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Nick Rowe
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Dunno. I'm old enough to remember the 1970's, and to remember that oil price shocks, and lots of other non-monetary explanations, were close to being received opinion on the causes of inflation. But for the last 25 years, the Bank of Canada (for example) has used monetary policy to keep inflation mostly between 1% and 3%, despite all sorts of oil price, fiscal, and other shocks. And it's not even trying to stabilise headline inflation precisely at 2% in the face of those supply shocks.
*Any* shock *can* cause inflation, with the "right" (i.e. mostly wrong) monetary policy regime. E.g. if the central bank had an apple price target, a bumper apple harvest would cause inflation.
It is a surprise to most economists to learn that...
It is a surprise to most economists to learn that the outbreak of inflation in the 1970s was not due to central bankers and governments trying to exploit the Phillips curve to run a high-pressure economy. The most important shocks were the oil shocks. The second most important shocks were those t...
I tried to read Great Transformation as a grad student, trying to get some sense of critiques and alternatives to the standard economic approaches. Gave up after a couple of chapters. Far too unclear and far too long. Then I read a short clear article saying that peasants are rational economic decision-makers and therefore Polanyi was all wrong. And I really couldn't tell whether that did or did not contradict what Polanyi was saying.
Wanted: A Readable Polanyi...
For almost my entire adult life--since I was a sophomore, IIRC--I have thought that the key social theorist for our age is neither Marx nor Mill nor Toqueville nor Weber nor Durkheim, but rather John Maynard Keynes. Now I think, I am slowly swinging around to thinking that the key social theori...
Thanks! I think I would start with Fisher (with M fixed), then go on to Wicksell by making M endogenous. A Wicksellian central bank offers an unlimited amount of loans of M at an interest rate r, and the AD curve either becomes vertical (for a downward-sloping IS), or becomes very thick (for a horizontal IS).
**Should-Read:** A (mostly) smart piece by Nick...
**Should-Read:** A (mostly) smart piece by Nick Rowe. But it is not wrong to start with Knut Wicksell, as long as you get to Irving Fisher. And C+I+G+(X-M)=Y is a way of starting with Wicksell--that's why John Hicks called it the "IS Curve". Many might find it clearer to start with Fisher (I cert...
Well, for one thing, I=S is a bad place to start doing macro because it leads even very smart and competent people like Philip Cross to get muddled!
But there are other reasons too. I give some in my old post that is linked in this post.
Links for 12-07-16
The Bank of Japan at the policy frontier - VoxEU When the Checkout Lines Go Away - Justin Fox Economics of Gentrification - Tim Taylor The Future is Uncertain, but So Is the Past - Carola Binder Monetary Policy and Durable Goods - Barsky, Boehm, House, and Kimball Employment fell because o...
Damn. Gotta be careful using >
Trying again:
Keynesian macro assumes Ys > Y = Yd (except at full employment, where Ys=Y=Yd)
Links for 12-07-16
The Bank of Japan at the policy frontier - VoxEU When the Checkout Lines Go Away - Justin Fox Economics of Gentrification - Tim Taylor The Future is Uncertain, but So Is the Past - Carola Binder Monetary Policy and Durable Goods - Barsky, Boehm, House, and Kimball Employment fell because o...
Instead of the ex ante ex post distinction, I prefer to think of it this way:
Think of the market for apples, in micro. There are 3 quantities: Qd (quantity buyers want to buy); Qs (quantity sellers want to sell); and Q (actual quantity bought-and-sold).
And if exchange is voluntary, so Q=min{Qs,Qd}, then either Q=Qs or Q=Qd, so we are down to 2 quantities being different.
Keynesian macro assumes Ys
Links for 12-07-16
The Bank of Japan at the policy frontier - VoxEU When the Checkout Lines Go Away - Justin Fox Economics of Gentrification - Tim Taylor The Future is Uncertain, but So Is the Past - Carola Binder Monetary Policy and Durable Goods - Barsky, Boehm, House, and Kimball Employment fell because o...
