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Meghan Weddle
Interests: travelling, history, pottery, reality television, teaching, investing, and learning.
Recent Activity
Help! I'm new to the blogging world and I've tried creating a new blog somewhere else and have no idea whether to keep this typepad address or use blogger. I don't know if people are reading it, so I've posted all my recent posts here because this is the one that seems to have the following... If anyone knows how to help me by letting me know how to link blogs or keep up with stats that would be great. Thank you! Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2009 at Savvy Chic and Financially Wise: Musings for Those Starting Out or Starting Over
budget travel with only a little work
I love to travel. I would venture to say that that is the number one thing that I would be willing to drop money on without thinking twice. I don't hesitate to buy a plane ticket if someone offers me a place to stay. I have travelled a lot of places and I have done so mostly with a pretty tight budget. When I studied abroad in the UK, I planned side trips to several other countries for one of my girlfriends and I. For $1,000 each I got us both a train card to use the train system in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2009 at Savvy Chic and Financially Wise: Musings for Those Starting Out or Starting Over
Employer Matching
I was talking with one of my friends at work today about the fact that we were going to have the opportunity this year to sign up for our school's 403(b) (retirement)account. While I was a little more excited than most about this opportunity, I don't think everyone realizes what an exciting idea employer matching actually is. What is it, first of all? Employer matching is where an employee signs up for a 401(k) or 403(b) account through the school or office and pre-tax dollars are taken out of each paycheck to fund the account. While this alone is about... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2009 at Savvy Chic and Financially Wise: Musings for Those Starting Out or Starting Over
As I have learned about personal finance, one word continues to replay itself and sting just the same: budget. I hate the word as much as anyone else, but I have come to realize that it is more important than I would like to admit. This summer when school was out, I payed very little attention to a budget and found myself spending much more than I would have liked to. With that said, I sat down a few weeks ago and figured out where I was financially. To do this, one tool that I use While isn't... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2009 at Savvy Chic and Financially Wise: Musings for Those Starting Out or Starting Over
a second try
Okay, so this is my second try at a financial blog, and I think it might just go to show that anything really worth doing deserves a second chance. I enjoyed blogging about finance, and I enjoyed having people ask me questions about my blog or about posts that I had done; thus, I have decided to try again. Why? First of all, I think I was trying to be too structured and organized the first time that I gave it a shot. I sat down and made a list of all the topics that I could think about on... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2009 at Savvy Chic and Financially Wise: Musings for Those Starting Out or Starting Over
Meghan Weddle has shared their blog The Young Independent
Jul 2, 2009
I'd be interested in a design in the business or finance realm, as I have just started a blog on personal finance.
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