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Tim Montgomerie
Editor of
Interests: Manchester United
Recent Activity
You've got me Tom. Guilty as charged :-)
Tim Montgomerie: Who would sell T-shirts like this? Who wears them?
These T-shirts are on sale in Top Man. Another sign of the coarsening of the British high street. Next time UKUncut occupy Philip Green's stores I'd almost be tempted to join them.
We are capable of here of addressing more than one topic Roddy;
Tim Montgomerie: Who would sell T-shirts like this? Who wears them?
These T-shirts are on sale in Top Man. Another sign of the coarsening of the British high street. Next time UKUncut occupy Philip Green's stores I'd almost be tempted to join them.
I've never been called a stylish man before Harry! Thank you.
[I was on my way to buy socks].
Tim Montgomerie: Who would sell T-shirts like this? Who wears them?
These T-shirts are on sale in Top Man. Another sign of the coarsening of the British high street. Next time UKUncut occupy Philip Green's stores I'd almost be tempted to join them.
Tim Montgomerie: Who would sell T-shirts like this? Who wears them?
These T-shirts are on sale in Top Man. Another sign of the coarsening of the British high street. Next time UKUncut occupy Philip Green's stores I'd almost be tempted to join them.
If you believe that the legal establishment is conservative you are about fifty years out of date.
Newsnight's economics editor wants programmes cut and assets sold to protect BBC staff pensions
BBC Newsnight seems to provide the most militant of the BBC strikers. Michael Crick, the programme's political editor, said “I haven’t listened to the Today programme. I regard listening to or watching the BBC as strike breaking.” Wow. I wonder what he thinks of left-leaning journalists like Ste...
Newsnight's economics editor wants programmes cut and assets sold to protect BBC staff pensions
BBC Newsnight seems to provide the most militant of the BBC strikers. Michael Crick, the programme's political editor, said “I haven’t listened to the Today programme. I regard listening to or watching the BBC as strike breaking.” Wow. I wonder what he thinks of left-leaning journalists like Ste...
I assure you that ConHome has no plans to go behind a paywall. Honest!
Free The Fink
I hope The Times' paywall works and not just because it offers free-to-air blogs like ConHome new opportunities. It was James Forsyth who pointed me to the customers of Starbucks, clutching their £2-a-go coffee frappuccino and a free copy of the Metro. If people are willing to pay for such luxur...
Perhaps, perhaps.
Free The Fink
I hope The Times' paywall works and not just because it offers free-to-air blogs like ConHome new opportunities. It was James Forsyth who pointed me to the customers of Starbucks, clutching their £2-a-go coffee frappuccino and a free copy of the Metro. If people are willing to pay for such luxur...
Banquo: your comments are becoming like confetti, they're everywhere on the site but are pretty thin. Please consider making fewer but more weighty and considered contributions.
The Sun blasts the BBC as "the pompous voice of defeated socialism"
The Sun carries a full page story today on how "a jobless 22-year-old portrayed by the BBC as a helpless victim of benefits cuts has admitted he REFUSES to work - because he is better off on the dole." The newspaper then carries a long leader blasting the BBC for its coverage of the cuts: "The...
Yesterday'sPanorama was good but exceptional.
What 'right-wing' questions would you like interviewers to ask?
Further to my post on BBC institutional bias yesterday, I'd be glad of your help in drawing up a list of 'right wing questions' for interviewers. BBC, Channel 4 and other journalists seem programmed to ask 'red corner' questions. Why aren't you passing a law to outlaw X? Hasn't this problem occu...
Seconded Think This.
A look inside the new Spectator
I like it. No conservative magazine should be radically overhauled. The new design is fresher but hasn't tampered too much with a winning format. It's on sale from tomorrow!
You need to get a sense of humour "Richard" :-)
Lefties are messier than conservatives!
Washington's Mall after Obama's inauguration... ...and after Saturday's 'Restoring Honor' rally where tens of thousands (perhaps as many as 300,000) conservatives gathered: Hat tip to Andrew Bolt (essential reading for every clean living conservative).
If you're right that's more Lefties that should have picked up litter then jack :-)
Lefties are messier than conservatives!
Washington's Mall after Obama's inauguration... ...and after Saturday's 'Restoring Honor' rally where tens of thousands (perhaps as many as 300,000) conservatives gathered: Hat tip to Andrew Bolt (essential reading for every clean living conservative).
