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Erin S.
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Back-to-School 2.0 - Enter to Win!
Back-to-School Upgrade: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks to Kick Off the School Year. It's the most wonderful
I'm dying for an iPad - my kids have become so accustomed to finding their way around the "world" through their iTouch apps that a larger screen would mean more room to play with the information and technology that's available to their generation. Research was never that easy or accessible when I was a kid!
Back-to-School 2.0 - Enter to Win!
Back-to-School Upgrade: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks to Kick Off the School Year. It's the most wonderful
I'm just catching up on posts and this one is darling. Your picture is GORGEOUS, not just because of the dress and the artful photography, but because you are GLOWING! Congrats!!
I do...
I did. I took the plunge. Tied the knot. Got hitched. I am married. Everyone asks "how does it feel?", "does it feel different?", "are you happy?" Well after two weeks and two days of wedded bliss my answer is I am happy and it does feel different. How does it feel different? Let me count the...
Thank you, Alicia. I know that the hardest part will be after the memorial, when we have to move forward without Max.... Thanks for reading this.
The Art of Letting Go
These are the two most influential people in my husband's life: his younger brother Max and his father Isaac. Isaac passed away three years ago, the result of complications during a surgery. He'd been ill, had had cancer, had beaten it, had had liver damage, had beaten it... he'd been a fig...
Bravo, Elise. It takes guts to say what's REAL in a relationship after a decade of marriage, and I appreciate your honest description. Nothing that's worthwhile can maintain its initial "high." Going the distance and staying "enduringly married" beats a red-hot (dare I say FAKE?) romance any day. Give me a few kids, a lovely husband, and an army of awesome girlfriends: that's my perfect combo!
Happily Married?
I love my husband, but I can not in good faith call us happily married. Most day annoyingly married, frustratedly married, even tiresomely married, would be a better description. We do not walk around beaming at one another all day. When we get to take a vacation with our friends we're happy ...
Moving In with Grandma
Consider yourself warned: the next thing you read may be shocking. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my family has moved into my mother-in-law's house temporarily. But that's not the shocking part. Are you ready? I'm loving it. Admittedly, when we realized... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2010 at LA Moms Blog
Great post, April - thank you so much for helping all of us (especially moms of young girls) learn from your experience. I may be going against the grain to say this but, as a mom, I would write a few letters to the counselor, the assistant principal, the principal, and the district about this experience. Put it all on record. There is so much research about girl bullies - and even the death of that girl that was all over tabloids recently - that the counselor's missteps must be taken seriously and corrected. She is there to counsel the students, not just punish them. Thank goodness your girls have you as their advocate!
What I don't want my daughter to learn in school
I'm dealing with a situation right now with my 12-year-old that has me fuming. And I admit, I made my mistakes, too, in this dilemma. I told my daughter to talk to the school counselor. I simply wasn't prepared for what would follow. My daughter told me a couple of weeks ago that she had been...
I love this post, Sarah! It seems that most of us have to go through the phase of wanting to "do it all" or "be it all" at our kids' schools. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that if I selectively chose what I wanted to do, rather than what I felt I was being guilted into doing, I was much happier. My kids were happier. And I was far less resentful! Even so, I see so many great women (mostly women) burning out and getting resentful. I concur with you: if you can't volunteer from a loving place in your heart, let it go!
Just Say NO To Volunteering
What I am about to say is not very PC; so get ready: Moms, stop volunteering so much. Yes, you read that right. I am not encouraging mothers to volunteer in their schools, churches or communities. Quite the opposite: I am asking them to stop doing it. What’s wrong with me? I know you’re aski...
The Hair Whisperers... remember that name, just in case! I loved this post - lice is a FACT OF LIFE in schools and camps... I wish it weren't so, but it is!
Itchy and Scratchy
I love my kids and I feel like I'm a pretty tough mom, but if my kids come home with lice I'm going to move out. I don't know what it is about lice. I know there are other bugs living on our skin, but I can't see them or feel them. I've been puked on and peed on, I've had my son rub his eye la...
Authenticity - that's what makes your posts so easy to enjoy. Thank you for validating my feelings - and for feeling your own so truly, madly, deeply!
I'd rather be real
There's been a lot in the pop culture realm these days about being happy, being grateful, and even settling. I've decided I'd rather be honest. By freeing myself to feel anger, sadness, and frustration, I found that I love my life. And I don't have to fake it. There are times that my life fe...
