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Jody Pearl
Recent Activity
Oh dear - having been bitten by a Dachshund I know how terrifying that can be! As with all your decisions this one will be the right one too.
Toggle Commented Dec 3, 2011 on Creative Advent-ures at Bliss Beyond Naptime
I already thought you the best mother on the planet and now I feel like the worst - in 26yrs of being a mum and 3 goes at it, I've never once had an Advent Calendar in the house. I'm gonna make the BEST Grandma! You've reminded of a comment a doctor made years ago in relation to my son - that every childhood illness is a milestone and the child once recovered will have matured a little - he was right. When these guys were little I used to look forward to them being well, not just because I'd maybe get more sleep but because I couldn't wait to see the subtle changes reveal themselves. I'll pre-empt the next comment by apologising for over stepping the mark with a doggy comment that you really didn't ask for, while standing over here waving & smiling at Craig. We had a Dachshund which became aggressive when a small child entered the home and as the newest member of the family was the small child, the small child got to stay. Do you get 'Jack Russel's' over there? They're a small dog, full of energy & fun, fantastic with children and famous for their ratting & snake killing abilities - not sure how they'd fair with bears though. Have a great weekend!
Toggle Commented Dec 2, 2011 on Creative Advent-ures at Bliss Beyond Naptime
My youngest daughter (10) has always been a discerning reader extremely particular about the style/genre of book she read ie. no girls own adventures or princess stories and quite often will swap books with the boys in class. Off the top of my head the constants at age 8-9 were, 'The Floods'by Colin Thompson, anything by Andy Griffiths, Terry Denton & Morris Gleitzman and Diary of a Wimpy Kid was right up there too. As her style matures & changes some things will always stay the same - you can't beat quality and this morning I found her in bed with a pile of Dr Seuss books!
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2011 on the boy who loved to read at assemblage
1 reply
Readers are leaders!
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2011 on the boy who loved to read at assemblage
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Beautiful sentiments Amy - something to aspire. Happy Mothers Day!
Toggle Commented May 7, 2011 on happy mother's day at angry chicken
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Oh, look you're singing! Your beautiful silk top is perfect and you look very content & comfortable wearing it.
Toggle Commented Apr 30, 2011 on Transformation... at Lebenskuenstler
Beautiful way to introduce the girls to the masters - when anything is fun you can't help but absorb it.
Toggle Commented Apr 30, 2011 on triptych art project at angry chicken
1 reply
WooHoo - this looks beautiful and I imagine will feel delicious on, just the thing for brightening up the cooler months ahead. My thoughts (how could I resist such an offer) - keep it simple & follow your instincts - which ever one sings the loudest.
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2011 on Over-Dyed... at Lebenskuenstler
The week before she died I'd penciled in Friday night in front of the TV watching the advertised, Taming of the Shrew. It started to howls of distress from the family however after about 15mins they all sat as mesmerised as I. She was soooo beautiful and such a fantastic actress that you could not take your eyes off her and of course knowing the history of her and Richard made the watching all the more entertaining.
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2011 on Liz and her fashion at Claire Kennedy Design
1 reply
They're lovely Nicole - you'll knock their little woolly socks off tomorrow!
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2011 on Another Sample... at Lebenskuenstler
I'm enjoying watching your dyeing journey - you're so organised...but then you would be. Thought immediately of you when I heard this book being reviewed the other day Cheers, Jody
Thanks for the mention Nicole, appreciate the acknowledgment and link. I love that you are combining your felting with the REinventions - makes them uniquely yours!
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2011 on Saturday... at Lebenskuenstler
Glad to hear you're safe - hope the others fared well. We could see it however it missed us by miles!
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2011 on What a Storm... at Lebenskuenstler
As yet I haven't listened to the recording - it's comforting knowing it's there and that one day I will be able to listen to her again, maybe even shared with my youngest who is fast becoming into the keeper of family stories.
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2011 on My inheritance at Poppalina
1 reply
I can see exactly what you mean. Everything has its own place and would have its own story - I'd especially like to know the significance of the little soy fish on window sill?! My Grannie died last year and I made a point of taping her in conversation a couple of years ago because I wanted to always have a record of her voice. I now wish I had taken some candid photos of her hands as everything she did with them was done with love. Now after reading your post I'd like to have had images of her aesthetic - my memories will have to do. Thanks for sharing.
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2011 on My inheritance at Poppalina
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That sucks with a capital F! Good luck with it and don't settle for anything less than you deserve.
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2011 on Eviction at Poppalina
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It's the missing pieces that make us see the things that we might miss if the holes that they create didn't make us look... My Gran died late 2010, in her 100th year and her passing has meant many wonderful memories have filled that missing piece. Happy Anniversaries and keep those Traditions alive! ps. I love love love your stones & I know if I had my very own I would have trouble putting it down!
Toggle Commented Dec 23, 2010 on a wish at assemblage
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She's gorgeous Nicole - I'm intrigued to watch the scene unfold.
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2010 on Finally... at Lebenskuenstler
My mentor (from years ago) called this 'putting the baby to bed'.
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Yum - definitely giving that a whirl this Christmas - thanks for sharing!
Toggle Commented Dec 9, 2010 on the perfect chocolate mousse at assemblage
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That's the best garment I've seen made from the Drape Drape Books and the skirt is stunning. Your sense of style is matched by your generous spirit - one of my sewing ladies mentioned that she & her daughter caught up with you on a recent visit to Melbourne. I'll let you know when I'm coming back!
Toggle Commented Dec 6, 2010 on little | lotta at assemblage
1 reply
Happy Birthday and congratulations to you both! We've recently entered the Twilight Zone here with issues of respect, responisibility and TATTOO'S! I totally agree with your comment that communication is everything - keep the dialogue happening and the storm will pass.
Toggle Commented Nov 5, 2010 on Friends 4 Eva at Poppalina
1 reply
Fascinating - I'm looking forward to part two!
Yes it's on a list.
Toggle Commented Oct 29, 2010 on Poultry Wars at Poppalina
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