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Colleen Schaan
I am a teacher, writer and artist.
Recent Activity
Debbie, this looks so amazing sitting on my mantle... thank you SO much! I love it. It's even more gorgeous in real life!!!
Toggle Commented Apr 20, 2015 on I Love You More Than Coffee! at Thinking Inking
1 reply
Sorry Beth! Got it updated with the direct link now.
Rachel, Columbus is now posted!
Carrie, I'm so glad you will be attending! Yes, the marker kit listed for the Intermediate class is the list of markers that we use in our class. We will be supplying markers for students to share, but sometimes students like to bring their own markers to eliminate waiting for certain colors. You don't have to bring your own, but if you want, those are the colors we will be using.
Gorgeous card! Love the soft feel and the coloring is beautiful!