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Gina Dalfonzo
Recent Activity
I would write "Dickens for Dummies"! My TypePad blog is about Charles Dickens, but a "For Dummies" book would be even better. It would be my chance to explain to the world that no, Dickens was NOT paid by the word, and yes, he wrote some other good quotations besides just "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." :-)
TypePad for Dummies
In 2008 we were approached by some TypePad bloggers about the possibility of writing a "For Dummies" book for TypePad. Naturally we said - YES! Absolutely. If they were prepared to take on the gargantuan task of capturing all the secrets of this little application onto the printed page then who ...
Gina Dalfonzo is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
And may I just add that you are NOTHING like the people that blog post described? (Besides which, with all due respect to Mr. Trueman, (a) he admitted he rarely reads blogs, so his sample size was a little skewed, and (2) he sounds like he got up on the wrong side of the bed that morning anyway.)
Health and Life Update 2-26-10
Hi everyone. I'm not sure how many folks are still reading this blog but to those of you who are thanks, and I especially thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Here's a few random updates. The storm my daughter let you know about here on the blog back in January has passed. I'm stayi...
I'm so glad you're doing better. Praise God.
Health and Life Update 2-26-10
Hi everyone. I'm not sure how many folks are still reading this blog but to those of you who are thanks, and I especially thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Here's a few random updates. The storm my daughter let you know about here on the blog back in January has passed. I'm stayi...
Going to the Doctor Tomorrow
A few days ago I mentioned that I got a CT scan result that showed growth in some of the tumors. I'll go to the doc tomorrow to get the details. I'm assuming I'll have to go back on chemo but I'm also hoping we can put it off till January at least. I've actually been feeling quite good the last...
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