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Dara Renton
Manage the team who work on TPL's web and interactive services.
Recent Activity
An update on the account redesign project
One of our main projects over the past year has been a redesign and rebuild of the account section of the library website, with a focus on making it mobile friendly. Some of you have helped us out by participating in usability testing and providing feedback on design mockups, so... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2015 at Digital Library Services
Hi Moptop,
Sorry, no light to shed. The issues of OCLC and other consortia Library related issues are not in the web team's bailiwick .. sorry we can't be more helpful.
Opening up our data - after all, distributing information is what we do
The Toronto Public Library is working to open up its data for people to use. After all, distributing information is what we do. By enabling Torontonians to access and use the information that the library has, including its branch location information, program and event information and the cont...
Gabriela - thanks for the comment. You make a good point. We'll look at it.
Catalogue - your feedback so far
We knew that using the web as a feedback mechanism and engaging in online consultation was a pretty good idea but we are really pleased to see how good a job it does at connecting us with our customers and ideas. Already we've received a great tip that will help our Linux community (thanks Matt...
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