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Dominique Phillips
Interests: Unveiled Faces is currently seeking 501c3 status to enable people to share life amongst the poorest of the poor. Join us.
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Mar 15, 2010
Donations in Memory of Donn Phillips--- will be used to help return runaway children in the streets of Maputo Mozambique to their village homes--- to reunite the sons with their families. Mozambique has been ranked in the last six years as being number 5 in human suffering in the world. The donation will be used to support the Mozambican staff who take care of the children, teach them, feed them and eventually when the children are willing, reunite them with their families. I have heard some families say " we thought our son was dead..." and most our amazed and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2010 at Dominique's Blog | Welcome
I saw this on a friend's Facebook and I really liked it as a reflection for Lent. So I am posting it here as a reflection: Andrew is remembering that Jesus wept at the tomb of His friend, even knowing what He knew about resurrections, both immediate and eschatological. I have a dirty forehead today, and it helps me remember that God is not content with the dust being our only future. I'm thankful that He is relentless in His zeal to mend, through Christ, a deathly world. Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2010 at Dominique's Blog | Welcome
Forty Days of Water from Blood:Water Mission on Vimeo. Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2010 at Dominique's Blog | Welcome
There is a shade of deep stunning gold that Renaissance painters used to create halos around the heads of the saintly even when depicting the seemingly most mundane of journeys such as walking along an obscure path or encountering a stranger. I think of those halos as the artist trying to express the thin place between heaven and earth that is over the very person at times, over a place or over a point in time—a memory. I have only recently learned the term, thin place, but it came understood and a mystery, with revelation about a very real Jesus.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2010 at Dominique's Blog | Welcome
There are two beautiful older women on the board of Unveiled Faces who have in the time that I have known them-- which is 15 years--- believed the Lord that in the face of trials and intensity--- that He would let there be SHALOM. This is Hebrew for peace and more specifically for "Nothing broken and nothing missing." I don't know if its the strength of their trust that I remember--- but I feel something so deep in the Lord as I say it. And in particular I choose to say it about this year to come. SHALOM 2010. Welcome... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2010 at Dominique's Blog | Welcome