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Rodney Twelftree
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Whooo, brave choice of outcome there Mark. I haven't seen Hereafter yet, so I can't comment, but I'd disagree with many of your comments about Bruce Willis in TSS. I thought Willis showed a fantastic restraint in his performance, completely captivating and genuinely better than Toni Colette - although I agree he was out-acted by Osment.
Interesting outcome, which means I'm gonna have to check out Eastwood's latest to see if I agree!
Hereafter (2010) -vs- The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Smackdown. I hope Clint Eastwood lives forever. After "Gran Torino," he vowed to stop acting. He didn't promise to stop making films, and we are lucky for that. He's been on a creative tear the past two decades: Oscars for "The Unforgiven" and "Million Dollar Baby," various nominations for...
I'm going to go against you here Beau.
I think Inception lacks the characterisation quality of Dark Knight, if only for the poorly concieved supporting characters of Nolan's latest work. I don't buy into the argument of those other Inception characters being given short thrift intentionally, because to me that's just an excuse for bad writing. I think the overall accomplishment of Inception is better than Dark Knight, but the lack of characterisation in Inception is what will ultimately see it not able to stand the test of time like the Batman sequel.
Great review, as usual though.
Inception (2010) -vs- The Dark Knight (2008)
The Smackdown. Christopher Nolan. "The Dark Knight." That's all about you need to know when it comes to how "Inception" has been marketed, a film whose title could easily be mistaken as "From The Director of The Dark Knight" as its actual title. "Inception" and "The Dark Knight" are two mov...
Sarcasm noted. TTRL isn't subtle. It's art-house pretension of the highest order. I like character development as much as anybody else, I just don't get that out of Malick's movie. All I get is a sore bum waiting for something.... anything... to happen.
Thanks for the sarcasm though, I needed some of that! ;)
Saving Private Ryan (1998) -vs- The Thin Red Line (1998)
The Smackdown. War is hell. And until Steven Spielberg got involved, we'd never really experienced war through the eyes of a soldier. We'd come close, with filmmakers as diverse as Coppola and Oliver Stone all giving us their interpretations, but it always seemed to be at a safe distance. Th...
Wow, Mark, you focussed almost entirely on the acting in both these films.... which is something I'm not sure the film-makers were trying to worry about! I would disagree with you that Predator is "as step slow", I felt it was perfectly edited to build suspense. The action, akin to Cameron's use of action and dramatic tension after a slow buildup in Aliens, comes hot and heavy during the final act of Predator, which is a great payoff for the gradual killing of the mercenary crew sent into the jungle.
I haven't seen Predators yet, but I will be doing so soon. I hope it lives up to the big plaudits you've given it!!
Predators (2010) -vs- Predator (1987)
The Smackdown. A couple of months away and the Smackdown arena feels largely unchanged: More romantic vampire / werewolf romps, something else with Jonah Hill, another "Iron Man." And what's this? A remake - more or less - of another Hollywood staple: the Human -vs- Alien Smackdown. That te...
Agree with you on "Duplicity," Sherry. Folks, if you haven't seen "Duplicity" yet, then can I urge you to do so! I watched it on the weekend and was more than impressed with it, much more so than another Jason Segel "comedy".
Duplicity (2009) -vs- I Love You, Man (2009)
Grown-Ups: Romance versus Bromance The Smackdown. Finally, we’re faced with a weekend of hard choices at the movie theater. Fresh and new and full of promise. The long cold winter of my cineast’s discontent is over. No more dutiful catching up with all those earnest Oscar winners and also-ra...
Finally got around to seeing "From Paris With Love", and I have to say I agree with all of your statements here Bryce. Both films have a high entertainment value, although "Taken" pips out "Paris" with a little more intelligence behind the screenplay. Both are worth a look, though.
From Paris with Love (2010) -vs- Taken (2009)
THE SMACKDOWN. Watch out when the American CIA comes to Europe in any movie made by the collaboration between French filmmakers Pierre Morel and Luc Besson because the body count will be high and the local infra-structure will certainly suffer. While both of these films let their leads hunt d...
I don't normally disparage people on this site, but you're an idiot. That doesn't even make sense.
The Dark Knight (2008) -vs- Batman (1989)
Which Joker's Wilder? The Smackdown. This is a championship match, sure to incite and divide. It's Gotham's defender's revered cinematic debut in Tim Burton and Sam Hamm's Batman versus the sequel to Christopher Nolan's & David Goyer's Batman Begins. But it's also a rare chance to see two g...
I actually enjoyed the first SATC film, a lot more than I expected. By the sounds of this, and by some of the clips I've seen, I will skip the sequel until I get a freebie at the DVD rental store.
Sex And The City 2 (2010) -vs- Sex And The City (2008)
The Smackdown. Harmless fun. A trifle. Stop thinking so much. Lay back and enjoy it. I would if I could but I can't. I'm a feminist. I'm a mother. I'm a writer. I'm a critical thinker and a sentient being. And I can't help it. I don't like stupid, offensive, unfunny pieces of jerry-rigged, ha...
