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Libby Anderson
Recent Activity
Libby Anderson is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hilarious. That dual alarm really sealed the deal for me - though I most utilize nap function. Fun connecting. Here's my post:
The Sony ICF-C273L
Here's my alarm clock. Here's the bedside table of Libby, brand planner from Texas: So now we know there are at least two planners in the world that enjoy sleek design, daylight savings management, dual alarms and a nap function when it comes to alarm clocks.
Sounds fantastic - looking forward to it.
A Cup of Chaos
Warm Cup of Chaos Originally uploaded by shootingoutloud Inspired by the Five in the Morning series so well put-together by Steve Woodruff (check out his new site, by the way), I was chatting with Amber Naslund about the ready abundance of online material that is of interest, but not nece...
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