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Habit Blog
Recent Activity
Jane is 15. What is it about those milestone birthdays that come every five years, the ones ending in 0 and 5, that make them seem so big? I can't wrap my head around fifteen, but it is here and she is wearing it well. Fatty said that the theme of his day was everyone saying "one more year!" i...
thank you - i've been needing something good to read. i just bought the headmaster's wife on my iPad. xo.
Recent Reading List
With the holiday weekend coming up in the U.S., I thought I would share my most recent reads just in case someone was looking for a good book to take while traveling or enjoy post-turkey. In no particular order, this is what I have read since my last book list. Other lists can be found here (k...
Oops. That was me, Molly. :)
I'm here. Feeling very quiet. School has started. 7th grade for Kate and high school for Jane. Different schools, different schedules. Taking my time to figure out what is what and how I am going to be in two places at one time. Or rather, how to make it work best for all of us without anyone ...
Book #2? So happy for you. I've been feeling quiet these days, too. Looking forward to seeing what this new year has in store for us. Think of you often! xo.
I'm here. Feeling very quiet. School has started. 7th grade for Kate and high school for Jane. Different schools, different schedules. Taking my time to figure out what is what and how I am going to be in two places at one time. Or rather, how to make it work best for all of us without anyone ...
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