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Mimi Pond
Interests: I love good graphic novels like Fun Home, Maus, and Persepolis. The rest can pretty much go to hell. I am working on a graphic novel that will probably take YEARS to finish. I have been a professional cartoonist and illustrator for over 25 years. I have written and illustrated five books, and my cartoons and illustrations have appeared in publications too numerous to mention. I also wrote the first episode of "The Simpsons," and an episode of "Pee-wee's Playhouse" but when that turned out to be not how most tv shows got written, I lost interest. I am almost finished with a screenplay I have been working on with my writing partner and glamour technician.
Recent Activity
The Customer is Always Wrong is the continuing saga of art-student-turned-waitress Madge, as she attempts to navigate her way through the moral swamp of the late 1970s and early 1980s in an atmosphere of sex, drugs, rock and roll, and eggs. Surrounded by a tribe of charismatic, epic underachievers, Madge struggles to forge her identity as a cartoonist outside the all-consuming madness of the Imperial Cafe. Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2016 at Mimi Pond
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May 25, 2013
Mimi Pond is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
This looks awesome. Definitely on the genius breakfast of the day list. I don't want to continue to harp on the poached-eggs-not-being-a-big-deal thing, Adam. It's one of those skills I assumed was beyond me for years, as much as I adored poached eggs. Then one day I got out my super-duper Mauviel copper pan that I rescued from a thrift store (proudest possession!), filled it with water, poured in a dollop of white vinegar, let it boil and cracked my eggs directly into it. I let them cook for about 3 minutes, then I use a spider to lift them out and drain on paper towels before setting them gently on whatever my genius breakfast of the day is! No big deal! But I too am a devotee of Smitten Kitchen. PROPS!
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