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France in a beautiful village, in the golden stones country, 30 mn from Lyon
I use my creativity, generosity and passion to boost international women leaders to communicate with enthusiasm and deliver results
Interests: storytelling, creativity, comics, poetry, novels, biographies, myths, antropology, mindmapping, archetypes sculpting, women networks, passionate about reading from children books to philosophy essays, etc... also love playing with my children, swimming in the seas and in the wild rivers, audio podcasts of almost anything, baking cakes and cookies, exploring languages, chocolate and dreaming..., translating and sharing ted videos, creating stories and reading them, illustrating stories
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ByeBye Typad, Welcome WordPress!
Geronimo has moved to Word Press Now! Join us from now on at
A très bientôt! Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
marion added a favorite at Geek And Poke
Sep 1, 2010
Empowering Women: Brussels Workshops
Imagine spending every day doing something you love! Dorothy Dalton and myself will help you kickstart start your journey or re-vitalise one you’ve already started. Two part workshop to be held in Brussels, Belgium CREATE YOUR DREAM! DESIGN YOUR LIFE... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
I'm so thrilled that you commented here, Marcia.
This article was one of the most personal and means a lot to me.
Sharing my vulnerability and my life's path, my doubts.
One year after, I'm definitely in the Artemis energy and also the Athena, embracing powerful changes and leading more and more trainings around the world, always from my soft Demeter's heart :-)
I'm eager to explore your own archetypes in the Wander Woman, and discover other aspects of my personality!
Cheers to you!
Demeter or Artemis?
After reading Steve Roesler 's post "Work-Life Balance Isn't",I was reminded these conflicting representations of Women Archetypes I have always had in my mind. Demeter is the Goddess of grain and fertility, the pure. Nourisher of the youth and the green earth, the health-giving cycle of life...
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Randall Krause submitted a comment on "Empathy Is The Invisible Hand"
Thank you, Randall. How did you guess it was also MY favourite part? LOL!
Yes, changes start with a vision and it can be a dream as crazy as that one!
We need dreamers and doers!
Empathy Is The Invisible Hand
via Take 10 minutes of your day to stop, breath and watch this awesome animated presentation. It's combining excellent input with the latest studies on the evolution of civilizations, empathy and mirror neurons, and at the same time you can see, thanks to the talented cartoo...
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Chris Bennett submitted a comment on "Empathy Is The Invisible Hand"
Thank you Chris. Yes, drawing allows oneself to express so much better the “invisible” links and emotions.
But I’d also love to draw like that. That would be fantastic for my next presentation!
The solution is to hire a professional, like Martin Shovel and Martha Leyton, at !
Nice to see you here, Chris?
Empathy Is The Invisible Hand
via Take 10 minutes of your day to stop, breath and watch this awesome animated presentation. It's combining excellent input with the latest studies on the evolution of civilizations, empathy and mirror neurons, and at the same time you can see, thanks to the talented cartoo...
Empathy Is The Invisible Hand
via Take 10 minutes of your day to stop, breath and watch this awesome animated presentation. It's combining excellent input with the latest studies on the evolution of civilizations, empathy and mirror neurons, and at the same time you... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] ava diamond submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
Excellent question, Ava!
Yes, having in mind our Focus and what we really want, boosts our action.
On that, I’m going to design my own Vision Board for the week and for June, which will pass too quickly if I don’t really pay attention to what I really want... Thanks for this essential reminder!
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Feistywoman submitted a comment on "I'm Yours"
That’s exactly the purpose, Ava!
For all the feisty women :-)
I'm Yours
Sunday post- Radiant Day- I'm beaming with happiness and wanted to share it with YOU! I've got this song stuck in my head: I'm Yours , from Jason Mraz, and the lyrics are simply beautiful. So I figured I would tweet them, and send a link to the You Tube Video. Then I asked myself: why not ju...
Get Ready for The Future: Open Leadership
Open: How Leaders Win by Letting Go Today, Monday, May 24th , is the official launch date of Open Leadership, by Charlene Li. Here is the introduction to the book. It includes a case study of how the American Red... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
marion is now following Caroline Underwood
May 23, 2010
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Jane Perdue submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
Thank you for this enthusiastic comment, Jane, like usual, I can count on your support.
Matthew Arnold’s quote is very timely, and I think you will enjoy my next post, that I will publish Thursday.
It feels good to belong to a community of men and women who share the same passion and ideal for diversity and transformation of the workplace. Let’s make it so, dear Jane!
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
I'm Yours
Sunday post- Radiant Day- I'm beaming with happiness and wanted to share it with YOU! I've got this song stuck in my head: I'm Yours , from Jason Mraz, and the lyrics are simply beautiful. So I figured I would... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Martin Shovel submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
As I’m answering each of these “treatscomments” backwards, 24 hrs after, I come to you last, Martin, and you were the FIRST!
Thank you for sticking with me after my shift from purely presentation techniques focused posts and tweets, to more communication in general and leadership...
You arouse my curiosity for Diane Abbot and I will “Google” her...Hope she comes to you and Martha for her speech! Is she on twitter? I may write a post about her. What do you think?
And I like your “Oxbridge” reference...
