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Mark Corke
Full time boating writer, photographer and surveyor.
Interests: boats and boating
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Ashwath Thanks for the comment but I question why you would want to put any oil on the deck. The best thing would be teak oil if any, linseed oil will not dry and it will promote mold and will be sticky in hot weather, in addition to making the teak go black. The great thing about teak is that you do not have to coat it with anything, the natural oils in the timber protect he decking as I mentioned in the story. In short I strongly caution you against using any sort of oil on your deck. As long as the wood is in good condition I would just leave it to weather naturally. There are decks that are 100 years old and still in good shape which have never been oiled. The other thing is that once you start oiling deck you will have to keep doing it thus giving yourself annual if not twice yearly uneccesary work.
Yes it is.
Toggle Commented Oct 25, 2012 on Golant Gaffer for sale at On Board with Mark Corke
No problem and I am glad that you found the information useful.
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2010 on Sandpaper types at On Board with Mark Corke
If you already have an existing teak deck, then no I would not reccomend it. The old stuff should come up first as there is a very good chance that the new deck will pull up the old stuff. My advice would be to bite the bullet, remove the old teak clean down the deck and make a start anew.
Toggle Commented Aug 6, 2010 on Laying Teak Decking at On Board with Mark Corke
I fully agree and a smart plan indeed and one which works well for isolated blisters. But this boat was completely covered so there was no part that did not have a blister. Had I used a red crayon I could have just drawn a circle around the waterline as everything below that will need the peel treatment.
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2010 on Osmotic blisters at On Board with Mark Corke
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Mar 15, 2010