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Lee Rotherham
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I gather French aircraft come with a bribe these days (viz the Dassault affair) - could offset some of the costs.
Highlights from David Cameron's Commons statement on the defence review
By Tim Montgomerie David Cameron addresses personnel earlier today at the UK Permanent HQ, Northwood. Not verbatim. Defence budget will fall by 8% over four years. Britain's defence budget will remain the fourth largest in the world. We will remain a world power with a large aid budget and o...
Roger pre-empted me! I was going to point to the option of joining the PES...
Timothy Kirkhope resigns as leader of Tory MEPs
By Tim Montgomerie Timothy Kirkhope faced an uphill battle to retain the leadership of Tory MEPs and has decided not to seek re-election. Nominations for his successor close, I understand, on 9th November and the election will be held in Strasbourg on 23rd November. 3.30pm: Mr Kirkhope has wri...
One of the items I hope might be discussed as part of the selection process would be chivvying CCHQ over increasing the size of the group, since I understand there are sensible and appropriate candidates who have declared an interest in joining, but the response in London has been one of disinterest.
Why the issue has been kicked into the long grass is a matter of some concern.
If Dr Tannock made this a plank of a leadership bid it would be a real advance for the Conservatives and the ECR group.
Timothy Kirkhope resigns as leader of Tory MEPs
By Tim Montgomerie Timothy Kirkhope faced an uphill battle to retain the leadership of Tory MEPs and has decided not to seek re-election. Nominations for his successor close, I understand, on 9th November and the election will be held in Strasbourg on 23rd November. 3.30pm: Mr Kirkhope has wri...
This article is certainly fair comment one sense: Mr Milband jr hails from the party of form fillers.
If he has here displayed one example of not appreciating it, are there others; and would he intend to avoid the principle were he to run Government?
What kind of dad is that?
Ed Miliband's curious failure to register as the father of his first child is surprising in all sorts of ways. "Too busy" is just not plausible - we know this guy is ambitious, but no-one is so preoccupied with ascending the political ladder with that he can't find time to carry out this basic ...
Mr Tomlinson is recorded in Hansard as having walked through both lobbies;
Justin Tomlinson MP answers ConHome's Twenty Questions for the Class of 2010
Here is the latest in our series of Twenty Questions with members of the Class of 2010... Justin Tomlinson was elected MP for Swindon North with a majority of 7,060. 1. What is your earliest political memory? Kenny Everett, Big Hands - 'Let's Bomb Russia' in 1983! Mind you, at ...
Hi Anthony. If you explore the links on the site it should take you to the story covering the ministerial answer to the original PQ. The £30 billion of course is the total across Government of which c. £9 billion is ascribed specifically to the EU.
And yes, (i) it is an astonishing figure, (ii) it is for a one year period of new legislation, and (iii) you are absolutely right to highlight this, it indeed doesn't give us a figure for existing red tape costs from preceding legislation, which is why we need a full, frank and fair cost-benefit analysis of the UK's terms of EU membership.
Say what?
The Daily Mail boils today over the news that the public consultation over binning bad laws has been run with earplugs. Some readers will not be surprised; others will be vexed. Responding to suggestions over the EU, the FCO issued a statement that reiterates existing policy - acknowledging with...
The problem doesn't end with tax simplification. The Reagan lesson was that after you simplify, the natural tendency is for recomplicating them again: this has to be constantly fought against.
Office for Tax Simplification launched with two initial reviews
By Jonathan Isaby This morning has seen the formal launch at the Treasury of the Office for Tax Simplification, which will be led by former MP, Michael Jack, and John Whiting, the first Tax Policy Director of the Chartered Institute of Taxation. The OTS's formal remit is "to provide independe...
Some people still love Stalin.
Before someone explodes with outrage, I'm not comparing like with like. It's another observation on human nature.
Commitment to a cause seen in retrospect to have been hugely flawed triggers in some people a blindly defensive posture. All the more credit to those former cheerleaders who openly admit wrong calls in the past in order to avoid similar blunders in the future.