Yes it's backwards. Just a typo.
How Seriously Should We Take the New Keynesian Model?
Brad DeLong: How Seriously Should We Take the New Keynesian Model?: Nick Rowe continues his long twilight struggle to try to take the New Keynesian-DSGE seriously, to understand what the model says, and to explain what is really going on in the New Keynesian DSGE model to the world. I said tha...
It was a typo. Swap "high" with "low".
How Seriously Should We Take the New Keynesian Model?
Nick Rowe continues his long twilight struggle to try to take the New Keynesian-DSGE seriously, to understand what the model says, and to explain what is really going on in the New Keynesian DSGE model to the world. I said that I think this is a Sisyphean task. Let me expand on that here: Now t...
Consider a more general model, in which (unlike the NK model) agents are not identical (so their expenditures and receipts of money are not perfectly synchronised willy nilly), and each agent has a chequing account at the central bank. At any point in time, some agents will have a positive balance, and some a negative balance (overdraft).
Define "gross money stock" as positive plus negative balances.
Define "net money stock" as positive minus negative balances.
(Both are zero in the NK model).
The central bank has 4 monetary policy instruments:
1. Open market operations, which change the net money stock.
2. Overdraft limits/colateral constraints, which change the gross money stock.
3. Interest paid on positive balances, which changes net money demand.
4. The interest spread (or premium) charged on negative balances, which changes gross money demand.
This is roughly how central banks (like the Bank of Canada) can conduct monetary policy, except they only allow commercial banks, not the general public, to hold chequing accounts at the central bank.
I *think* this might be the way to integrate the NK perspective with the ISLM perspective.
How Seriously Should We Take the New Keynesian Model?
Nick Rowe continues his long twilight struggle to try to take the New Keynesian-DSGE seriously, to understand what the model says, and to explain what is really going on in the New Keynesian DSGE model to the world. I said that I think this is a Sisyphean task. Let me expand on that here: Now t...
One useful thing we didn't know in 1978 was how to do sticky-price macro properly with monopolistically competititive firms. NK macro deserves credit for figuring that out, in the late 1980's.
How Seriously Should We Take the New Keynesian Model?
Brad DeLong: How Seriously Should We Take the New Keynesian Model?: Nick Rowe continues his long twilight struggle to try to take the New Keynesian-DSGE seriously, to understand what the model says, and to explain what is really going on in the New Keynesian DSGE model to the world. I said tha...
Hard to answer a question about what people thought would happen in circumstances ZLB, if they hadn't thought about it much (if at all).
I think if you had asked me this in 2007, I would have answered: a mix of 2 and 4.
[1 is problematic, because by assumption you can't follow 1. Also, for the Bank of Canada at least, they weren't strictly following a Taylor Rule, but looking at everything to target their internal forecast of inflation to 2% at an 18 month horizon.]
Has Macro Policy Been Different since 2008?
Was macro policy different after 2008? I interpret that to be the question: "Did macro policy follow the same rule after 2008 that people had presumed before 2008 it would follow in a true tail event?" To answer that question requires determining just what policy rule people back before 2008 th...
The Cuban government did seem rather good at finding a sequence of patrons willing to give or lend it money.
It's Fidel Castro's 90th Birthday!
Under Fidel Castro's rule Cuba bucked the historical trend--moving not toward but far away from political democracy. Under Fidel Castro it looks as though Cuba lost two generations of economic growth--generations that other neighboring economies like Mexico, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico made ver...
Played with pencil and paper. What I said above seems wrong; and what I wrote in my original post seems right. It seems it could go either way. Given strategic complementarities, it seems a priori equally likely there could be positive or negative externalities, at the margin, in equilibrium.
**Must-Read:** Smart theoretical point about...
**Must-Read:** Smart theoretical point about agglomeration. Situations in which we have strategic complementarity and negative externality are prisoners' dilemmas. But is there reason to think that such situations are in any sense typical in the case of human agglomeration? Isn't the natural pres...
