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Brett Williams
Recent Activity
Recommend Scott Lincicome, "The Obscure Maritime Law That Ruins Your Commute" If any of you have ever wondered about para 3(a) of GATT 1994 the first sentence of which provides: The provisions of Part II of GATT 1994 shall not... Continue reading
In the 3rd sentence of that comment which begins on the third line, please delete the 5th word of the sentence "the".
1 reply
The draft agriculture text has nothing in it - What a laugh! I wonder if some of you have had a chance to look at the text produced by the Negotiating group on Agriculture for MC12 The text dated... Continue reading
To find the submission, go to this page Summary of Australia's involvement in disputes currently before the World Trade Organization | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ( and scroll down to find this link DS-598 Australia's First... Continue reading
I recommend this terrific article "How the WTO Changed China" by Yeling Tan (Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Oregon) in the March/April 2021 issue of Foreign Affairs. It reminds us that the... Continue reading