Breaking News: 6 people who were wrong 10 years ago are still wrong
If you visit the BBC News website today, you'll see a headline that might well surprise you. "Business leaders say Britain should still join the Euro". Wow. That's pretty worrying, given the disastrous impact that joining the single currency would have on Britain. It's also pretty demoralisi...
Well let me make myself absolutely clear then. People are conflating personal views of Lord Black and separately Lord Ashcroft with the issue of non-domicile or non-UK peerages. I actually think Lord Ashcroft's case has certain similarities more with Strathcona.
Lord Ashcroft has done a lot for the UK and that is most admirably symbolised with the VC collection. His association with party politics of any hue is actually a negative given his other contributions!
I'll take a chance and even say that historians in future years may reflect slightly more kindly on Lord Black. Everything is tarnished by the finances scandal, so we have forgotten the part the Telegraph played in keeping us out of the Euro and other follies. I might also add that I remember corresponding with him 20 years ago on Maurice Duplessis and he was very helpful towards a mere postgrad. But as I say, these positives all subsequently overtaken.
A bizarre story in The Independent suggests that the Government may be considering going beyond removing from non-doms the right to sit in the Lords. Some petty Lib Dems are lobbying for snatching the title and the coat of arms as well. Almost certainly this is a storm in a teacup, openly percol...
Include all development aid in Afghanistan as part of the 0.7 per cent.
Ideas, please, for breaking the NHS and Aid ringfences
In her Times column today (£), Rachel Sylvester notes how ministers facing 10%, 25% and even 40% cuts are trying to transfer parts of their responsibilities into the Health and Aid budgets where the cuts are 0%: "The Home Office has started to make the argument in Whitehall that all drug reha...
This statistic is somewhat out of date, but puts the matter into context and is readily to hand;
There is more data and analysis in the Kids Count Knife Crime Report, into which a lot of people on the front line put a huge amount of work.
Pause for Reflection
Paul Goodman writes a very sensible piece this morning after the awful events in Cumbria. It is absurdly easy to fall into the trap of ‘legislating in haste, repenting at leisure’ after a tragedy of this nature. I’m trained in a variety of firearms (on reflection the range frightens me), and so...
Perhaps First Class MP travel was vaguely justifiable when Sir Nicholas joined.
After all, that would have been a case of cross-subsidy by the taxpayer, since at that time the railways were state owned and large amounts of public money were already being thrown at them.
Not now, as a rule of thumb.
Rail passengers in standard class are "a totally different type of people" moans Tory backbencher who wants the taxpayer to fund his first class travel
I was listening to David Cameron on Woman's Hour this morning, so missed most of the hour during which Radio 5 Live's Stephen Nolan had Macclesfield's Tory MP Sir Nicholas Winterton in the studio. Sir Nicholas, who is retiring from the Commons at the general election after nearly forty years i...
Since both are correct forms of the accusative plural,and it was quoted from memory, I hope you will excuse me this once!
timeo danaos et dona ferentes
Is Greece set to unravel the Euro? The dynamics of that undynamic public administration look set to have a crucial impact, but not necessarily in the way people are expecting. Successful currency zones operate where safety valves operate to take the strain that a floating exchange rate would no...
Foreign Secretaries speak softly. Defence Secretaries carry the big stick.
(6) Vote Conservative... because of Liam Fox
ConservativeHome does not support David Cameron's decision to put NHS and development funding ahead of defence. Nor do most Tory members. The armed forces need a champion in Cabinet who will fight for defence and that champion should be Liam Fox, the second most popular member of the shadow cab...
That's already long been online and trawled through, and your assumption is off the mark.
Cameron promises to curb power of political lobbyists
Cameron has used his speech on cleaning up politics to call time on lobbying: "It’s an issue that crosses party lines and has tainted our politics for too issue that exposes the far-too-cosy relationship between politics, government, business and money. I’m talking about lobbying – and...
Already planning another challenge under the Human Rights Act/ECHR?!
