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Pixipets Cat
Center of the fashionable universe.
Interests: Myself
Recent Activity
From Twitter 06-07-2009
12:53:06: Ugh. It's so rude when people talk to each other during a movie! How am I supposed to hear my phone conversation with all the distractions?! Tweets copied by Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2009 at Pixipets Cat: Pet Peeves
Pixipets Cat is now following piximix
May 29, 2009
Oh yes! Mmmm... bird on a skewer... tasty.
Pixipets Five Hundred Eleven
Meh. Eggs. I'd rather eat the chicken.
Pixipets Four Hundred Ninety Nine
Yeah, it almost looks like a real comic now!
Pixipets Five Hundred One
^ Yeah, what they said. C'mon people!
Pixipets Five Hundred
@pixipetscat is the only celebrity you'll ever need to follow! Why? 'Cause it's me and I'm fabulous. Duh! Oh, and I'll give a shout out to @hellokitty and @calvinandhobbes because I'm partial to other comics cats.
What Are Your Favorite People or Celebs to Follow on Twitter?
According to's top 100 Twitter celebrity list, Britney Spears (@britneyspears) is number 4, and Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) is number 5. CNN, Obama and Twitter are 1,
Oh, we cats deserve gifts. All the time.
Pixipets Four Hundred Eighty Three
Remember, the first laugh is always free! Additional laughs are billed at 90 cents per minute.
Pixipets Four Hundred Eight
They just hired a snail. He'll pop up in a comic if I don't accidentally poor salt on him first... >:D
Pixipets Two Hundred Eighty Two
Well, I can't very well sign it now. Ick.
Pixipets Two Hundred Forty Seven
I'm fierce!
Pixipets Two Hundred Sixteen
Oh, whatever. Spelling is so last century.
Pixipets Two Hundred Fifteen
It's sooooo true.
Pixipets Two Hundred Fourteen
Damn, I look good in any color.
Pixipets Two Hundred Twelve
LOL. I shoulda used that one. It's gonna go in my little black book of insults.
Pixipets Two Hundred Ten
It's my world and y'all are just livin' in it.
Pixipets Two Hundred One
"the cat is probably the leanest one in the comic" There, fixed it for you.
Pixipets One Hundred Ninety Seven
Pixipets One Hundred Thirty Four
Poor me! Made me wear that stupid mask -- there is NO WAY to make that sexy.
Pixipets One Hundred Twenty One
I'm the gift that keeps on giving.
Pixipets Ninety Four
FYI: it is. Aren't there any Altoids in the afterlife?
Pixipets Fifty Four
The only thing Mother Nature got right was me.
Pixipets Thirty Three
A lesson to the losers: don't ever try to rock my style. I got the fierceness to pull it off, and y'all don't. Okay!
Pixipets Thirty Two
Okay! Someone with taste.
Pixipets Thirty One
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