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Adrienne Yee
Recent Activity
Adrienne Yee is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hi there, I did the import, and it shows an exact preview of how it shows in my daily Feedburner e-mails but unfortunately it shows the feedflare tags too, and they take up a lot of room. It took me a second to figure out to click at the very bottom "view original post" to go to the blog. Tips on getting rid of the feedflares and making the link to the direct post more obvious?
How to Add Your Blog Feed to Your Facebook Profile
We're kicking off our video series with a quick tutorial on how to add your blog's feed to your Facebook profile. That way, every time you publish a new blog post, Facebook imports it as a Note and notifies your Facebook friends. Hosted by me (Andy) your in-residence TypePad scientist: What els...
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