Prison ships are being considered by the Conservatives as a way of meeting capacity
On the front page this morning I linked to a Telegraph story suggesting that the party is considering re-introducing a prison ship in order to fulfill "the need for extra capacity in view of tougher and more 'honest' sentencing plans the Conservatives intend to introduce". The BBC is now repor...
I'd be interested in Roger Evans' take.
Tory councillors stay within EPP
The Local Government Chronicle reports that Conservative councillors on the EU Committee for the Regions will remain within the European People's Party group. Of course Conservative MEPs have pulled out of the EPP to help form the new Conservatives and Reformists Group, ECR. But committee member...
Top credit to Pavel Stroilov for all his work on this. He definitely deserves a One-to-Watch statuette come the next ConHome awards.
Conservative MEP Charles Tannock challenges Baroness Ashton, the EU's new High Representative for Foreign Affairs, over her former involvement in CND
And here Charles Tannock gives his post match analysis of the confirmation hearing:
"That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament"
It's stretching it to say that 'Proceedings in Parliament' includes financial activities outside of the Chamber, even if it includes parliamentary funds.
Even if you argue the toss, in any event the recalcitrant MPs could presumably then be called to the Bar by the Speaker. Not Bellamy's though as he's apparently trying to replace that with a creche.
Disgraced Labour MPs seek to use 1689 Bill of Rights to avoid prosecution over expense claims
This is according to the Telegraph: "MPs who are being investigated for expenses fraud are trying to argue a case that they are protected by the 300-year-old Bill of Rights that gives MPs Parliamentary privilege. Lawyers for the MPs are looking at whether the 1689 act could protect them from pro...
All four countries have territory considered (to be diplomatic) as contentiously occupied. In Russia's case there is, for instance, the territory held that's disputed under the terms of the Treaty of Tartu.
You can argue the toss over each case. The point is that if you are running an ethical foreign policy, be consistent.
A mark to make us ashamed: Britain wants to brand Jewish goods
I have written before on CentreRight about my support for the State of Israel. I believe that that support is a balanced one, in which I am willing to be a critical friend when constructive criticism is needed. But sometimes a story emerges that requires outright condemnation. On this occasi...
My first impression is that it's unlikely the Commission will approve anything; the Government knows this; and they are simply pandering to part of the traditional Labour electorate.
Or are similar plans on the way for products from China, India, Russia, or Morocco? No, I thought not.
A mark to make us ashamed: Britain wants to brand Jewish goods
I have written before on CentreRight about my support for the State of Israel. I believe that that support is a balanced one, in which I am willing to be a critical friend when constructive criticism is needed. But sometimes a story emerges that requires outright condemnation. On this occasi...
It's quite fair for Mr Hamilton to point out the plank in the Labour party's eye on this matter.
Labour's unsavoury allies (part three)
The Party of the European Socialists Annual Congress in Prague has just voted to reinstate Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico’s Direction/Social Democracy (SMER) party to full membership of its trans-national political family. SMER was suspended from the PES in September 2006 for forming a...
Hardly Tim's fault is it now?!
Boris may have to choose between car-free London (for a few days) and a £300m EU fine
The London Evening Standard reports that Boris Johnson may have to ban cars from central London for an unspecified number of days in order to ensure Britain's capital city hits mandatory EU requirements on clean air. If the targets are missed London could be hit by a fine of £300m - costing the ...
Agreed: a peculiar overstatement.
Though as a metaphor in the Bukovsky context (as per his book), it can have its uses strictly when exploring the political survival of former Eastern Bloc politicians (especially in the PES world) today.
The EUSSR and other inappropriate comparisons
Alex Massie takes Janet Daley to task for comparing the EU with the Soviet Union (the evil of which Greg Hands writes about the today). The 'EUSSR' thing is just one of the wholly inappropriate comparisons that often come up in debates. Other classics are Bush equals Hitler, Israel equals Nazi G...
Juicy meat but very boney.
David Cameron at the British Curry Awards
On the eve of his speech announcing a new policy on Europe this week, David Cameron found himself as guest of honour at no less an event than the 2009 British Curry Awards. And whilst I imagine there were indeed other things on his mind on Tuesday night, he still showed up for the event, atten...
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