Thanks Brad. "But is there reason to think that such situations are in any sense typical in the case of human agglomeration?"
Hmmm. Yes, I think there is. But I can only offer a geometric "proof" of my intuition (at least, I think I can). Unless you rig the indifference curves, I think the general case is that you end up with a PD, at the margin. I'm not sure though. Need to play with pencil and paper.
**Must-Read:** Smart theoretical point about...
**Must-Read:** Smart theoretical point about agglomeration. Situations in which we have strategic complementarity and negative externality are prisoners' dilemmas. But is there reason to think that such situations are in any sense typical in the case of human agglomeration? Isn't the natural pres...
anne: in my defence, I wrote that post (mostly) for finance people. And finance people will be very familiar with the particular math I do there (more familiar than I am). I was speaking the language they understand best (or trying to).
Links for 07-25-16
Two Good Men - Larry Summers Labour market recovery since the Great Recession - VoxEU Fiscal Stimulus, Korean Style - Brad Setser Some Simple Basic Money, for Finance People - Nick Rowe Physician liability and medical innovation - VoxEU Accident analysis and systems thinking - Understandi...
Thanks Brad. By the way, this was my way of modelling what Morgan Ricks was saying in his book.
**Must-Read: Nick Rowe**: [Adding More Periods to...
**Must-Read: Nick Rowe**: [Adding More Periods to Diamond-Dybvig: Fear of Illiquidity, Not Insolvency]( "We simply add an extra time period.... It's a friendly amendment... >...Agents are ex ante identical. Each agent has an endowment of apples. There is a cos...
Suppose you had an account at the "bank", in which you held shares in that same "bank". Like holding shares in a mutual fund. Is it really obvious you wouldn't be able to write checks on that account? (In the olden days the technology wouldn't be able to handle the frequent changes in the nominal value of your account balance whenever the share price changed, but nowadays?)
Links for 05-03-16
Neoliberalism - mainly macro Bernie's Bad End - Paul Krugman The uses and abuses of political funding - OECD Insights The History and Economics of Safe Assets (NBER) - Gary Gorton Reforming the Fed…and the RBNZ - croaking cassandra On the Importance of Fiscal Policy - Gloomy European Econo...
My theory: "Political economy" means "as opposed to domestic economy; the management of the resources of the polis not the domos". So "political" is now redundant.
Am I right?
The Phrase "Political Economy"
Google Ngram Viewer: **The phrase: "political economy":** **And with the phrase: "economics":**
"And as production falls businesses stop paying the workers they have laid off: incomes fall."
I think it is best to delete that bit. Because income from production of goods would fall when production falls, whether or not businesses stop paying the workers they have laid off, and whether or not they lay workers off or keep them idle on the payroll. The only difference that makes is to the distribution of income. Capitalists' profits are people's incomes too.
"They decide that they want to spend less and so build up their holdings of financial assets."
And we could have another round of our old argument about "financial assets" vs "medium of exchange". Maybe they want to build up their holdings of land? What matters is that they spend less medium of exchange to build up (at least temporarily) their holdings of medium of exchange.
What to Teach the Undergraduates About Business Cycles?
Let me promote this to "highlighted" status, and flag it: it is time I once again tried to think hard about just what the "macro" weeks of introductory economics are for: [Time to Start Teaching the Undergraduates About Business Cycles](
I Googled "dispositive", but it didn't help.
Fair enough, but a much more useful way to create accountability would be to replace inflation targeting with price level path (or NGDP level path) targeting. The Fed knows in advance it will be required to fix its past "mistakes". Bygones will not be allowed to be bygones. Permahawks (plus permadoves too, by symmetry) will become an endangered species.
**Must-Reads:** Perhaps the most frustrating thing...
**Must-Reads:** Perhaps the most frustrating thing about monetary policy making since the taper tantrum has been that we outsiders find that (a) asymmetric risks plus (b) uncertainty about the true state of the labor market and (c) uncertainty about the position and slope of the Phillips Curve ar...
