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San Jose, CA
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Oh gosh, I need to show my daughter this post! She'll be in awe!!
Little House in the Thames Valley
I was a bit of a book worm as a child. I would close my bedroom door, away from the noise of my four siblings, and get lost in a story. My favourite was the Little House on the Prairie series. I imagined myself as Laura, living in a dug out in the wild west, fighting grasshopper swarms and look...
Oh my. Cannot believe that father told his child that "all Americans are stupid" and his child called your friend "stupid". I've heard of similar horror stories. I just don't get it, how people can be so ignorant and hateful, especially in civilized countries that preach tolerance.
The Obama effect
Ever wonder what it's like being an living American in the UK? After nearly 20 years, I've seen it all. I've been loved and I've been hated. For the time being, I'm pleasantly enjoying the "Obama Effect," which is a bit like giving a local pub another go after they have advertised they are und...
I'm not threatened by Palin AT ALL. I seriously do not think she'll serve in higher office. I think the majority of Americans are pretty level headed. It's always the extremists and the idiots that get all the media attention.
Just my .02 :-)
Sarah Palin does not speak for me
Sarah Palin has an amazing effect on women: either you want her to be your best friend or you think she's the reincarnation of the devil. These are not voluntary reactions, they are visceral, much like at a medical exam when the doctor lightly taps your knee and it goes flying. Why? Why when s...
Haha. I used web van a few times back in the day!
Husband has a ton of blue shirts & khakis too.
The Social Network: Here comes another bubble...
This is still my all-time favourite YouTube viral video. In honour of The Social Network, you MUST watch it. There are so many insider references, I love it! PS -- hubby has a whole wardrobe of blue shirts and khaki pants.
I have never tried Kona. I will have to try one of these days. I agree w/Starbucks being consistent--that's why on the road I'd rather go with them than some no name I can't find reviews on lol
Confessions from a Coffee Snob
I'm not a big fan of Starbucks. For one thing, it is always bone chilling cold whenever I step inside one of their chains. I prefer the independent local coffeehouses such as Barefoot Coffee Roasters in Santa Clara. It's more laid back with a homey vibe. But the real reason is the coffee a...
Ha! That is so funny. I love Peets too (most of them). But I always ask them for the most recent roasted beans lol.
Confessions from a Coffee Snob
I'm not a big fan of Starbucks. For one thing, it is always bone chilling cold whenever I step inside one of their chains. I prefer the independent local coffeehouses such as Barefoot Coffee Roasters in Santa Clara. It's more laid back with a homey vibe. But the real reason is the coffee a...
Thanks Ellie & Akemi. You know, I've never been to Roy's. Will have to check it out!
Confessions from a Coffee Snob
I'm not a big fan of Starbucks. For one thing, it is always bone chilling cold whenever I step inside one of their chains. I prefer the independent local coffeehouses such as Barefoot Coffee Roasters in Santa Clara. It's more laid back with a homey vibe. But the real reason is the coffee a...
Confessions from a Coffee Snob
I'm not a big fan of Starbucks. For one thing, it is always bone chilling cold whenever I step inside one of their chains. I prefer the independent local coffeehouses such as Barefoot Coffee Roasters in Santa Clara. It's more... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2010 at Silicon Valley Moms Blog
Pediactric dentists? Oh wow, my kids 10 & 7 yrs just go to regular ol' dentist in willow glen. We have Delta too. The office has absolutely nothing in there for kids either, no TV even. But it doesn't bug us in the slightest. We love our dentist. The kids have never
had a problem. I wonder if pediatric dentists cost a lot more.
Sticker shock over the pediatric dental bill!
When I was a kid, I had three cavities total. My brother had 12? 13? I don't know - a lot! But while my mother probably fretted over the oral hygiene habits of her children, she didn't fret about breaking the bank to fund our dental care. When my twin boys and I stepped into our pediatric den...
I'm just so sorry for your loss. My prayers and hugs going out to Jill and her family as well as everyone whose life was touched by Joyce.
In Memory of Joyce Hoffspiegel Buchanan
Today, SV Moms Group joins our founder, Jill Asher, in mourning the sudden death of her mother, Joyce Hoffspiegel Buchanan. Many of us in Silicon Valley have been guests in Joyce's home, which was always open to Jill's many friends. We celebrated holidays, watched political debates, and ran...
