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Anthony Madigan
I help businesses sound like they're run by human beings. Somebody has to...
Interests: Rearing vegetables, cultivating a daughter, and avoiding confusion in writing wherever possible.
Recent Activity
It's been a while. A gap in blog posts was always likely given my history, but there we go. I didn't do it deliberately. At least, the rational part of me didn't do it deliberately. It was the part of me that's not making progress with the book. Blogging is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2013 at The Pain in the Art blog
Writing a synopsis can be fun. really. Just pick your moment. Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2013 at The Pain in the Art blog
I haven't blogged in a while because I've been away. It's not an excuse (life's too short for excuses); it's just the reality of my working life at the moment. But a self-funded business development trip to Hong Kong was a great opportunity to soak up the essence of a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2013 at The Pain in the Art blog
Isabel, Thanks for the comment and your interest. I'll look out for your own observations on the process - we're all in this together, as they say. As for the regular comments, we'll have to see - my record isn't great. It's a useful prop to the revision process, though. I find it actually makes it easier to absorb and apply what I'm learning as I go. Whether that will make for entertaining or informative reading is another matter. Keep in touch, and good luck.
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2013 on Clearing the mists at The Pain in the Art blog
With the help of a professional review by the incomparable Gillian Stern - more of this later - I've come to understand that the list of good points about my draft is buried under a steaming pile of fundamental uncertainties (or uncertain fundamentals, depending on your point of view). Genre... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2013 at The Pain in the Art blog
Finding the heart of a story Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2013 at The Pain in the Art blog
I've written a book and it's not very good. There, I said it. I'm giving it one last chance, because I have reason to believe that it has some redeeming features. I have plenty of other things to do if it doesn't work out, but it's been a saga and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2013 at The Pain in the Art blog
Emma, Belatedly I've discovered your blog and its enjoyably chewy posts (as if 2 trips to FoW in York and a Twitter follow weren't enough of a prompt). I've timed it well too, as I'm now going to you use some of these points in some upcoming revision work. I will undoubtedly be back for more pointers before long (fending off mid-revision alcoholism etc.).
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Mar 15, 2010