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Pacific Northwest
A little bit of this, a little bit of that and a whole lot of everything.
Interests: friends, internet surfing, movies, reading, photography, scrapbooking, family, pearl jam and music in general
Recent Activity
I'm just looking forward to learning new techniques from so many amazing artists!
LifeBook 2014 online class Giveaway and blog hop!!!
Hello sweet friends! SOOO excited to be announcing that I will be teaching on Lifebook 2014's online workshop! This workshop is a YEAR long workshop filled with 22 other AMAZING artists that you will LOVE getting to know! The awesome thing about this class is being able to take online cl...
Thank you so much! Your comment made my day.
Staying Positive
Yesterday I wrote a ranting post about job hunting, I decided not to post it, in fact I deleted it. Instead, for the sake of staying positive, I'm posting some pictures I took over a month ago. A month ago, that's how long it's been since I've used my camera... In the theme of staying positive...
Thanks so much! Can use all the good thoughts we can get.
This and That Thursday
Star Wars Son started a video blog. He's goofy and kinda cute. Our real estate agent said the house has had a lot of interest. I hope someone is interested enough to buy it soon. I sat out in the sun again yesterday. It felt so good. Lost has been so great this season. After the series end...
Tammy is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I used regular headphones with my ipod, I cant stand the ear buds either. I also have a car adapter and a hook up for the boom box and stereo. I have all my bases covered!
Sing-A-Long Saturday
This is where I share music (other than Pearl Jam) that's been in heavy rotation on my ipod. Right now I'm in a huge Dave Matthews Band phase. Can't believe I've never seen them in concert. Handy Man and I are planning to change that and go see them this year at the Gorge on Labor Day weekend...
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Thats very cool! And I completely agree about Cameron Crowe, hes brilliant!
Pearl Jam Sunday
Last night Handy Man and I had one of those rare times when we had the house to ourselves. It happens only a few times a year. Usually we have a house full, especially on the weekends when the kids have friends over. What did we do to take advantage of our time?! We watched my favorite movi...
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