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Bill Mounce
Recent Activity
While there might be some difference in meaning of the words, I think the point is that you cannot assume that every time they are used, and some times the change is merely stylistic. It has been ages since I read Warfield's article, so I can't comment on that.
Everybody Needs a Little Love (Monday with Mounce 39)
Everybody needs a little love. I am a bit surprised I haven’t been asked this question earlier, but I did just receive one about the different words for love in Greek. How many youth talks have been given on the different types of love, based on the different Greek words? More than I can coun...
My library is in the process of being packed (we're moving to Portland) so I can't get at the book. It was not his commentary but his other book on the Gospel of John. He had one chapter in it on the stylistic changes of vocabulary in John.
Everybody Needs a Little Love (Monday with Mounce 39)
Everybody needs a little love. I am a bit surprised I haven’t been asked this question earlier, but I did just receive one about the different words for love in Greek. How many youth talks have been given on the different types of love, based on the different Greek words? More than I can coun...
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