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Claudia Star
Recent Activity
Lift This! with Claudia
Hi ladies, Claudia here with a new lift. I've chosen Dina Wakely's "Ellie". I love how she plays with ink, she's a real artist! Make sure to check out her blog, so you can see her beautiful creations: As always you can post your lift at the Two Peas... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2010 at Lift This!
Lift This! with Claudia
As it is another wednesday again, it's time for a new lift. This time I've chosen the LO "Sisters" by Jessica Lute. I love how she makes the most beautiful clusters with the most tiny embellishments scattered around. If you want to join us in lifting her LO, please link... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2010 at Lift This!
I hope had a great day with family & friends. Hugs and all the best,
I love left over birthday cake...
...for breakfast! Why not aye! (new zealand-ism for huh ...I think, correct me if I'm wrong) Thank you to all those that popped a message here and on facebook! It was a lovely surprise!! So I'm 29. Last year of being in my 20's! Better make it a good one! and one to really remember! (sigh) My hu...
Oh wow.....these are gorgeous!!!!
You're such an inspiration Vinnie!
Pages To Share
I can't believe its Friday tomorrow! Gosh, I've done a lot this week! TITLE: First Merry Go Round CREDITS TITLE: Sweet Sweet Faces CREDITS AND CLOSE UP SHOTS TITLE: Early Evening Play CREDITS TITLE: Precious (goes opposite the above page in album) CREDITS TITLE: My Son CREDITS AN...
Ohhh Vin, when is your next book coming on hybrid scrapping? I'm in love with this album and your hybrid card/LO's! You're so wonderful and talented!!!
Simple Greeting Cards and a Few Other Layouts
Hello my creative friends! I've had my first flu for the year, so has the rest of the family. The bugs have come early this year. When I was a little girl I always did something creative and crafty with hands, that stopped a little when I started my course and worked. When I was pregnant with my...
Claudia Star is now following Vinnie Pearce
Mar 30, 2010
Wow, this looks great! LOVE the little monkey in the tree!
Toy Box Inspiration and Small Freebie
CLICK banner to view collection! I am so excited to share this post with you all! I have to say thank you to all the nice comments from my last post. I will be back later today to announce the winner! SO, most of you would have already seen the store listings for my Toy Box Collection. But you...
Wow, Vinnie, this looks fantastic! Love the icons you've used, great idea. And the album....hmmm...I might even buy a new printer to get started on hybrid ;)
La La Laaa, and D-Ring Albums
Happy Monday! and happy Sunday to those that are finishing their weekend, I hope it was a wonderful one. Mine was good, although it is starting to get cold. Time to start using more garlic in my meals, I think. I have been thinking a lot for the last few weeks about my hybrid and full digital p...
It's so good to see so many familiar faces....if you would all join us in the lifts too, that would be awesome!!!
Lift This!
Coming soon on the 17th of March A challenge where we study the paper scrapped page, not just for design but for depth. The aim of each challenge is to create a page copied or inspired by a page created with tangible objects. You can create using whatever style and drift as far off from the orig...
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