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Hermann Peterscheck
I'm a game developer working on online games. They suck up a lot of time and are detailed and complex. Perfect!
Interests: games, game theory, sociology, philosophy, spirituality consumer behavior, behavioral economics, management strategy, much and more.
Recent Activity
Who is Michael Burry? In 2006 Michael Burry looked like a fool. His hedge fund (Scion Capital) had just lost 17% after posting many years of incredible returns. His investors were mad and since his fund was only 6 years... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2012 at LifeGame
QUICK UPDATE Despite my previous post warning to the contrary, I can't help but constantly watch and update my experimental portfolio. Overall, the crap stocks aren't doing too badly, but that is mostly thanks to Nokia. Intel is up about... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2012 at LifeGame
I was specifically making a reference to how in both fields aggregated outcomes of success don't lead to corresponding criticism and skepticism of practice. Thus, in aggregate, people who manage portfolios actively have a losing track record (vs., say, the S&P500) and, in aggregate, most software projects fail. Of course, that's easy to say and I'm not offering an alternative here... but just because no better alternative exists doesn't mean the current process is good :). I get what you mean though. It's not really an apples to apples comparison beyond that. Primarily because unlike finance, in management there is no objective scoreboard like "made x% more than the S&P" which is unfortunate. The corrolary to active vs. passive in investing would require some kind of intervention in order to have a positive impact. Obviously most investors either can't do that (few individuals have enough money) and most institutional investors won't do it (they just sell and buy something else). In theory the board of directors should represent the shareholder's interest in making management decisions, but given that most boards are appointed by the CEO (or similar executive), and most board members are minority shareholders and derive most of their income from salaries and bonuses, there are often significant conflicts of interest. So, in the investment world it would be more like if you saw a company that had a lousy Return on Equity Investment; rather than just selling the shares you would interfere and attempt to improve the return by lowering project risk, increasing return, changing leaders,etc. in the same way that a great project leader will attempt to reduce risk and increase value. Personally, I have found that there is A LOT of variation in software development estimates and if you build the removal of waste into the development process and you respect and empower your developers, much of this can be recaptured. I don't know that much about the functioning of the finance world, but I expect that similar patterns exist in all human organizational structures.
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2012 on Active vs. Passive Management at LifeGame
AN APPLE A DAY Below is a nice graph of Apple from The end of 2011 till October, 2012. It shows a nice healthy growth curve... the kind that investors drool over. Sure, there's a period of drop and stagnation,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 25, 2012 at LifeGame
WHINING AND WHYING I'm thinking about why as a verb in this context. Whying is an activity that all humans engage in, and indeed, it is one of the things that defines us as humans. Anyone who has taken a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2012 at LifeGame
WHAT IS MANAGEMENT I've been thinking a lot about management lately, especially with regards to what it means to "manage" something. Being a good internet citizen, I looked it up on Wikipedia here. "Management in all business and organizational activities... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2012 at LifeGame
Back on October 9th, I posted about how despite thinking that Apple (AAPL) is a great company, I wouldn't buy the stock. Furthermore, I suggested Zynga, Radioshack, and Citibank were safer buys and also mentioned Research in Motion (RIMM) and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2012 at LifeGame
Maybe vital will make a comeback... or not. Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2012 at LifeGame
READ THE NEWS, BUY APPLE. I know. Apple (AAPL) is the smart play. Everyone owns Apple stock and everyone is getting rich. It's the talk of all the parties, there's lines out the door, the stores are packed 24/7. There... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2012 at LifeGame
WHAT IS MOTIVATION I've been interested in the research around motivation for a long time now. Yesterday I watched the documentary Happy which you can also watch on Netflix. It wasn't really earth shattering, but I did really like the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2012 at LifeGame
So win Google self driving car update. I love that the bill passed unanimously (still rules needed) and that Google has a blind customer and employees will be beta testers. Already working with insurance companies as well. Go Google. This... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2012 at LifeGame
I WANT A NEW CAR I've been looking into purchasing a car recently, and I must say, as I remember, it's incredibly unpleasant experience. Why is this? Because the relationship is adversarial by design. The combination of salesperson incentives and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2012 at LifeGame
78 years old! Yes. That's right: Eugene Cernan is the last person to walk on the moon and return to earth. That's so pathetic. In the 1960s it was people in their 30s leading the charge to get into space.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 25, 2012 at LifeGame
Whenever I talk to anyone who makes their living in the housing industry... it's always a good time to buy or sell or refinance or whatever. If interest rates are low, they might go up... if they are high, they... Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2012 at LifeGame
I am often amazed at how much of my body works without me having to do any work. Food is digested, blood moves around, my hair grows, my cells fight off infection, if i cut myself... boom... my body fixes... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2012 at LifeGame
Everything you see around you, your bed, your walls, the ring on your finger, the plastic on the device you are using to read this blog... it's all made of elementary particles that were made billions of years ago and,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2012 at LifeGame
There's a lot of excitement around the mainstream-ification of the various "free" business models. In many cases, there's a conversion back and forth from social to real capital and various toll keepers take a cut when those currencies are exchanged.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2012 at LifeGame
The opening theme to "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" are now legendary and is probably one of the most recognized pieces of music in cinema. It's also one of the most "fitting" pieces of music. It goes so... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2011 at LifeGame
Rapid iteration and organic evolution... Secret of the past and key to the future? Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2011 at LifeGame
Ok. I am not usually prone to hyperbole, not am I a big fan of "News" programs: Fox, CNN, MSNBC, take your pick. Their job is to sell entertainment to their audience as it's represented to their advertisers. So let's... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2011 at LifeGame
Perhaps a silly question... but I was wondering about it on my walk home today. It seems that in order for a "thing" to have a "place" it has to exist in comparison to some other thing that is in... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2011 at LifeGame
As I get older, I find it amusing watching my friends begin to enter that phase of their life where they don't understand what "kids these days" are doing. From what I can tell it hits along a few areas:... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2011 at LifeGame
Lots of people think that natural selection is a system of random chance. A bunch of random mutations happen and, wham-o, a dinosaur appears. This is a total misunderstanding and is a big reason why there's so many people that... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2011 at LifeGame
We've all gone through tough times in our lives - that's a given. Depending on where you live in the world, the problem gets exacerbated by the guilt of it being "wrong" to feel sorry for yourself. So in this... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at LifeGame
This is from "For All Mandkind" which is an awesome documentary about the Apollo missions. It's got great music and editing with ONLY the words of actual astronauts for narration. It reminds me that no matter how complex and risky... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2011 at LifeGame