Absolutely fair. I wouldn't trust a racist as an adviser. Someone motivated by hatred of another person because of skin colour cannot be rational.
The American Tea Party movement's movie
I've long thought that the docufilms produced by the likes of Michael Moore, Al Gore and Morgan Spurlock are powerful ways of influencing public opinion and I'm delighted to see that American conservatives are fighting back with a movie of their own: The movie has its own website here. And mo...
Gibberish deleted.
The American Tea Party movement's movie
I've long thought that the docufilms produced by the likes of Michael Moore, Al Gore and Morgan Spurlock are powerful ways of influencing public opinion and I'm delighted to see that American conservatives are fighting back with a movie of their own: The movie has its own website here. And mo...
My reference to David Brooks had nothing to do with climate change but never mind :-)
On your wider point scientists are the authority on whether global warming is happening but economists and politicians are best placed to decide the costs of action/ inaction and the opportunity costs of fighting climate change for example rather than throwing all global will behind abolishing trade barriers.
Conservatives and climate change
Two of the world's best conservative columnists write at the very liberal New York Times. I often draw attention to David Brooks' work. Also worth bookmarking is Ross Douthat for his column and for his Evaluations blog. He has recently written two very thoughtful pieces on the (American) Right a...
"Tim Montgomery" the drug-busted sprinter, Henry?
Conservatives and climate change
Two of the world's best conservative columnists write at the very liberal New York Times. I often draw attention to David Brooks' work. Also worth bookmarking is Ross Douthat for his column and for his Evaluations blog. He has recently written two very thoughtful pieces on the (American) Right a...
That's strong Tom!
Who are the most influential centre Right thinkers?
In ConservativeHome's search for the most hundred influential people on the Right today, readers have already supplied nominations for influential journalists and yesterday for backbenchers. Today we'd like your nominations for influential think tank chiefs and other thought leaders including...
I think the influence of Mandelson and Campbell was pretty well known from early days but I take your point a full picture isn't possible now but that doesn't mean we can't attempt a first sketch.
Who are the most influential Tory frontbenchers not in the Cabinet?
In the fourth part* of our search for influential right-wingers I'm asking you to identify Tory frontbenchers (ie ministers) who are outside of the Cabinet but still have significant influence. You might, for example, like to nominate Greg Clark MP - in Eric Pickles' team - for his decentrali...
Now you've got that off your chest please address future comments to the topic of the thread.
Who are the most influential Tory frontbenchers not in the Cabinet?
In the fourth part* of our search for influential right-wingers I'm asking you to identify Tory frontbenchers (ie ministers) who are outside of the Cabinet but still have significant influence. You might, for example, like to nominate Greg Clark MP - in Eric Pickles' team - for his decentrali...
Off topic comment deleted.
Who are the most influential centre Right thinkers?
In ConservativeHome's search for the most hundred influential people on the Right today, readers have already supplied nominations for influential journalists and yesterday for backbenchers. Today we'd like your nominations for influential think tank chiefs and other thought leaders including...
Is he not on the Right of the political spectrum though Jerry? Even if the 'Centre Right'.
Who are the most influential backbench parliamentarians?
We began ConHome's search for the one hundred most influential people on The Right yesterday when I sought your nominations for journalists. Today I'm looking for nominations for parliamentarians who, not on the Westminster frontbench, have a big influence. And influence is the key criterion ...
Agreed it's a factor but 500,000 still buy the newspaper Bruce! You can be influential with a very small readership if you are in contact with the right people.
Who are the most influential Right-wing journalists?
The Telegraph, with Iain Dale, has for a number of years published a list of leaders of The Right - each year to coincide with the annual Tory Party Conference. It's always a fascinating list that attracts enormous attention. One of the few weaknesses of the list, however, is that it excludes...
Comment deleted. Argue constructively or go elsewhere Northern Monkey.
What is Right-wing?
Tomorrow, as part of ConservativeHome's summer programme we start our search for leaders of The Right. But before that search begins I readily acknowledge that the term 'Right-wing' leaves a lot to be desired and means different things in different countries. Satisfactory and unsatisfactory def...
Good nomination Andy. In terms of influence he also has the ear of Murdoch.
Who are the most influential Right-wing journalists?
The Telegraph, with Iain Dale, has for a number of years published a list of leaders of The Right - each year to coincide with the annual Tory Party Conference. It's always a fascinating list that attracts enormous attention. One of the few weaknesses of the list, however, is that it excludes...
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