I find my easily frustrated kindergartener has learned to express himself in more constructive ways also.
Indeed, this year went by way way too fast--even though I too marvel in the ways my son has grown and learned.
10 months and Kindergaten was that was quick!
Her first year in elementary school started only last August, really it was not that long ago. Last Thursday Margo told me she had her final spelling and math test for the year, even though there were another three weeks left of school. Mrs. Bridgford told me, she tested her out at specific ...
I think it's tough for women too. My problem is that people keep moving away! Happens a lot here, I guess.
Modern Friendships
This past Sunday, the San Jose Mercury News kicked off a series of articles on Friendship. As a divorced single dad living in the same suburban neighborhood as when I was married, I’ve seen a lot of my old friendships transform into something less, or worse - disappear completely. Many people ...
What a great perspective. I think every child at one time or another has acted out--I find parents sometimes overact. If there is a pattern, then yes, bring it
to the school's attention, although many times I find they can't do much!
I never ever vent about my kids classmates in such a detailed matter, whether on FB or blogging.
The "Bully" label has become trendy, unfortunately.
Please don't take offense, and I do think there is value in it, but I'd like to take a minute to push back on the over-use of the "Bully" label. IMHO, the term "Bully" has gotten quite trendy. Of course it's not trendy to be a bully, but if you can spot one in a crowd, you get a gold star. ...
Good for you Linda! How I admire your discipline & dedication. I took some French courses (husband is French) but kinda fell off the wagon. We're going to Paris for a month this summer & how I wish I was more conversant in the language.
Going Back To School
Years ago, I received a card for my college graduation with the words “School’s out forever!” scrawled on a red brick wall. Oh how I loved that card. I kept it for several years tacked onto a bulletin board, well into my professional life. It underscored exactly how I felt at that time – done....
I had my 2nd when my daughter was 4 too. It sounds like you are doing everything right. Do you have someone who can watch your kids (at least your son) so you can get some downtime? That's what saved me. I had my oldest out of the house so I could nap when the baby napped.
Learning To Juggle
I am still trying to figure out how to be a mom of two and still find time to accomplish anything else. I suppose the answer is, "you just don't", but that's simply NOT acceptable to me. In other words, I'm open to your advice. This is a relatively new gig for me. At ages four years and ...
Firstly, CONGRATS! How exciting.
Secondly, you poor thing. I hope your ms lessens so you can enjoy your pregnancy. With both of my pregnancies I had a condition called hypermesis gravadium (sp.?) when you vomit around the clock & lose a signifigant amount of weight. Just make sure to tell your dr if you feel extremely weak. But it sounds like you are able to keep some things down. Liquids are most important. Hang in there!
And, don't feel gulity about not eating the most well rounded diet. Whatever you can keep down. I know that sounds awful.
Hugs and again, such exciting news
Morning Sickness has nothing to do with the Morning
When I was pregnant with my son six years ago, I didn’t have any morning sickness. I barely suffered through two weeks of a little queasiness and food aversions. It was nothing. I was always smug about the fact that pregnancy and me got along so well. Two peas in a pod were we. Sure, I felt so...
Love Costco! I got the huge sheet cake (feeds 48) for only $16.99. Tastes pretty darn good too.
I hear you on the stress. I had a lot of life stresses going
on which was probably a factor in my decision.
Thanks for your comment!
A Big Birthday Party, is it worth it?
I’m of the mindset that as far as birthdays go, bigger isn’t always better. By bigger, I mean those huge expensive birthday celebrations that include the entire class at Chuck E Cheese. I really can't bring myself to justify spending over $500 a year on each child (I only have 2, can't even i...
Jamie, Wow, really? I have yet to see anyone "shame" a full time working mom. I'm not denying it doesn't happen. Most moms I know that work full time seem to get nothing but admiration--if anything I've heard some SAHM's say they feel looked down upon lol.
But I happen to live in a neighborhood (it seems to me) where both couples work fulltime is the norm.
Yes, the grass is always greener. So true! I really envy those moms (and dads) that have jobs they love with super flexible work schedules.
Making Peace with Work
We are blessed with choices – and responsibility for the choices. Just like we teach our children – make a choice and own the consequences. When my eldest started kindergarten, he asked why I didn’t pick him up after school like the other Moms. I felt a pang of guilt – was I denying him and hi...