Oh I love this post. Not only are the snack shacks filled with unhealthy items, but the things that pass for "snacks" that parents hand out after games are atrocious. I finally started bagging up my own grapes and granola bars (some of which, I know, are only marginally healthier than a Snickers at 8 am) for the team snacks. "Where are the donuts?" one kid asked me after a soccer game. "Go ask your mom," I said. Not my job to fill you full of sugar. And trust me, I'm NOT a bastian of austerity in food and my kids eat way too much sugar for my taste, but enough is enough. Thanks for the post!!
Snack Attack
When it comes to Jamie Oliver and his food revolution, I am so in. In case you missed it, the so-called Naked Chef is leading the fight against childhood obesity, specifically by taking to task the American school system for the crap they serve in the cafeteria labeled as nutrition. He has alr...
Ooohhh... I'm the worst person to comment on this because I can TOTALLY get into my alone time, but I love this post. I relate to the wanting your time alone... and then knowing that you need them back after a few days. I can go for three days without even wondering what my kids are up to (when I know they're with people who love and care for them), but when I hit Day 4, I get a little cuckoo, too. Fun post!
I love you, now leave me alone
These past few years blogging, I have written hundreds of posts about my kids. Bragging about them, obsessing about one problem or another, trying to do better for them. Before I blogged (and now), I've had thousands of conversations about parenting them; about what parental involvement should...
Thank you, Cheryl, for weighing in. It is an ESSENTIAL part of the school experience to have a caring librarian running the library. Period.
Public School Libraries Are Not "Extras"
I know our public school district is trying its darndest to cut back on all the "fat" in the system and I am trying to keep an open mind. But last week, when it was announced that ALL library aides in LAUSD might be cut (which also meant that their libraries would be closed if proper district...
Such a good post. I love that book, too, but I agree with you: we must be utterly active listeners with our girls in order to raise the women that they CAN become. There is no reason why we have to take the "girls will be girls" mindset - they will rise to the occasion of being nicer humans if we expect it and believe in them as people (not just as girls). Good job, Mama April!
Drama, drama, drama
I'm reading Queen Bees and Wannabees by Rosalind Wiseman, and while I'm only halfway through, it has already provided much blog fodder! I'm reading the book to help my daughters with their schoolgirl dramas, but I'm learning some surprising lessons on how my own girlhood behavior had a long-la...
Great post! I would much rather have my kids eat baked goods made with REAL ingredients than from chemicals with a "nutrient" label.
Food For Thought or Can I Buy a Homemade Cupcake, Please?
Jamie Oliver is on a quest to teach us how to live longer and healthier lives. So are some of the school systems around the country including New York City and LAUSD. Jamie Oliver is a celebrity chef as well as a private citizen. His career was jump-started by showing how cooking could be si...
Good girl! Like you, I am a lifelong travel-luster. Since having kids, I have made two solo trips to Italy and the house was ALWAYS still standing when I returned. The thing that's changed since kids, however, is the homesickness.... So this year, we're all going to Europe together.
The important thing is this: you were able to get back to that part of yourself that could be immersed in traveling and being alone. Sometimes, that feels so lost when you're a mom, but it's there... and you found it! Great post!
Traveling Europe Solo
A distant relative passed away recently, and my husband suggested I travel to Switzerland to pay my respects. Two weeks, no kids and no responsibilities, traveling solo in Europe. Are you kidding?? I bought my ticket right away, in case he changed his mind. I spent the next week getting my...
Here's my thinking, especially with smaller kids: they will go through this phase and then they'll move on. My middle kid only wore princess dresses when she was 3; at age 8, she is all about fedoras, tees and intentionally ripped jeans. My older daughter rocked the tomboy look throughout 3rd grade and then told me she wanted skirts for 4th grade so she could be a "girly girl" (alhtough she's more of a preppy Annie Hall type, so it's not all frills and bows). My youngest daughter was all about one particular princess dress, leggings and purple cowboy boots when she was small; now she wears only leggings and t-shirts. Honestly, I love their evolution. They know that their clothes must be clean and age appropriate, but beyond that it's all their style. And I have to say, as their individual senses of style have developed, they've received compliments from friends and teachers that have reinforced their confidence about their appearance -- a great value-added bonus!
What's Your Child Wearing?
I’ve been cringing as my daughter has made a stand about her wardrobe. She is adamant, that she will be picking her clothes from here on out. There is room for some negotiation, as far as weather and dressiness level, but she has final call on outfits. Which means she goes out A LOT looking ...
Not only is this FUNNY, but it's so well-written. Amy, you are a gem of a writer and comedian. Your daughter is SO lucky to have you!
