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Homosexuality has impacted the church in the 21st century like we have never seen before in history of the Christian church. We are witnessing many Christians calling themselves gay. Many pastors are teaching that its okay to be a homosexual and to practice homosexual living. The Episcopal church allows pastors... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2019 at prophetstephen
You may not even know that you have a reprobate mind. The reprobate mind is spoken about in the New Testament in the book of Romans 1:28. This chapter speaks about a certain people being so rebellious against God’s word that he finally gave them over to a depraved mind.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2019 at prophetstephen
My prophetic gift has become like second nature to me. I don’t know how to live without it. I have been able to pick up on some specific information such as names, dates, numbers, times and locations. I even see or communicate with dead people and yet I am not... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2019 at prophetstephen
Homosexuality is a topic in which many pastors and Christians find to be complex and not easily understood. However, does it have to be that complicated? It is possible that homosexuality is passed down from generation to generation. It seems to grow stronger with every generation that it is passed... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2019 at prophetstephen
The prophetic calling is an anointing that is put upon your life. I received my prophetic call as a boy. Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2019 at prophetstephen
Life is unpredictable and problems suddenly lurk out from the dark to pounce upon us. When we are confronted with life’s biggest challenges, it leaves us flustered and confused, sad. Sometimes, we feel lost and cannot come up with solutions on our own. This is when we realize and must... Continue reading
Psychic reading is one of the most common concepts today. Almost everyone is aware about this concept and try to learn more about this. The conception of acquiring or having psychic skills has always enthralled various people. There are millions of people who are curious to get psychic readings and... Continue reading
The word astrology is known to every one and it is one of the most common forms of psychic readings that are practiced by various psychics. Still a question that is asked by many people is- what is astrology exactly? The meaning of astrology according to dictionary is the study... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Being a Full Time Psychic
Human beings are not entirely in control of their future or of their lives because we don’t know what event is going to take place in the times that are going to come. The quest to know the unknown fate or future has give rise to different process like reading... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Astrology Signs
Clairvoyance means “clear vision” and it’s generally used in reference to a person who gains clear vision by using extra-sensatory perception (ESP) about a person, spirit or an incident. Although it has been highly debated if clairvoyant abilities are real, the genuine clairvoyants or psychics have repeatedly proven their worth... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
God created man and along with it was created the soul, the mind. These two things together not only helped man to think, love, hate, perceive each and every emotion of himself but also of every other being he is surrounded with. Psychic abilities are inborn. Each individual is born... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
A psychic mentor is a person who can guide you to become as fully fledged psychic reader. A person cannot become an expert psychic reader overnight just because he has psychic power. He needs to take guidance from the expert and start working under him. A psychic mentor can be... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
The connection with a psychic can be called positive when you are getting good vibes from the person sitting on the other end and giving you advice. When you are contacting a psychic, you should always believe your instinct to choose the correct psychic. You should feel positive about the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
Have you ever been to any psychic? If so, you are probably not the only person who has visited a psychic to know their fortune. There are hundreds and thousands of people out there who are curious to know their future and laboriously believe in this art since the earliest... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
We live in a world where there are so many things we don’t completely understand. Psychic concept is one amazing example of an obscurity that has enthralling mankind for many years. psychic, in general term, refers to the mind. Every human being is psychic to some level. This is a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
Many people have different types of misconception about the psychic readers and their supernatural power. You need to understand psychic activity to know about the different aspects of these practices. A psychic is actually a person who has the power of sensing paranormal incidents. This includes the spiritual energy that... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Live Psychic Readings
Psychic reading is popular today and many people use it for understanding their future. There are more than one ways of understanding your future as there are many types of psychic reading available. Astrology, tarot cards, dream interpretation are few of the famous types available to the user. Earlier only... Continue reading
A psychic is a person who can read mind of a person. A psychic is supposed to have strong intuition or what we call the sixth sense. They have better visual as well as thinking power compared to most of us. There are many people have sixth sense or powerful... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2015 at Being a Full Time Psychic
What do you read when you first open your newspaper in the morning? The most common answer would be your daily horoscope forecast. This is true for most of the newspaper reading population throughout the world, not just America. Daily astrological forecasts give you a general idea about your sun... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2015 at Astrology Signs
Sometimes life treats you like a stepchild and hence, you get a step motherly treatment every now and then. This treatment, of course, gets to you and there comes a time when you want to break the shackles of your daily drudgeries. However, luck is not on your side or... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
Do you have premonitions? Perhaps you keep thinking about someone and then suddenly meet them? Or maybe you have intuitions that can’t be explained but come true? Things you experience which are out of normal can make you feel scared or secretive. The fact is that experts insist everyone is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
There is no dearth of conspiracy theories and prophecies in the world. The whole world is aware of the prophecy of the world coming to an end in the year 2012 according to the Mayan calendar. While there are many other prophecies that are doing the rounds, the question remains... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2015 at Free Psychic Readings
Is a psychic gifted is a big question for people who know less about psychics. Still there are many people who do not know what psychics can do. A psychic is a person who has more than 5 senses as compared to the normal person. Psychics can bring lots of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2015 at Live Psychic Readings
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