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colleen mccambridge
I am originally from Montreal but now live on London Ontario with my husband, my teenage daughter and eleven year old son.
I love Life!
Interests: scrap booking, i enjoy card making, cake decorating and machine embroidery.
Recent Activity
I really like this and gives me many ideas. Thanks so much for sharing.
Artisan Blog Hop - Day 8
Like my dress card the other day, this idea came somewhat last minute. My first 3D project took a ridiculous amount of time so I knew I needed to make something with a neat concept but wouldn't take me a million hours! This is what I came up with and I was a happy girl. Yes, I know first let ...
i paid with Paypal and still haven't receive my file
Can you help
Winter Frolic - nativity
I've been working with the new Winter Frolic cartridge. It is very nice. So many cute images. When I get a new cartridge like this, I love to make all of the designs at once. Since I do not have a Cricut Imagine machine, it making all the designs on one cartridge takes a lot of time...switching ...
Simply, Beautiful!
My Attempt at Vintage
This is one form of card making that I don't excel at. I think that the vintage cards are so pretty and elegant, yet I struggle to create these beautiful creations. I am inspired by so many of YOUR cards I see out in cyber space so I decided to give it a shot! Here's what I came up w...
colleen mccambridge is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
colleen mccambridge is now following heatherbailey
Dec 21, 2009
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