Rich Dad, Poor Mom
The new 2010 Forbes "Richest People In The World List" just came out on March 10 and I was shocked and embarrassed to discover, once again, I'm NOT on it. Whaaat?! Seriously, if they had a "Most Money Spent On Pony Rides" or Highest Number Of Times Purchased the Wrong Size Socks For Their Chil...
Powerful post - thank you for opening my eyes. I have always been suspect of the "massage" parlor thing... and you are right to wonder. A friend of mine found credit card charges for a "massage" parlor on her husband's bill and guess what? It wasn't a massage...
Human Trafficking
Before I moved to Los Angeles I didn't think about human trafficking much. When I did imagine it, what I would piece together in my mind from movies and random bits of news was the picture of a 20-something Eastern European woman. Since I've moved to Los Angeles, I've become involved with a gr...
I LOVE this! I wish my kids would have been color blind to the green juice vs. brown muck!! (Not that I'm knocking the brown muck - but I love the nutrition you've managed to sneak into them!) Honestly, girl, I think the little lies (e.g., Santa Claus, tooth fairy) are what keep parenting interesting. (That, and everything else that fills our days!) Keep it up and keep writing about it for our enjoyment.
Sweet Little Lies at Starbucks
A large part of my parenting strategy is based on a web of lies I tell my children. Yes, I've confessed it, felt bad about it, and now accept it. Some lies are for their benefit. Like how my kids think that the tradition on Halloween is to trick-or-treat around your neighborhood, and then put th...
This is an excellent discussion. At the beginning of the school year, one of our teachers (who is friendly, FB and otherwise, with many parents) wrote in her FB status about her frustrations in her new class in a new grade, etc. I didn't read it, but it caused concerns among the parents in her class, etc. Thankfully it didn't get full-blown (in my opinion) and I don't believe she was asked to stifle her opinions on her own FB page, but it did bring up the issues that you're mentioning. I know that you won't stop talking about the issues that concern you as a parent, regardless of the media or forum -- THANK GOD! But I'm irritated that your principal thought he had ANY right to bring it up with you. I'm with the other commenter who said that he should be addressing the issue that caused the message...
Who's Reading Your Facebook Account?
Recently my daughter had an incident at school with a teacher that was both shocking and upsetting to me as a parent and as a community member. As I struggled to resolve what it all meant, how to cope with it, and how to keep my cool, I turned to a carefully chosen group of people that I often...
OMG - Cheryl, I cannot imagine Vegas with you and Sally -- what a fun journey! I miss you girls so much - enjoy your weeklong crafting extravaganza! And don't think that your name didn't come to my mind when I saw back-to-back Gerard Butler movie posters at Blockbuster the other day....! xoxo Erin (from Cortona)
For the Love of Birdcages & Your BFF
Our last day in Vegas...junking in antique malls was on the agenda...after our breakfast at Hash House A Go Go we drove to Charleston Antique Mall. We found some trinkets...rosaries...rhinestone pins...old perfume bottles...old clock...nothing major. Next stop was the Red Rooster Antique Mall....
April, thank goodness its not just me! I am so grateful for
hindsight... you have no idea!
In a message dated 3/10/2010 1:32:56 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
Lessons from Our Baby Videos
It was raining and cold today, my husband was out of town, and the kids and I were looking for something to do, so I broke out some baby videos. They always ask to watch them but my husband and I don't love reliving those baby/toddler days. I'd like to think that it's because we like to live ...
Great post, April. Good reminder for us to stop talking, too, when the info is out there and the "talk-ee" needs to be the one to do something with it. Excellent advice!!
When the time for talk is over
I'm a huge believer in communication. I want my girls to come to me. I will endure inane stories about middle school friendships that are on-again, off-again because I want my girls to talk to me. I believe that an open door of communication does wonders for any relationship. Lately, however,...
Good posting, Sarah! I remember "the talk" with my mom and how weird and serious it was. My girls ask me stuff all the time and I decided no matter what it was, drugs or sex or rock-n-roll, I would just answer them honestly and appropriately for their age level. When they were small, I treated it all so seriously, but I realized that they only wanted to talk about the silliness of the actual anatomical parts... and I had to admit that they were right! Kudos, kudos... Keep sex out in the open, on the table... well, you know what I mean...
Sex Talk At The Dinner Table
"Mom, what's better to have: a penis or a vagina?" asked my 7-year-old son. "A vagina," I declared, adding quickly, "If you're a girl or a woman, that is! If you're a boy or a man, a penis is perfect to have," much to my male household's relief, I'm sure. Thus began a frank discussion of the m...
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