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Michael Nelson
Recent Activity
I would buy the finished product...I'm not good at stitching.
For the record, I love "gina-fy" as a word. Doesn't that mean you are truly successful -- when your name/product becomes the accepted term for something? e.g. "I'm going to FED EX" it. Or "I'll google that term"... Gina-fy is my new one! Thanks for sharing that ladies!
Giveaway #5.
Enter any of this week's giveaways through Sunday for a chance to win. I'll draw names & post winners on Monday. The winners will need to contact me to claim their prizes; details will be in that post. (For info on how to enter, click on the Anniversary Giveaway Rules/19 in upper left corner!...
Oh....I got to see one of these live and up close and I loved it!
I love to buy myself a special publication (book or magazine) every once in awhile that sinks me into a land of inspiration!
Giveaway #5.
Enter any of this week's giveaways through Sunday for a chance to win. I'll draw names & post winners on Monday. The winners will need to contact me to claim their prizes; details will be in that post. (For info on how to enter, click on the Anniversary Giveaway Rules/19 in upper left corner!...
To try and live a more authentic life. However, as I work on this, I realize that sometimes it takes a lot of work to discover what is truly authentic for me -- if that makes sense. I don't believe I'm living a fully authentic life, but I'm really working on uncovering what that might be. I'm hoping that if I get better, I will be able to help my children grow into more authentic joyful adults!
Giveaway #4.
Once in a blue moon I like to trade with another etsy shop and a month or so ago, I received a package in the mail with several bars of soap and some lip balm. I liked it so much that I asked Julia from Belle Terre if she would be willing to share a set with my readers. Lucky you! Belle Ter...
St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Breast Cancer Research, Lupus Foundation of MN, and now I'm going to check out the Angel Foundation!
Giveaway #1.
Please click on the Anniversary Week Giveaway Rules/19 in the upper left corner for details on how to enter. Thank you for joining me! Today's giveaway: my new limited edition address stamp in your choice of self-inking or traditional red rubber. A share of the proceeds from the sale of th...
Is it cheating to say The Boxcar Children. I'm reading it to my youngest, and lamenting that it is the last time reading the book for the first time with one of my own children. Makes it all the more sweet! Dear Benny and his cup...
Giveaway #2.
First of all, wow - wow - WOW for the list of amazing charities yesterday. It can be overwhelming to think of all the good that needs doing in the world, so much better to read these comments and be overwhelmed with all the good that is being done. Keep them coming! Today's giveaway: Your ...
Hooray Gina!!! You have ALWAYS been full of inspiration and willing to share! Thank you!
Anniversary Week Giveaways.
I'll be celebrating 19 years in business with a whole week of giveaways, May 16th-20th! Here's how to take part: Each morning I'll post a new giveaway item. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on that day's post answering that day's question. The comments for each day will stay open all we...
The Courage to Begin
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2011 at momentsmatter
I spent five years in Texas (Austin) and will admit, after always being in the midwest, I didn't miss winter too terribly. Now, back in MN, I will say that although winters are personally tough for me, there is something about going "face-to-face" with long winter that makes me truly savor my spring and summer days. It gives value to joys I might otherwise overlook. For me, that is a good thing!
A giveaway (because spring is not right around the corner).
For the last few years (5? 6? 7? honestly, I've lost track), I've been working with Camp Odayin on the design of their annual benefit party invitations, along with matching stationery for each year. I love how this year's notecard design turned out and would love to share a few packages wit...
I'm a tad more touchy feely and not so precise or organized, but here are a few thoughts:
~ Art is not a thing; it is a way. ~Elbert Hubbard
~ Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together. ~John Ruskin
~ Art is not a thing; it is a way. ~Elbert Hubbard
I have an MA in art history and this question was never fully answered, and I believe it never will be. But I will say, your creations are beyond ordinary significance. So you have my vote.
Art? Design? Craft?
As I get further into my textile projects, which I've always been so eager to begin and have poured my heart and skill into right up to the last stitch, I've been feeling a bit frozen. I like my work to be well-crafted. I like it to be useful. I like it to be different than any other. (And I...
