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Alesia Zorn
Portland, Oregon
"I put words on things!"
Interests: calligraphy, mixed media art, book binding
Recent Activity
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Mar 15, 2010
My favorite color runs anywhere from chartreuse to olive green, definitely more of the yellow-green than the blue-green. For me, green is a very fresh and lush color and, as a red-head, a necessity. To punch it up, I usually use teal or turquoise and sometimes a splash of orange to really make it pop!
Be the 1st To Own A Signed Copy of Signature Sasha: Magnificent Weddings by Design
Right now, only about 7 people in the entire world have seen this book and here is your chance to be in the First 10 readers. This coming Monday, December 21, I am receiving a very small allotment of books, my publisher's holiday gift to us. It is from this allotment that I am excited to off...
That is beyond cool - great job, Emee!!
From Oregon Bride Magazine - "The cutest wedding favors" - A Loterìa-inspired wedding favor
Did you catch our feature in the most recent Oregon Bride Magazine? We were asked to put together a unique favor with uniquely Northwestern local ingredients and design. Working with Roopal Shah of 1st Comes Love, we had a ton of fun creating this Loteria-inspired wedding favor with a tattoo/roc...
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