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Linda Sellers
Recent Activity
Tammy Munson! She is an inspiration to Military Wives and women in general!
Contest: Spouse Blogs
UPDATED/BUMPED: We are getting a lot of good suggestions for military spouse blogs. What we really need now are law enforcement/fire/rescue/other-first-responder spouse blogs. Please continue to make suggestions on all. Thanks. Spouse blogs are an important part of milblogging, for they t...
*not sarcasticating* I will love listening to your posts...I'll put you with Keith Urban {faints} on my iTunes...
In the Absence of a Sarcasm Font: Audioblogging
{Audioblog} Listen to or Download 'In the Absence of a Sarcasm Font' read by the author We recently published a post at Blog Nosh Magazine that suggested the word "sarcasticate" be added to our vernacular. "Sarcasticate" would be a verb and it would mean "to make something sarcastic" ...
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