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Michael Eury
Practical ideas for learning that sticks!
Interests: learning, bike riding, cooking, mac computers, keeping the garden looking good in times of drought, enjoy most sports, barracking for the tigers in the afl.
Recent Activity
...I have to admit, my immediate thought when he came out with 'work is learning and learning is work' was 'he's read that somewhere'
But, I'm pretty sure (certain actually) that he doesn't secretly read blogs and books on learning in his spare time :)
Now, as far as writing your next article Charles, if he could use Minecraft to communicate the article's message I'm sure he'd be up for it!
70:20:10 through a beginner's mind
One of the lovely things about life is seeing your children grow up and show interest in the world around them. A few days ago my 10 year old son looked over my shoulder as I was reading a blog post by Charles Jennings titled From Courses to Campaigns : using the 70:20:10 approach. Tom is becomi...
70:20:10 through a beginner's mind
One of the lovely things about life is seeing your children grow up and show interest in the world around them. A few days ago my 10 year old son looked over my shoulder as I was reading a blog... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2016 at stickylearning
Performing through design
Jane Hart raises an excellent point with her post, Learning without Design. It's a really interesting question as I think a lot of the focus on design (in the L&D world) comes from traditional 'instructional design' approaches where the formal... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2014 at stickylearning
Learning Evaluation - good or good good
There's always a lot of talk in the L&D community and in businesses about how to meaningfully evaluate learning. For years the evaluation of learning in workplaces has been driven by the Kirkpatrick model and it's 4 levels. Let's all... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2013 at stickylearning
Thoughts on informal learning
It doesn't matter if you are old/young, experienced/inexperienced. Performing well in your career is never a static knowledge/skills position. To continue to perform well requires continuing skills and knowledge growth, we are always beginners. The way we grow IS mostly... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2013 at stickylearning
Thanks for the great feedback Clare! I chose to use Prezi for this presentation as I think it helps to show the holistic, connected nature of design far better than a typical PowerPoint slideshow.
Some more posts are on the way, hope you like these too!
Learning & Design Thinking
This post and the later part(s) (I'll post later) are designed to accompany the visuals (below) from my session at the AITD 2012 conference. The posts are more or less the words that went along with my presentation, adding depth and detail to the quick succession of images in the presentation. M...
Learning & Design Thinking
This post and the later part(s) (I'll post later) are designed to accompany the visuals (below) from my session at the AITD 2012 conference. The posts are more or less the words that went along with my presentation, adding depth... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2012 at stickylearning
Learning and Design Thinking - an introduction
Just over a month ago I was given the opportunity to present a session on 'Learning and Design Thinking' at the Australian Institute of Training and Development's 2012 conference in Sydney, Australia. I structured the session by following my own... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2012 at stickylearning
It's interesting how alternate terms for those who design learning are appearing. I like the idea behind 'Learning Architect', it does, as you say, bring in cooperation across disciplines. I suppose my leaning towards Learning Designer is that it is descriptive of what I do, I design learning (not instruction). Architects are lucky that they have their own special term that describes someone that designs buildings/spaces.
Both Learning Designer and Learning Architect do however steer the conversation towards the holistic and away from narrow formal training definitions, so we're on the same wavelength there!
We are Learning Designers
Let me explain why I don't call myself an Instructional Designer - I do a lot more than design instruction! To me the word instructional brings forth notions of teacher led instruction in formal education settings. Chalk and Talk, Tell and Do, information being 'pushed' from the facilitator to ...
Hi Taruna
A late reply to your comment, sorry :) The influence of outside specialities in an are I'm quite interested in. Overall I think that it is because we are all designers in some way that we see links between architecture, graphic design, interaction design, service design and so forth. We are all seeking to find solutions for a defined problem.
Your link to the desire paths post is great, thanks. I reminds me of the saying, "pave the cow paths" (and I should remember who said this, but don't).
Touching the Earth Lightly - 10 thoughts for learning design
As someone who makes his livelihood by designing and facilitating learning experiences for businesses I should encourage all businesses to design bigger. Bigger, longer workshops, more complex online learning, more post-workshop mentoring and more assessments of all sorts - in all ways possible ...
We are Learning Designers
Let me explain why I don't call myself an Instructional Designer - I do a lot more than design instruction! To me the word instructional brings forth notions of teacher led instruction in formal education settings. Chalk and Talk, Tell... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2011 at stickylearning
The step-wise evolution of Social Learning
For a few months now this post has been bouncing around my head. It's been through a number of diferent forms until earlier today I read a science article that brought it all together for me. The article I read... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2011 at stickylearning
Touching the Earth Lightly - 10 thoughts for learning design
As someone who makes his livelihood by designing and facilitating learning experiences for businesses I should encourage all businesses to design bigger. Bigger, longer workshops, more complex online learning, more post-workshop mentoring and more assessments of all sorts - in... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2011 at stickylearning
Great post Garr! Traditional lecture theatres were great when the only way to hear from the expert was to load up a large room and let him speak. We're past that now, we can all find the basic information any time and any place we like. So, if learners are still to gather in rooms then the best thing they can do is to talk to each other, question their understanding and if there is an 'expert' on site she can tailor her responses appropriately.
