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Mark Corke
Full time boating writer, photographer and surveyor.
Interests: boats and boating
Recent Activity
Thanks for the comment but I question why you would want to put any oil on the deck. The best thing would be teak oil if any, linseed oil will not dry and it will promote mold and will be sticky in hot weather, in addition to making the teak go black. The great thing about teak is that you do not have to coat it with anything, the natural oils in the timber protect he decking as I mentioned in the story. In short I strongly caution you against using any sort of oil on your deck. As long as the wood is in good condition I would just leave it to weather naturally. There are decks that are 100 years old and still in good shape which have never been oiled. The other thing is that once you start oiling deck you will have to keep doing it thus giving yourself annual if not twice yearly uneccesary work.
Teak - The king of boatbuilding woods
Installing a teak deck. Teak not only looks great but is good underfoot and has natural non skid properties. Of all the boat building woods teak stands head and shoulders above all the others and with good reason. It can be vanished to a lustrous finish, oiled or left to weather to a s...
Yes it is.
Golant Gaffer for sale
Mallard, my Golant Gaffer is for sale. Built by me she is probably one of the best constructed and equipped Golant Gaffers ever. I am offering her for $35,000 to a good home. Mallard has Raymarine chart plotter, wind, depth, speed. Lombardini fresh water cooled 11 hp twin cylinder diesel...
No problem and I am glad that you found the information useful.
Sandpaper types
Even though it has not been available for many years we all still use the term sandpaper when referring to any sort of abrasive paper that we will use for rubbing down wood or other materials. In fact this may well have something to do with the general term of 'sanding'. These days 'sandp...
If you already have an existing teak deck, then no I would not reccomend it. The old stuff should come up first as there is a very good chance that the new deck will pull up the old stuff. My advice would be to bite the bullet, remove the old teak clean down the deck and make a start anew.
Laying Teak Decking
Opinion seems to be divided on whether teak decks on a boat are good or bad. Personally I love them providing they are properly laid and maintained. I’ll be discussing looking after teak in a later posting but for today I wanted to go through the steps for a correctly laid teak deck, what’...
I fully agree and a smart plan indeed and one which works well for isolated blisters. But this boat was completely covered so there was no part that did not have a blister. Had I used a red crayon I could have just drawn a circle around the waterline as everything below that will need the peel treatment.
Osmotic blisters
If there is one thing that most owners don't want to find when they haul their boat for an inspection it has got to be the dreaded hull blisters. Osmosis is the most often used term for this malady and is caused by water migrating through the outer layer of gel-coat and into, usually, the fi...
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Mar 15, 2010
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