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Monika Aebischer
Interests: travel, textiles, stitching, painting, creating, horseback riding, mixed media art, symbolism, the creative process, paper making, imagery, creating nourishment, creative explorations
Recent Activity
Hey Sue... the finger got "crushed" when I was cleaning up the studio back in March - had to have it in a cast - a fracture and a lovely mallet finger... the hearing is one of those re-occuring things.. the husband and son get a cold.. I get a middle-ear infection, then the ear-drum bursts.. that's it for the physical stuff.. as to the time.. 'tis the season to make the tax man happy - meaning endless hours spent on business administration. As to the dirty laundry...-grin- I think we all know where that comes from... I had hoped to get the shoes in a lighter colour, alas these do work well with much I'm wearing and complement the 4 pairs of magenta-redish shoes I have accumulated unbeknownst to me.
Somebody's got new shoes...
El Naturalista clogs: and during the same visit discovered our new Lego Store - all within 30min driving distance. That makes one very happy 7 year old boy and one very happy "multiple times 7 yr old" Mami (as I'm called around here - because as I've just been informed, Mom or Mother doesn'...
Monika Aebischer is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I'm so happy that it finally got there... I made the post man put real stamps instead of the usual print-outs.... Now, dearest Pam... will we get to see a picture of you wearing the scarf (wink-wink...)
Remember backtack 4? Well, with one thing and another, Monika and myself ended up as partners rather later than most. But lateness is not a bother when you end up with a parcel of goodies like this. Thankyou so much Monika - now if only my parcel would reach you somet...
And here, we just received another 15 cm of snow. In another few weeks at this rate, the compost will be totally hidden under snow. Already, my above ground planting box (about 30 cm high) is buried under at least that much again. I love it though, as this is what a Canadian Winter is supposed to be like. Temperatures are supposed to be milder right now (that is around -4 only... giggle...) But I did receive a gardening catalogue this week, and a few new plants look very, very tempting.... but, oh, woe me, where do I put them.
I've been wanting to make a doorstop for ages, but always thought they'd be on the difficult side. Well, they're not, and here it is. No doubt it will be travelling around the house when little hands discover it's portable. But that's ok - that's why it has a handle. Yesterday was a lovely ...
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