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Marsha Ford
Interests: travel, and movies., hiking, reading, i have a wide array of interests, including writing (no suprise there), certain kinds of video games
Recent Activity
Marsha Ford is now following Paul Chaney
Jun 9, 2010
LOL! Yes, it is. It's also quite a relief! Now I can focus on learning CSS so I can tweak my TypePad pages.
Typepad, the 'Just Right' Solution for Small Business
I would be less than honest if I didn't tell you that, over the years, I've had a on-again/off-again relationship with Typepad. I'm sure if I asked for their opinion, my social media colleagues would line up in a row telling me I should switch to Wordpress. For any number of reasons, they would ...
Fitness 5-Minutes at a Time
No matter how busy we are, we can always find 5 minutes for a little exercise. Here are some ideas for fitting 5-minute exercises into your day. And while it may not seem like much, 5 minutes at a time can really add up. Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2010 at M's Healthy Living
I had to smile when reading your post; and I'm still smiling. I started in TypePad in 2008 (yup, latecomer). For the past three weeks, I've been researching different options for my business and my blogging. I went so far as trying to teach myself Joomla and Drupal. Then I went with DotNetNuke.
While the DotNetNuke setup was simple enough, the back-end work and maintenance was too time consuming. I looked at WordPress briefly, but it just didn't seem like what I was looking for. End result, I've come back to TypePad.
TypePad doesn't (yet) meet all of my needs, but given how easy it is to set up and its flexibility, TypePad has shown itself to be the best choice for me.
Typepad, the 'Just Right' Solution for Small Business
I would be less than honest if I didn't tell you that, over the years, I've had a on-again/off-again relationship with Typepad. I'm sure if I asked for their opinion, my social media colleagues would line up in a row telling me I should switch to Wordpress. For any number of reasons, they would ...
A fan of TypePad? Definitely! After searching and trying so many different options, finding TypePad was a true relief. I'm a definite 'believer' and think anything that gets the word out and builds the community here is icing on the cake.
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If you're a Facebook user, we'd love for you to be a fan of TypePad. We're streaming the latest featured TypePad blogs there, too, (just like Andy showed us) so that you can see some of the best and brightest of our TypePad blogs. What's your favorite TypePad blog, and know that we should sh...
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