or reality, depending who is describing reality. It’s easy to see why business owners, and especially car dealers, are so confused when it comes to doing anything,... Continue reading