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Ken Sparling
Recent Activity
YOUNG VOICES WRITER CONFERENCE Saturday, October 28 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Northern District Library (steps from Yonge/Eglinton subway station) for Toronto writers aged 12 to 19 Get FREE tickets now! Get motivated at a full day of workshops led by professionals. Learn new skills, check out an open mic,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2017 at TPL Teens
Hi Alex, this promotion is for teens 13 to 19 years old!
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2017 on Write a Review, Get a Free Book! at TPL Teens
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Write a review of a book, magazine, movie, video game, or whatever and we'll post it on the TPL Teens blog. Every week, there are thousands of visits to the TPL Teens blog and we're inviting you to contribute. Write a review of a book, magazine, movie, tv show, anime,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2017 at TPL Teens
Toronto Public Library invites applications from comic/graphic book artists for the Young Voices fall 2017 Comic Artist in Residence - Young Voices position. The residency is designed to encourage exchanges between the artist and Toronto teens and requires creation of online content, plus attendance at 14 events in Toronto. The... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2017 at TPL Teens
Poster by Jeff Lemire More than 400 creators from over 20 countries are headed for Toronto this weekend to participate in the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, May 13 and 14 at Toronto Reference Library. Pénélope Bagieu, Guy Delisle, Jeff Lemire, Gengoroh Tagame, Jillian Tamaki, Marcelino Truong are among the featured... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2017 at TPL Teens
Hey Vivek, there's a poem all about yellow in the upcoming Young Voices magazine! I'm including it below, to give people a preview of the great stuff they can look forward to in Young Voices 2016, coming to Toronto Public Library branches at the end of October! Yellow She wakes me up in the morning with a blinding smile that lights up my room like a heavenly sundial. She is the field of sunflowers swaying in the hot summer breeze, that wave at me, she loves to tease. She is the canary perched high in the lilac tree that sings her sweet melody but she’s ever so prone to jealousy. She is the sharp pencil that scribbles this pointless poem, laughing as I struggle, my thoughts are completely muddled. She is the bright raincoat that makes me stand out like a beacon, a small boat, barely afloat amid a sea of strangers. Yellow is my friend despite her odd personality she is always there to mend and sweep me away from reality. by Jordan MacDonald, age 14
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with thanks to Alice Quinn The Toronto Comics Arts Festival (TCAF), presented annually every May by Toronto Public Library, has from its conception, set out to promote the literary and artistic virtues of comic arts and graphic novels. Conspicuously devoid of the celebrity press conferences and the dozens of Spiderman... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2016 at What's On at the Library
Hi Courtney, if you live or go to school in Toronto and are between the ages of 12-19, you should check out our Young Voices electronic writer in residence. You can email her your creative writing and get one on one feedback! You can contact her at [email protected], and you can check out her blog here: You might also want to sign up for the library email newsletter for teens. Just go here:
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Young Voices magazine turns 50 this year!! The first issue came out in December of 1965 and was introduced by a note "From the Editor to the Contributors" that began: "Young Voices" is a young people's magazine published by North York Public Library. All contributions are by students of high... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2015 at TPL Teens
This is the best argument in favour of paper books that I ever heard... and you can't make book art out of ebooks no one wants anymore! By the way, I don't have an ereader, can someone please tell me what they actually smell like?
Toggle Commented Jun 29, 2013 on Paper or Electronic? at Word Out 2013
1 reply
Be part of this year's Human Library! This year, in honour of Small Business Month, the library is featuring a half dozen entrepreneurs as human books in our third annual Human Library, on Saturday, Oct. 20, Noon to 5 pm at North York Central and Toronto Reference libraries. Meet Diana... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2012 at What's On at the Library