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Kevin Munt
Hampshire, England
Golf Consultant
Interests: Rugby, Golf, Skiing, Street & Portrait photography
Recent Activity
Trump International Golf Links is open and like many with a professional interest in the game I would normally want to know how this new links has turned out. Sadly, since seeing Anthony Baxter’s documentary ‘You’ve been Trumped’, I only... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2012 at Kevin Munt Golf Consultant
Kevin Munt is now following Miklós Breitner
Nov 25, 2010
Kevin Munt is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
A brief history of Agrostis stolonifera golf greens in the UK & Ireland Creeping Bent Grass (Agrostis stolonifera ) (Agrostis palustris) has a relatively short and dare it say not so smooth history in the UK. None the less it... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at Kevin Munt Golf Consultant
Kevin Munt is now following Denise Wakeman
Jan 9, 2010
This is a slight exaggeration, but the reconstruction of all eighteen greens complexes on the West course (Burma Road to give it its nickname, for those who remember such days!) has caused much gossip, rumour and debate within our industry.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2009 at Kevin Munt Golf Consultant
The Life Of Brian
1 reply
Hello Paul, Thanks for the comments. I do not know Els, his chief designers, or his work well enough to be able to agree or disagree with your comments about his design abilities. However I am meeting with Chris Kennedy next week and I know he has just spent all this week with Ernie Els at Wentworth. Kevin
1 reply
No Australia though. New Zealand looks beautiful. and I don't mean in the Lord of the Rings way! Why you going?
1 reply
Kevin Munt is now following Account Deleted
Nov 4, 2009
Hi Patrick, The consultancy is satisfying but thin on the ground to be honest. The Blogging I love, but don't have enough time for it or just don't put enough into it. Thanks for the comment. just off to look you up. Kevin
1 reply
Agnes you must go sometime. Marrakesh and Fez are fantastic, although I am talking 36 years ago, and you have not even been around that long, so plenty of time for it!
1 reply
Hi Agnes, Thanks for the heads up on the link. The Blogs people have put http:// in twice. You can link via the Google 'Oops' page though.
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Kevin Munt is now following Agnes
Nov 4, 2009
In was on a school trip to Morocco, thirty kids, four weeks in mini buses. We were camping most of the journey however, we did stay in a so called college dorm for a few nights near the Sarah Desert. It was my 16th while we were there, so the rest of the group threw a party for me. After the party, as I went to the boys dorm, a girl called Marianne offered me a birthday kiss. As I went to take up the offer she turned away, teasing me in front of the rest. I married her 2 years later aged 18, lasted 18 years before I turned away from her, have two lovely boys though. I bet a lot of lives have taken a different direction on birthdays.
1 reply
They are off and trundling again. Yes Messers Windows and Bechelet of the STRI are once again promoting their Trueness meter. I reviewed this machine during Harrogate Week at the start of this year, and I hate to be smug,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2009 at Kevin Munt Golf Consultant