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Thank you!!! I lived in the Miraleste area for years before I moved back to Canada!
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I am excited to meet everyone too!!!
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Thank you!!! It was a lovely way to spend part of my day!!! Dreamy!
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Thank you! Yes, that white truck is awesome!!!
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Hello, I wanted to share a few images I took over the weekend during my visit to Floret Flower Farm in the Skagit Valley in Washington. I had the opportunuty to stop by during dahlia harvest because of my generous... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2014 at a creative mint
Thank you!!!
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Thanks Dawn!!!
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Thank you!!!!
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Awwwww, thanks Lizzie!!!
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Hi Mary Jo! Thank you so much! Ohhhhh I would love for you to come to Mexcio!!! Hopefully your reassessment goes well ;) and you can join me. Thanks for your supportive nice!!!
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Hello, I hope you have had a great summer or winter for my friends in the southern hemisphere! It has been a busy few months for me with my family. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2014 at a creative mint
Thanks Sandra! Look forward to meeting you!
1 reply
Hello, We are having our first book party for "Decorate with Flowers" in Vancouver this Friday, May 9th. If you live in Vancouver and can make it, I would love to meet you! The party is being held at The... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2014 at a creative mint
Thank you Dawn!!! You are so kind, I appreciate you!!!
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Lucky you Noelle!!! Thank you!!!
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Thank you Ishtar -That is exciting -I get to see you in May? You will come to London? :)
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Thanks Kaho! I think there is a Japanese online retailer who is carrying the fabrics right now which is exciting!
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Thanks Tina!!! Nice to hear from you!!! I hope to catch you again in Copenhagen before you move for a few months...I was reading up on your blog, I think I have until July to get there! xo
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Oh, thank you Kristin!!! It is tough picking a palette and then the patterns for a many to choose from. I would love to do one in blues...we shall see -maybe!!!
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Thank you Juanita!!!
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Thanks you Jeanine, YES, please email me if make anything out of them I-I would LOVE to see!!!
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Thanks Kat!
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Aw thanks Amy, it is fun to share all this as I have kind of had my head down working away for too long!
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Thanks Debbie! Love P.V.!
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Aw thanks Belinda! If you back it with the "Warm White" (the backing fabric made to go with the line) or another neutral fabric it will be fine as a pillow case and for a cover, but it does need to be backed for that purpose. It is super soft so it will feel very nice. I am going to try making both next...xo
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