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Mary Wilson submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
Mary, your comment here reminds me of why I write about so many different styles and cultures, so that we develop understanding and respect for diversity.
About your remark regarding the number of people Charlene Li follows, I understand it can seem at first a paradox and like she doesn’t really care to answer her “fans”.
However, it’s about personal choices, priorities, enhancing quality over quantity, and also depending on the objectives that you have when you’re on twitter.
Managing 34 997 followers is something I cannot even start to imagine!
Tweeting from the heart to 252 people you care for seems a challenge for someone as busy and famous as her!
We’re all different, aren’t we? :-)
Thank you again, Mary for your support and encouragements, very appreciated.
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Tanveer Naseer submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
Thank you Tanveer, who is competing for the most supportive women’s ambassador in leadership!
Again, you help me tremendously by speaking your voice here, as I believe women need to walk hand in hand with men in an innovative way. It motivates me to keep on bringing on examples, stories and role models, for next generation women , for our girls! (and I was thinking of your two girls, too!)
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Monica Diaz submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
How are you managing, Monica? Every post I read, and “think about” commenting, you’re almost always there before, and have left a smart comment!
You’re a living example of caring and active social presence!
I agree with the ratio, followers, following, what is most important is the depth and quality of the connections you choose to make, rather than the reciprocal follow.
I guess you’d be rather informal, in the way you present and speak, with a lot of warmth, empathy and presence!
Thanks again for taking the time to engage, with your intelligence, your humour and your heart.
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Allen Mireles submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
I’m a lucky girl,Allen, to be cheered and cherished by amazing women...The real proof, if needed, that women sisterhood is strong, alive and kicking! MERCIIIIIIIIIII!
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Gwyn Teatro submitted a comment on "Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion"
Thank you so much, Gwyn!
Reading comments like yours encourages me to keep on writing, when millions of “good excuses” come in the way. Very grateful!
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for the Innovator Style of Leadership, with Charlene Li....
Innovator Charlene Li Communicates her Vision with Passion
After another Spring break, ("le pont du mois de mai": "bridge" for long May week ends in France...), I'm back with an Inspiring Role Model for Women Leaders. Following up with my Women Speakers Series, here is another illustration for... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
Re: TypePad: [Geronimo Leadership Coaching ] Monica Diaz submitted a comment on "In A Silent Way : The Future of Presentations?"
Ah, great Monica!
I knew I would find someone who would follow me in that unconventional, futurist and challenging experience! Shall we book for next Stockholm unconference, Monica?
I also like what you say about first “immersing oneself”, like a sponge, and then engaging (“expressing” the juice from the sponge?!).
I have heard of Open Space Unconference and I’m very curious and interested by them.
For pollenate, it reminds me of Hildy Gottlieb, on Twitter, Author of 'The Pollyanna Principles: Reinventing Nonprofit Organizations to Create the Future of Our World'.
Here’s a tweet I adore from her “Just had a cartoon image of empowered Pollyannas - like the PowerPuffGirls. They'd chant "Pollyanna Power!" and head off to save the world.” :-)
Great comment, sparkling with generosity and new ideas, just like you, Monica!
In A Silent Way : The Future of Presentations?
The title is a reference to Miles Davis 's extraordinary piece "In a Silent Way". It is beautiful, fragile, fascinating. The tension is built up very slowly, by each of the musicians who are all intensely mindful of one another. We feel captured, raptured and taken to a blissful state... Would...
The idea is exactly that Dorothy : to be open to new media and keep the person at the center, very simply.
It's not about being old school, it's about remembering we are humans.
Thanks so much for joining me in this just reminded me the great gift I received for my birthday, with the virtual video birthday card. You did it, with a bunch of gentle and crazy others, and the effect was awesome!
Marion Chapsal
Geronimo Leadership Coaching
Helping Women develop Leadership and Communication skills in a Cross-Cultural environment
Twitter @MarionChapsal
Tel 00 33 (0) 6 73 70 53 09
In A Silent Way : The Future of Presentations?
The title is a reference to Miles Davis 's extraordinary piece "In a Silent Way". It is beautiful, fragile, fascinating. The tension is built up very slowly, by each of the musicians who are all intensely mindful of one another. We feel captured, raptured and taken to a blissful state... Would...
In A Silent Way : The Future of Presentations?
The title is a reference to Miles Davis 's extraordinary piece "In a Silent Way". It is beautiful, fragile, fascinating. The tension is built up very slowly, by each of the musicians who are all intensely mindful of one another.... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
How to Ease You into Achieving your Goals? One step at a Time!
This morning, I had a wonderful workout running session. It took only 30 minutes of my day, and it made me feel great for the rest of the day. You maybe saying, "no big deal", everybody exercises, runs and don't... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2010 at Geronimo Leadership Coaching
How heart warming it is to receive so much encouragement and cheering from the whole world!
Thank you for stopping by and joining our crusade for girls and women!
I know I can count on you on board!
A New Beginning: Here Comes Geronima!
After a Spring break, I'm back with my Women Speakers Series, ready to blog about Women, Leadership and Creativity. Women in big corporations, or women entrepreneurs? Women learning to play the rules in a men's world or women creating their own rules, in a new world? What about new learning, ...
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