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ellen wagner
Ellen Wagner is a learning technologist with a passion for learning innovations and student success.
Recent Activity
Dear JRA,
Percentage of mobile traffic on a single US network is very different than the number of mobile Internet subscribers on a global network. With all due respect, iOS adoption - iPhones and iPads - really haven't dominated to the degree you seem to want it to. Not yet, anyway.
Think global.
Reposting mLearnCon Flash vs HTML5 Debate Slides
Several people have asked about obtaining copies of the slide deck I referenced during the mLearnCon MOSH Pit debate on Flash vs. HTML5 earlier this month. As noted in my June 24th blogpost, I was fortunate that my friends from the Adobe Systems, Inc. Flash Platform team shared a copy of the "e...
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Mar 15, 2010
Hi Becky, As a matter of fact, I reconnected with Silke Mischke from the St. Gallen Design team. Of course we reminisced about our Vivi-adventures, and caught up on what some of the former Vivi team are doing these days. How can it have been 10 years ago...
Online Educa Berlin Trip Report
There's nothing like a quick three day trip from California to Germany and back to sharpen one's appreciation for"anywhere, anytime" distributed communications technologies. Even so, #OEB2009 was excellent this year - worth a little jet lag, which was easily cured with a few extra hours of slee...
I had one of those great big lightbulbs go off when it finally dawned on me that eLearning equals ID plus Technology. I know that's a simplistic representation, but really, those two things are what distinguish us from regular web developers or regular technical writers (not that there's anything wrong with either, of course.)
And yes, it's true that learning tech innovation is constrained by IT pros. But that's their job. They have to balance our desire for so-called innovation with the IT needs of the enterprise. Security and reliability rule.
If you accept that eLearning equals ID (applying learning to practice) + Technology, then it makes sense that maybe these guys are prospective customers of ours in the same way that HR and T&D people may be.
Thanks, all, for jumping in.
Perfect Storm? or Perfect Opportunity?
There's nothing like a good flurry of tweets to help crystalize some new insights. I've been reading lots of tweets, retweets, replies and even a few direct messages from people I follow commenting on today's sessions from #ASTD, otherwise known as the American Society for Training and Developme...
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