Michael Nelson is now following Gina Sekelsky

Feb 19, 2011
I can't believe I missed this earlier! Y0u crack me up and -- yes -- I will try these with the mac & cheese!
Recipe repertoire number 27.
Michael, you can serve these with your mac & cheese! Parmesan Chicken Nuggets Cut some chicken breast into smaller pieces. (I use two large chicken breasts and usually have some lunch leftovers.) Set out three bowls. In the first one, put some flour and sprinkle with salt & pepper. In the...
Michael Nelson is now following Nisa Fiin
Feb 15, 2011
Oh this is soooo lovely! Thank you so much!
Design House Digital Designer Blog Hop Freebie!
Happy Digital Scrapbook Day! I have the privilege of working with some amazing designers over at Design House Digital. We are hosting a blog hop to help you get to know each of us a little better. You will see there is a lot of talent and inspiration flowing from each one of these women. ...
Love your work! (don't love laundry)
I'm a very "blocky" scrapper and I would love to do more with brushes and add a bit of whimsy to my layouts. (Guess that is two different things.) Can't wait to see the new kit!
a chance + highwaters
You guys...I feel SO bad. I'm a little behind on laundry right. (It's been a heck of a new year. I deserve some slack.) But yeah, I'm behind and so all of Kody's pants were still needing to be washed. I was picking from the bottom of his drawer filled with pants he doesn't normally wear. So I ch...
Michael Nelson is now following Gina Huff
Jan 26, 2011
Hi Gina!
Oh my goodness -- talk about a rich inner life -- your writing and art are more amazing than ever. I needed to read this post this morning, thank you. I'm headed to t-ball and then softball and preparing for a museum job and a few creative deadline projects and trying to breathe. You make it all seem, almost sacred, if that makes sense. And your points about goals and choosing and taking time at night, very inspirational and helpful. I look forward to reading and learning more!
(ms.) Michael :-)
A week to revisit.
Lake Superior, on a foggy morning This week I'd like to revisit some projects that have been in-process for awhile: 15 minutes, my kids' scrapbooks, postcard exchange, and recipe repertoire. There's nothing like a week of vacation to reset your brain -- especially when it's a week away from e...
Update from Brenda Sing -- Becky's sister
I was fortunate enough to be with the Muellers on their surgical day. There were actually 12 of us (family plus two of Courtney's best friends)there to support them. Believe it or not, the atomosphere was really calm. Their strength, faith, and positive outlook played a key role to the success for this day. We continue to pray for a speedy recovery for Kevin and Courtney. Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
As of 3:40 pm
Happy to report that everything went well..Courtney will be there 4 or 5 days...Kevin will go to transplant house for about 4 weeks. Becky will cook and care for him. So far - so good! Thanks to all who have been helping make this transplant possible! Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
Latest Update:
12:52 PM: Courtney is out of surgery and doing well. Surgery for Kevin is going well. Neither can be seen for awhile but doctors say things are looking good so far! Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
Surgery Day for Kevin and Courtney
Here is an update from Becky: Were here at the hospital. Arrived at 5:30, checked in and went back to room to wait for them to go to surgury. They took them both around 7:00 to be prepped. Just heard from one of the nurses and courtney's started at 8;30. Kevin's surgury started at 8:45. We'll fill you more in when we hear anything. Thank for everything. Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
Michael Nelson is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
A HEARTfelt Thank You from the Mueller Family
There is nothing our family wants more than for everyone to understand just how thankful we are for all of the overwhelming generosity and thoughtfulness that friends, family, and the community has bestowed upon us! From the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart benefit on December 5th, and the Goodview Trinity spaghetti dinner, to the Elks club pancake breakfast, and the many baskets and tickets that were sold for the Valentine's Day Benefit at Visions Event Center, there hasn't been a single selfish heart. At times like these, with the economy being so fragile and the cold weather causing illness and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
A Note from Kevin
Thank you, so kindly, for opening your heart to our family in such a kind and generous way. Our love and prayers will always be with you. Kevin Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
Raffle Winners!
Posted Feb 15, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
Just a FEW of the Great Silent Auction Items!
Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at KevinMuellerFamily
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