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Julie Kirk
Recent Activity
What a beautiful gesture - and pendant. Just lovely.
Julie Kirk is now following Stephanie
Nov 10, 2010
Julie Kirk is now following SarahLP
Sep 6, 2010
That page is amazing. I love everything about it; the lettering backrounds; the dashed line stamps; the bow around the journaling .... all of it. Much gorgeousness x
Good luck. Let's hope all those other things were just there to distract you from your big [good]news. x
1 reply
Here's mine: I always planned to do something with my tweets ....thanks for the push!
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2009 on Dare 142 at Effer Dares
Amazing Stamping School Miss! If we weren't friends I'd either worship you or just glare at you while envying your talents. Come to think of it, I might still do that ;) p.s: don't pick me out at random!
Love the acid colours! You're really making me wish I had heat-embossing equipment .... I may have to succumb :)