I hate to be cruel, but if Jonah Hill doesn't watch it, he's going to go the same way as John Candy. Although, now that I think of it, John Candy was actually funny. Jonah Hill is just fat and obnoxious. Emphasis on "noxious". I have no desire to see "Greek", while "Almost Famous" looks like the Mona Lisa next to monkey scribble by comparison.
Get Him To The Greek (2010) -vs- Almost Famous (2000)
The Smackdown. Okay. So. Here's the thing. I'm a middle-aged woman. I'm not cool. I'm not hip. I probably never was. I don't drink or use drugs myself, and neither do my two daughters. Our straight-edge sobriety is not a decision based on religious convictions, I assure you, but I'll reserve ...
Just caught An Education last night on DVD. I have to say, I thought it was a wonderful film. I haven't seen Single Man yet to comment on the result, but anybody who hasn't seen An Education yet needs to do so immediately.Great review as usual!!
An Education (2009) -vs- A Single Man (2009)
The Smackdown. It’s 1962, stylishly retro and way cool. TV’s Mad Men have paved the cultural way for two more stellar entries in the Sex And The Sixties pantheon. With the swinging sixties looming right on the horizon, Los Angeles college literature professor George (Colin Firth) and sixteen y...
Fitzroy, I lack the vocabulary to tell you what my brain is thinking of you right now. I suggest that you are incapable of coming up with anything creative on your own, and thus must resort to baseless insults to start some sort of flame war.
My suggestion?
Go back to whatever intellectually shallow gene pool you spawned from and save the film analysis for people with, oh, a brain.
The Dark Knight (2008) -vs- Batman (1989)
Which Joker's Wilder? The Smackdown. This is a championship match, sure to incite and divide. It's Gotham's defender's revered cinematic debut in Tim Burton and Sam Hamm's Batman versus the sequel to Christopher Nolan's & David Goyer's Batman Begins. But it's also a rare chance to see two g...
Great. I wonder now if I'm in the "mindless" category....
Greenberg (2010) -vs- The Squid And The Whale (2005)
The Smackdown. Indie darling Noah Baumbach presents two convincingly dysfunctional little worlds you might want to visit but probably wouldn't want to inhabit. The tendency is to assume some autobiographical bent, but that approach won't lead you anywhere you need to go. It's probably best whe...
Yep. With you on that one.
Independence Day (1996) -vs- The War Of The Worlds (1953)
Last year here at Movie Smackdown we got the idea to see what readers thought was the Best Alien Invasion Film of All Time. We thought that the genre really broke down into two sections -- "Classic" and "Modern." And so we did what we always do in these cases, we put it to our readers and let ...
Except in Michael Bay films, story will always be more important than special effects. Glad you enjoyed Robert!
Independence Day (1996) -vs- The War Of The Worlds (1953)
Last year here at Movie Smackdown we got the idea to see what readers thought was the Best Alien Invasion Film of All Time. We thought that the genre really broke down into two sections -- "Classic" and "Modern." And so we did what we always do in these cases, we put it to our readers and let ...
If you appreciate good storytelling, you will.
The Results of Our 2009 Sci-Fi Poll
With the Oscars done, we close down our Movie Smackdown poll about what was the Best Sci-Fi Film of 2009. It was a good year for sci-fi respect in that two of the ten Academy-nominated films for Best Picture were sci-fi and one of them, "Avatar," is now the most successful film at the box off...
I am ashamed to say I've never seen either of these films. I shall have to rectify this immediately.
Great review Mr Sanchez!
Repo Men (2010) -vs- Repo Man (1984)
The Smackdown. First off, "Repo Men" -- despite its name -- is not a long overdue follow-up to the cult favorite "Repo Man" from 1984. What the current thriller shares with "Repo Man" is, well, a similar title. The earlier movie celebrates edgy characters, memorable language and a comic sensibi...
Sure Karl, I have heard of it, and (a while ago) seen it. I guess I should have been more specific in my opening statement: perhaps I should have intimated that perhaps we'd never seen the blood and fury of battle through the eyes of a soldier, quite like this.
Saving Private Ryan (1998) -vs- The Thin Red Line (1998)
Telling Old War Stories The Smackdown. War is hell. And until Steven Spielberg got involved, we'd never really experienced war through the eyes of a soldier. We'd come close, with filmmakers as diverse as Coppola and Oliver Stone all giving us their interpretations, but it always seemed to b...
I tend to agree with you Sen, re your comments on how realistic/believable CGI is at displaying convincing emotion. I would disagree somewhat that people hate on Avatar (and Wall-E) because it displays us in a negatve light: I think the most positive comments have come from the fact that both films inherently DO show us in a negative light, a kind of moral compass in action, if you will, to try and ensure we as a species don't go down that route.
