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Sharon Mesmer
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"Crossroads" by Takafumi Ide
For my last guest-blogging post, here is my friend Takafumi Ide's beautiful installation, "Crossroads": Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2010 at The Best American Poetry
This Day In History: Proposition 8 Overturned
"Although Proposition 8 fails to possess even a rational basis, the evidence presented at trial shows that gays and lesbians are the type of minority strict scrutiny was designed to protect. "Plaintiffs do not seek recognition of a new right. To characterize plaintiffs' objective as 'the right to same-sex marriage' would suggest that plaintiffs seek something different from what opposite-sex couples across the state enjoy -- namely, marriage. Rather, plaintiffs ask California to recognize their relationships for what they are: marriages. "Proposition 8 places the force of law behind stigmas against gays and lesbians, including: gays and lesbians do not have intimate relationships similar to heterosexual couples; gays and lesbians are not as good as heterosexuals; and gay and lesbian relationships do not deserve the full recognition of society." -- Judge Vaughn Walker Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2010 at The Best American Poetry
A Poet's Refreshment [by Sharon Mesmer]
"There is more refreshment and stimulation in a nap, even of the briefest, than in all the alcohol ever distilled." -- Edward Verrall Lucas Well, maybe. But I was glad I was awake when I had afternoon cocktails with my friend Michael at the Campbell Apartment in Grand Central ... It's like a cathedral of refreshment! Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2010 at The Best American Poetry
Deborah Pintonelli [by Sharon Mesmer]
I had lunch in Brooklyn (at Linger, on Atlantic Avenue) yesterday with my life-long friend Deborah Pintonelli: ... extraordinary poet and fiction writer, all-around beautiful person. Debbie and I went to Columbia College, in Chicago, and studied with poet Paul Hoover and fiction writer Randy Albers -- two of the world's best writing teachers (and all-around beautiful people). Here is a poem from Debbie's premier poetry collection, Meat and Memory (Erie Street Press): The Themes of Passion Channel-wet. The only blue eye For miles. Neoromantic. Stripsearch. Surrender, trellis. Forsaken Heathcliff, Bandaged tale. The "U" in uterus. The angst in Ingenue. Running a cold coal poker Through something sorry. Or a tongue into a warm ear. This is called "To gain ingress," and Can be compared to An insufficient lunch hour Or a bubble bath. The hands of fate So warts, so Wagner. Cooking plenty, the warm rum Of mother, syllabus, acupuncture. To be keen, to Juggle windows, sit In parks all day, Vacation without guilt. To sprawl plump down Into a diary of clean bones. Andalusia. Thick cart. The crate with your Surprise in it. Slate, saliva, The stucco husk. The numbheadedness Of device, egress, The Nice Word that Ends this. * * * Debbie's forthcoming fiction collection, Some Heart, from Autonomedia, will be an absolute delight if you're a poet (and if you're not, too): imagine a chance meeting between Emily Dickinson and Kathy Acker on a sidewalk filled with hopscotch, the chalk running into a rainbow after a sudden tornado. Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2010 at The Best American Poetry
I Heart Juxtaposition
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Posted Aug 3, 2010 at The Best American Poetry
My Sometime Summer Writing Room: A Roof of Trees and Sestinas
"How often have I lain beneath a roof of trees and sestinas, Sestinas and trees, the chiasmus of my timid hopes decked Out in the styles of the day, Losing myself in novels of corporeal sunshine and a home . . ." -- Noelle Kocot, "The Poem of Force" (from Sunny Wednesday, Wave Books) That was the weekend, actually. Today, I'm here: "as if one world could be created from another and words could touch flesh" -- Charles Borkhuis, "Parallel Universe" (from Savoir-Fear, Meeting Eyes Bindery) Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2010 at The Best American Poetry
Frank Sinatra---Francis Albert Sinatra
Bobby Darin--- Roberto Cassotto
Tony Bennett---Antonio Benedetto
Perry Como--- Nick Perido
Vic Damone---Vito Farinola
Dean Martin---Dino Paul Crocetti
Extra credit answer: Harry James. I don't know how FS responded, tho. Maybe a punch in the kisser?
Will the real Frank Sinatra please stand up?
Match the singer with the his name: Frank Sinatra Dino Paul Crocetti Bobby Darin Vito Farinola Tony Bennett Roberto Cassotto Perry Como Nick Perido Vic Damone Antonio Benedetto Dean Martin Frank Sinatra Extra credit: Who suggested that Sina...
Thank YOU, David! The pleasure was most definitely mine. Now,if I can only do something with my own neglected blog. Btw, I'm working on a response poem to those lines from Eliot that you posted earlier. We'll see ... !
Dear Poets and Bleaders — A Request [by Sharon Mesmer]
This summer at the New School I'll be teaching a literature/poetry course I've been wanting to teach for a long time: "The Muse Singing: Myth in Poetry from Classical Times to Now." Dear poets and bleaders, I would love and be eternally grateful for suggestions regarding non-Western poetic res...
Oh, but often there's great poetry to be found there: one of my long-ago students actually wrote the sentence "hung on a giblet." I think that's going to be the title of my next book!
Monotonizing Existence
"The wise man makes his life monotonous, for then even the tiniest incident becomes imbued with great significance . . . The truly wise man could enjoy the whole spectacle of the world from his armchair; he wouldn't need to talk to anyone or to know how to read, just how to make use of his five ...
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