Heck, I don't care what brand of clothes I buy, so long as something looks decent--getting to be such a challenge as I get older. Right after I plunked down way too much at j crew I spotted an online ad from wal mart that showed some cute tops. I need to make a trip down there.
Oh, Goodwill? One of my fav places. Our shop down the street will sometimes carry brand new overstock items from Target.
I don't find such people as you mention in my neighborhood, luckily. But it's funny, lately I have noticed more people saying they only eat "dark chocolate" too--guess because of the health benefits.
A rose by any other name
The other day I commented to a friend of mine that her work out clothes were cute. I asked her where she got them. She kind of fidgeted and mumbled out something..."What?" I asked. She then replied "WalMart." Oh, ok I get it. She was embarrassed to admit that she got her clothes there. I mean ...
I'm learning so much from this post Sharon. It's funny but my mom just passed along to me the current People which features Sandra & her baby. (so happy for her!). Have you read it yet?
If nothing else, celebs bringing attention to various methods of adoption generates some great discussions.
Outstanding post.
Adoption is Not a Contest
Last week's news that actress Sandra Bullock had secretly adopted a beautiful African American baby boy named Louis made me smile. C'mon, who doesn’t wish America’s Sweetheart the best, after all the heartache that cheatin' dirtbag put her through? Unfortunately, as the mother of three intern...
Ivory, thank you for pointing that out. When my daughter was younger she did have "smaller" parties because she wanted girls only. But I made sure she invited ALL the girls from her class. It breaks my heart to see some girl cliques already (though I'm sure this happens to boys too!) in kindergarten.
Rox, I love the hiking idea! And it's free. How awesome is that? But since I constantly drag my kids out on hikes they may want
to do something else lol.
I tell you, it's stress enough just DECIDING what to do for your kids' birthdays!!
A Big Birthday Party, is it worth it?
I’m of the mindset that as far as birthdays go, bigger isn’t always better. By bigger, I mean those huge expensive birthday celebrations that include the entire class at Chuck E Cheese. I really can't bring myself to justify spending over $500 a year on each child (I only have 2, can't even i...
So true so true!! The smaller parties I had as a kid were so much fun. That's so great your family is able to come to your son's birthday. My sister & her family are the only relatives who live close by.
We had a blast though so I have no regrets. But we certainly won't be doing this every year!
Thanks for your comment
A Big Birthday Party, is it worth it?
I’m of the mindset that as far as birthdays go, bigger isn’t always better. By bigger, I mean those huge expensive birthday celebrations that include the entire class at Chuck E Cheese. I really can't bring myself to justify spending over $500 a year on each child (I only have 2, can't even i...
Oh Nicole, I don't think you should feel gulity one bit! I think everyone can relate.
Thanks for commenting.
A Big Birthday Party, is it worth it?
I’m of the mindset that as far as birthdays go, bigger isn’t always better. By bigger, I mean those huge expensive birthday celebrations that include the entire class at Chuck E Cheese. I really can't bring myself to justify spending over $500 a year on each child (I only have 2, can't even i...
I love those Star Wars shirts. We only
have the stars wars Lego one from Target.
Although my son doesn't care too much what I dress him in, I don't have him wear boutique or designer stuff. He thrashes his clothes!! Always gets wholes in the knees
of his pants.
I have quite a few pieces of Mini Boden I need to Ebay (used to have an Ebay store), but I'm so burnt out on Ebay!
The Kid in the Star Wars Shirt
Quick, spot the kid in the Star Wars shirt! At any given date and time, at any given location, there will always be at least one kid in a Star Wars shirt. A boy, usually. If there are two boys wearing Star Wars shirts, they will stop and stare at each other's shirts. Sometimes, one boy will u...
Wow, your school goes all out. We have the staff appreciation day where we bring food but no group effort for teacher appreciation week.
I hope your school has a special day just for outstanding volunteers such as yourself. We have a wine and cheese event scheduled with our principal in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to it!
Celebrating The End of Teacher Appreciation Week
I cherish our public school teachers – I truly do, but this whole Teacher Appreciation Week has got me whooped. As a room parent in our elementary school, it’s my job to oversee the coordination of this annual effort in my child’s – make that children’s – classrooms. Three classes, three won...
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