The need for connection & engagement in education
Anyone who wants to make better presentations should be interested in how people learn. If you are interested in how people learn, you are obviously interested in education. And if you are interested in education, you surely have strong opinions about schools and other institutions of formal ...
Design with, not for.
I've had a short phrase stuck in my head now for a few weeks, in fact it is stuck so well that I have found myself using it numerous times when speaking with clients. The phrase is: Design with, not... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2010 at stickylearning
My Top 10 'Learning' books from 2010
Another year comes towards to an end and its been another year of great reading for anyone with an interest in learning. Once again I have read from a wide range of areas, all with something to add to how... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2010 at stickylearning
Hi Holly
Yep, agree with you, there are definitely a number of benefits from using social media at conferences. I follow others when they're at conferences that I can't attend and whilst it's not as good as being there I still get a taste of the presentations, ideas and sometimes some really good links. Within a conference it does build connections between people and engagement generally.
Thanks for stopping by!
What's wrong with Tweeting at conferences?
OK, here's my short follow up post as promised in my last post on the recent AITD conference! Let's get to the point, I went to the conference primarily because of sessions keynotes and workshops on the use of social media in learning - a real interest of mine. (as you saw in my last post I did ...
(Learning) Design with Intent
A few months ago I came across an excellent and free resource that I have now used parts of when designing learning solutions for clients, it's called "Design with Intent" and is the creation of Dan Lockton (a PhD student... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at stickylearning
Ryan, yes, this is a question that is often raised. Will people use social media for learning? Certainly there can be no sense of compulsion on employees, encouragement yes, compulsion is less helpful. This is all about informal learning, people finding answers for themselves from other people they work with. I reckon we do all do this right now. So much of what I've learnt when working in workplaces has been through 'chats' with others, it didn't feel like learning but I learnt!
Social spaces just provide another place to do this. It also means that in businesses with a workforce spread geographically you are able to access a broader range of people, ideas and knowledge. The social space becomes a repository of business knowledge, accessible upon demand.
At the end of the day it comes down to how the business builds a culture around social media. Then the more people try it, find answers they were looking for (or even answers they weren't looking for) and meet others with shared interests/challenges, the more people will just use it, naturally. Just as they very naturally chat with the person in their own office.
Social Learning - this is how it can look!
Let's begin with some context to this post! Like many of my blog posts the ideas come when two or more ideas collide in my head and I think, Mmm, that's interesting. Writing the blog post itself is one of the ways I get my thoughts in (some sort of) order. Right now I'm reading an excellent book...
Social Learning - this is how it can look!
Let's begin with some context to this post! Like many of my blog posts the ideas come when two or more ideas collide in my head and I think, Mmm, that's interesting. Writing the blog post itself is one of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2010 at stickylearning
Yes, many people are drawn to lists, they like their structure. And yep, lists can definitely help all of us with memorisation, facts and processes (and getting things out of your head!) But, if you like to 'play' with ideas lists do not encourage this, that why mind mapping and other creative processes are great to link ideas and see connections.
I'd say that the world we live in has a bias towards certainties, lists make things seem more certain. I say that lists are the enemy of learning because for me learning is about creating new links, new ideas in your head.
So yes, use lists, but encourage creativity. For students who adore lists, build in creative activities that help them to also see how these can help them to see problems in new ways.
Lists are the enemy of learning!
I have to begin here by saying, I've never been a fan of lists, I like things a little more 'free-form', I find lists stifling. Lists put an artificial order on things, they say, after doing/reading this, the next 'logical' point is X. To make matters worse, we tend to prioritise lists by placi...
I know what you mean, download out of your head onto a list. A lot of the time however that list and others structure so much of our time leaving little or no opportunity for free creative thought. So much focus on productivity so little time for creativity. However I do agree with you, structure can have some good when it builds an opportunity for time off the grid!
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Lists are the enemy of learning!
I have to begin here by saying, I've never been a fan of lists, I like things a little more 'free-form', I find lists stifling. Lists put an artificial order on things, they say, after doing/reading this, the next 'logical' point is X. To make matters worse, we tend to prioritise lists by placi...
Lists are the enemy of learning!
I have to begin here by saying, I've never been a fan of lists, I like things a little more 'free-form', I find lists stifling. Lists put an artificial order on things, they say, after doing/reading this, the next 'logical'... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2010 at stickylearning
Informal Learning and Black Swans
Stickylearning got stuck! If you've been reading my blog since it began early two years ago you will know that I like to read. I like to challenge how I think about things, books and blogs are a couple of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2010 at stickylearning
'A veteran' Janet! OK I've got quite a bit of grey hair but..... :)
5 great speakers from the AITD conference - a summary of ideas
A couple of weeks ago I flew up to Sydney for a few days to attend the Australian Institute of Training and Development's 2010 conference. I'd seen the program 6 months earlier and thought that there were a few sessions that looked pretty interesting. I'll give you a bit of a summary in this pos...
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