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LTCI Partners
LTCI Partners, an organization specializing in LTC Insurance
Recent Activity
Thanks for the comment - we based the $5,000 couples premium on industry statistics - in the Annual Broker World LTC survey just released the average premium per policy is $2,311. 5,000 is a little above that but in the ballpark.
How much for a million dollars of LTC Coverage?
With Genworth introducing their latest LTC product this month (Flex 3), it means that almost every major carrier now has new, refreshed pricing with the most conservative actuarial assumptions. Based on that, what does it cost to get approximately $1,000,000 of shared LTC benefit for a couple...
Interesting comment, Larry. Of course, someone may need the LTC policy for another condition (Parkinsons, etc)and may still decide to keep the full benefit. But whenever there is information asymmetry it could lead to problems for carriers.
New Alzheimer's blood test - how will it be used?
Georgetown University Medical center has recently announced that it has devloped a blood test that predicts with high accuracy whether a healthy person will develop Alzheimer's. A CNN Article about the findings can be found here. Since currently there are no good ways to predict Alzheimer's (ex...
Kerry, thanks for the comment. It also depends on which state Medicaid program you may be considering as well. Tough to meet those Medicaid income requirements.
With LTC insurance, 5% compound inflation isn't a good deal anymore - and here's proof
Those who have been selling LTC insurance for a while know that automatic inflation option is a popular option - and has been since LTC has been sold. However, with new products and pricing, is it a smart choice? You might be surprised at the answer. This graphic demonstrates how much benefit i...
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