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J. Hubby
Interests: skateboarding, blogging, jason mraz, swimming, football, spending time with my family, playing sports, akon, daughtry, 3 doors down, well of course you already know i love to travel; but also i love to cook, ride my skateboard, playing with my baby brother, and hanging out with my my friends. so here are my favorites: my favorite music artist: t.i., kevin rudolph, jamie foxx, and kanye west just to name a few.... my favorite books: the 39 clues, boxcar children, bud - not buddy, hugo cabret, one potato two potato, and seekers my favorite authors: gertrude chandle warner, wendlin van draanen, and christopher paul curtis my favorite hobbies: fishing, and basketball my favorite president: president barack obama (of course)
Recent Activity
Hello Tiffany, i would love love a chance for you to work on my son's blog I paid a guy to help out and it does not look good at all. Please help! [email protected]
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I would love to get help with my blog..I just hired someone to help me and I DO NOT like it. According to him, typepad functions were very limited. Please help this weblog is for my 11 year old son and he is very disappointed. What to do Typepad or anyone who have designing ability?
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2009 on Calling All TypePad Designers at Everything Typepad
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