I agree with John and Scott.
How can you (easily) explain (e.g.) why supply curves slope up without using a (curved) PPF?
**Live from Evans Hall:** Edgeworth Boxes and...
**Live from Evans Hall:** Edgeworth Boxes and Production Possibility Frontiers Edgeworth Boxes and Production Possibility Frontiers are two tools to help people grasp the excellences of a market economy in equilibrium. The Edgeworth box shows the possible gains from trade—and how a free market ...
Thanks Brad.
kaleberg: the math in my little model can be solved by a bright high school student. That is not the issue. It is understanding what it means that is the issue.
It was math/physics/engineer people who took the equations and dumped them into a computer without thinking about it that got us economists into this mess in the first place. What we need are philosophers with common sense. Economics is about people, with expectations, interacting with other people.
**Must-Read:** At least this has produced some...
**Must-Read:** At least this has produced some useful work in how to teach the ignorant today things about convergence to equilibrium that Frank Fisher, Tom Sargent, and many others knew very well back at the end of the 1970s: **Nick Rowe**: [Neo-Fisherian Equilibrium with Upper and Lower bounds]...
anne: I wrote a post on it, which I think explains it a bit more simply (though at much greater length):
'The Neo-Fisherian View and the Macro Learning Approach'
I asked my colleagues George Evans and Bruce McGough if they would like to respond to a recent post by Simon Wren-Lewis, "Woodford’s reflexive equilibrium" approach to learning: The neo-Fisherian view and the macro learning approach George W. Evans and Bruce McGough Economics Department, Uni...
Tom: interesting. But let's take a simple example.
Suppose each agent i has a reaction function
Y(i) = 2Y + e(i) where Y is mean Y(i) across all agents and e(i) is a mean zero iid shock. Large number of agents, simultaneous moves. There's a unique RE equilibrium Y=0, but it's not learnable by least squares. So you are saying that agents will learn that least squares is not a good learning method, and figure out that they must be living in a model with an "unstable" equilibrium, and all jump to it.
But here's another possibility. There are always bounds out there, somewhere. Like hyperinflation of hyperdeflation eventually make people give up on using money and resort to barter, or a different money (like Zimbabwe).
Suppose agents' actions are bounded in my simple model. Like -100 <= Y(i) <= +100. That now gives us three RE equilibria, and the outer two equilibria are learnable by least squares. So if we start near the Y=0 equilibria, with least squares learning, and agents eventually figure out that least squares isn't working, it seems far more likely they will jump to the nearest outer equilibrium, since they see that's where they are going anyway.
In other words, the passengers are far more likely to see that the boat is unstable, is going to capsize, and all jump off the boat, than all line up carefully along the exact centre of the boat. That's the reason that armies and navies spend so much time on drills and discipline, precisely to stop everyone rushing for the sides of the boat.
'The Neo-Fisherian View and the Macro Learning Approach'
I asked my colleagues George Evans and Bruce McGough if they would like to respond to a recent post by Simon Wren-Lewis, "Woodford’s reflexive equilibrium" approach to learning: The neo-Fisherian view and the macro learning approach George W. Evans and Bruce McGough Economics Department, Uni...
Yep. Good.
Good to see Peter Howitt's early work getting recognition too.
Slid over one point though. The Garcia-Schmidt/Woodford approach isn't really real-time learning like the Evans approach is. It's more like a Walrasian Tatonnement for expectations. Play doesn't begin until the auctioneer says "OK, that's enough iterations on expectations, I'm bored, let's start trading."
'The Neo-Fisherian View and the Macro Learning Approach'
I asked my colleagues George Evans and Bruce McGough if they would like to respond to a recent post by Simon Wren-Lewis, "Woodford’s reflexive equilibrium" approach to learning: The neo-Fisherian view and the macro learning approach George W. Evans and Bruce McGough Economics Department, Uni...
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