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joel baumwoll
Interests: life, cooking, family, jazz, eating, malt whiskey, exquisitely made things, people of all kinds, old champagne. Advertising stories
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I enjoy Lag., Springbank 15 is great. My fave for peaty is Ardbeg 15. Like wine, good to have a variety on hand.
Our greatest compliment for this dish is to say "the shrimp taste like shrimp." Sadly that is less often the case.
joel baumwoll is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Once in a while, I pour a 1/2 cup of aquavit into the cavity. The caraway/dill flavor seeps into the meat without being too present, if you know what I mean. I call this my drunken Danish chicken.
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After squeezing some lemon juice into the cavity and on the skin, I put large amounts of fresh thyme and smaller amounts of fresh rosemary and several semi-crushed cloves of garlic in the cavity along with half a lemon, a tbs of kosher salt and a heaping teaspoon of fresh cracked black and white peppercorns. Sometimes I add a bit of onion. To the outside I slather the chicken with a thick coating of goose fat, sprinkle with kosher salt and cracked pepper. Put the chicken ion a 350 degree oven for about 40-45 minutes, breast side down or on each side for 20 minutes. Then turn breast side up with oven at 400 degrees checking thigh temp to 165 degrees. No basting needed as the goose fat does its job. Rest for 20-25 minutes, or until less than too hot to handle. I remove each breast whole and cut into generous medallions. Deglaze the roasting pan after pouring off excess fat, usually with white wine, and some water. reduce and swirl in some butter. pour juices from resting platter into the sauce and spoon over the carved chicken. If I have a good chicken, this does justice to it. Joel
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Is that a teaspoon of vanilla?
Toggle Commented Jun 2, 2009 on New Orleans Pralines at chez pim
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These were the best, most dangerous candies I've had in a long time. I ate the ones in the marmalade box before I unwrapped the jars. Dare I make a batch?
Toggle Commented Jun 2, 2009 on New Orleans Pralines at chez pim
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