Personally, I think the emotional content of the CGI "avatars" and creatures was pretty well dones, particularly some of the work done on Zoe Saldana's character. I can understand WHY Sherry perhaps doesn't appreciate it like you or I do, but that doesn't mean her opinion on it is any less valid from a characterisation point of view.
On the subject of Tim Burton, I agree with you wholeheartedly: Burton needs to get away from simply darkening down classic stories and try something truly original again. I think his Batman Returns was the best of the four 90's franchise films, and as close to the true nature of the character as was possible at the time. Otherwise, I've been consistently let-down by his films, from Sleepy Hollow, Planet of The Apes, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory and everything post-Edward Scissorhands, his last truly unique film. Since then, it's all style over substance.
And if the dreadful marketing campaign for Alice in Wonderland is any indication, I'm going to be let down again.
Alice in Wonderland (2010) -vs- Avatar (2009)
The Smackdown. Two 3D films are fighting for space on your neighborhood movie screen right now. I've seen both, and I've picked my clear favorite. Both films feature fantastically imagined worlds of CGI, exhilarating mixtures of live action and special effects. One is based on a classic of chi...
Woops! You're right Rick. Thanks for the pickup. Consider that corrected.
Equilibrium (2002) -vs- The Matrix (1999)
Reality Fights The Smackdown. Life (or our perception of it) changed ten years ago with the release of "The Matrix." Its game-changing depiction of apocalyptic conflagration drew people to the cinema to witness one of the medium's most profound seismic shifts in decades. Somehow, somewhe...
Damn you Michael Bay!!! Oh, wait, wrong website. Oh dear....
My favourite Scorsese film ever is Bringing out The Dead. Awesome film!!!
That said, I cannot wait to see Shutter Island, and now it looks as if another fine film must grab my attention, The Ghost Writer.
Excellent review once again Sherry!
The Ghost Writer (2010) -vs- Shutter Island (2010)
The Smackdown. Two master directors chose islands off Massachusetts' coast as the stormy settings for their wildly dissimilar suspense films. Forsaking subtlety for shocks and surprises, Scorsese tells a stylized story of the incarcerated criminally insane; storms rage crazily inside and out o...
I'm with you on 3D. Yawn. Over it already.
Alice in Wonderland (2010) -vs- Avatar (2009)
The Smackdown. Two 3D films are fighting for space on your neighborhood movie screen right now. I've seen both, and I've picked my clear favorite. Both films feature fantastically imagined worlds of CGI, exhilarating mixtures of live action and special effects. One is based on a classic of chi...
They should have let Sacha Baron Cohen do his bit. might have made it more interesting. Poor Ben Stiller died out there!
The Academy Awards 2010
My two cents. The evening flowed better than most. Still, if I were in charge, I'd make some radical improvements. This Sunday evening quarterbacking is my sport; forgive me for carping. Completely predictable awards. Mostly. More than usual. I'm usually ridiculously accurate in predicting, b...
Hear hear. The organisers even sat Cameron right behind Bigelow at the ceremony, as if they were waiting for the fireworks to start!
I am so glad Avatar didn't win, because there were other films in the Ten Best that were better. Haven't seen Hurt locker yet, but I will soon!
What the Academy Thought of AVATAR...
Basically, it looks like they pretty much thought "Avatar" was a gimmick. The best-performing gimmick of all time but not a "real film." Whether that judgment will stand the test of time or we'll be looking back on these Oscars years from now wondering what was up with "The Hurt Locker," who...
You've opened Pandora's Box here Bryce! If Superman and Clark ever needed to appear "together" to show the world they were two different people, Clark always brought out one of those Super Robots he made and kept in the Fortress Of Solitude. I assume his Super brain would think of something like this anyway.
I always enjoyed the fact that everybody assumed Superman, who didn't hide his identity by using a mask, was Superman 24/7, and that Clark was just somebody who resembled him a bit. It's the conceit of this concept that kept the comics going for so long. Of course, having Clark and Lois as a couple, with her knowing "the secret" takes the pressure off logic hounds to explain it all.....
Honestly, if you're going to make a "realistic" Superman a la current comic-book films like Batman and Iron Man, I'd have Lois and Clark get together so we don't have to worry about it. Plus, it'll put a new angle on Lois's angst whenever Clark goes into battle with a super-powered arch enemy.
Great article nonetheless....
Superman -vs- Clark Kent
How clueless do you have to be to not realize that Superman and Clark Kent look exactly alike? That's the question for the ages -- something that has haunted every version of Superman since he debuted as a comic book character in 1938. His was one of the original "secret identities" and the con...
I loved the costuming in Young Victoria. In fact, I really loved Young Victoria overall... And I still haven't got to see Sherlock yet, though that may have to wait til BluRay....
Costume Guild Crowns Young Victoria
SMACKDOWN-UPDATE: No surprise here. The Costume Designers Guild has awarded Sandy Powell for her impeccable period work in "The Young Victoria." Academy voters saw fit to ignore Emily Blunt's stellar performance but did the right thing in nominating Powell. While the Academy rewards only one f...
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