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Ash Aiad
Interests: concept art sculpting traditional and digital the physics of light and i love the ocean :)
Recent Activity
Unfortunately is not an Autodesk site. Our developers don’t review this site for their future plans of Maya.
In order to log a proper BUG please open Maya > help > Report a problem
Each entry you make, gets logged in our data base .
Mental ray texture bake and multithreading
This is repeated question, regarding can mental ray utilize multithreading while texture baking. The answer is if you bake one texture map then mental ray will use only one CPU. However if you are using multiple maps then mental ray can utilize the additional CPU's automatically.
Please report to Cory
Maya 2011 color picker
We have been getting repeated question about the color picker. A single mouse click on the color will open the fast chooser. Hold and drag the color swatch will pop it wherever you let go. Double mouse click will open the full color picker.
What is your mental ray vr?
Using the mental ray flags with the -file option
When rendering render layers, one may use the command Render -r file filename.mb However if your render contains mental ray, you can add the usual mental ray flags like so -mr:v/mr:verbose int Set the verbosity level. 0 to turn off messages 1 for fatal errors only 2 for all errors 3 ...
I can't post direct links
but hope this will guide you
mental ray standalone 3.8.1 is available for download
You would need to login to the subscription center in order to download your copy
Ash Aiad is now following Owen Burgess
Apr 29, 2010
Can you post a sample file please
Slow custom framebuffer render now fixed in 2011
This change request got lots of attention in the past release, I’m happy to say this is now fixed in Maya 2011 Here are my screen grabs from 2010 vs 2011
Can you please post a sample file
Render proxy (Assembly) and texture files
In my previous post render-proxy-assembly-issue-when-moved-from-the-origin.html I stated this was a BUG and now this matter is now fixed in Maya 2010 The image below shows a (render assembly) rendered with Rasterizer and motion blur
OK, I think we have some sort of a workaround to drop the render time.
However it comes with a price. :/
The file was sent to me from crispy4004
No Buffer = 09 sec
With Buffer = 42 sec
Modified buffer = 24 sec
I’ll let my friend Owen provide us with the details in a separate blog entry
Thanks to Justin for his advice on this mater
Rendering large resolution with mental ray frame buffer
For cached frame buffers, the temporary disk files are saved in 'tiled' .map format which is limited to a file size of 2GB. Therefore, a single frame buffer may not exceed this 2GB size limit. For example, the resolution of a square 8-bit RGBA frame buffer is limited to about 23,000x23,000 pixels.
The Docs are referring to the XP. for Mac Please use the link above
BackBurner 2010.2 for MacOSX
Autodesk Backburner 2010.2 for Maya 2010 extends Backburner functionality to support network rendering on the Mac OS X platform. Previously network rendering was supported on Linux and Windows only. Network rendering allows animation scenes to be rendered by many computers working collectively o...
Link fixed :)
Maya Fluid Effects Dvd now online
Link Thanks Duncan
Can re-produce it with a file from 2 sec to 5 sec
But I still like a “production” file to pass to developers
Did you already sent us one ? I need to track it down please
Rendering large resolution with mental ray frame buffer
For cached frame buffers, the temporary disk files are saved in 'tiled' .map format which is limited to a file size of 2GB. Therefore, a single frame buffer may not exceed this 2GB size limit. For example, the resolution of a square 8-bit RGBA frame buffer is limited to about 23,000x23,000 pixels.
would you send me a sample file ?
[email protected]
Rendering large resolution with mental ray frame buffer
For cached frame buffers, the temporary disk files are saved in 'tiled' .map format which is limited to a file size of 2GB. Therefore, a single frame buffer may not exceed this 2GB size limit. For example, the resolution of a square 8-bit RGBA frame buffer is limited to about 23,000x23,000 pixels.
Do you mean a custom framebuffer
can you send me an example ?
Rendering large resolution with mental ray frame buffer
For cached frame buffers, the temporary disk files are saved in 'tiled' .map format which is limited to a file size of 2GB. Therefore, a single frame buffer may not exceed this 2GB size limit. For example, the resolution of a square 8-bit RGBA frame buffer is limited to about 23,000x23,000 pixels.
I’ll post a new entry regarding how Maya behaviors on 10.6.2
Regarding the Toxik problem
Can you please go to var/temp/
and check the permission on the media cache ..I wonder if the new OS changed the permission access
Maya 2010 and MAC Snow leopard
Maya 2010 is not qualified on Snow leopard as of this release Please do not update your OS as we don’t grantee how Maya will behave We are currently investigating this matter, and as soon as we have an update we will post it on our official site and here as well
This is for Maya 2010 search for Progressive Rendering .
Progressive Rendering in mental ray 3.7
Mental ray 3.7 is equipped with progressive rendering At the moment the option is not enabled by default in Maya. However you can still enable it using a string option. For more information regarding the progressive rendering please refer to the docs under mr Manual : Options
Autodesk is working with Apple to qualify Maya 2010 for Mac OS 10.6 snow Leopard. Unfortunately, we are unable to say any more at this time.
Thanks for your patience and for raising your frustration on the Mayastation blog. Owen and I have made sure your voice has been heard.
Maya 2010 and MAC Snow leopard
Maya 2010 is not qualified on Snow leopard as of this release Please do not update your OS as we don’t grantee how Maya will behave We are currently investigating this matter, and as soon as we have an update we will post it on our official site and here as well
Hi Lars,
Dave is writing an official "Tech Note" about this
it should appear in the Tech Solutions section on theleft side of the blog
thanks for pointing this so others can benefit as well
AO in render passes
One of the repeated questions we received lately is , How to use the old AO in render passes Dave Lajoie has covered that in details in here
I honestly didn’t watch all of it yet
Is this Shader part of the mip group (production Shaders)?
Autodesk Siggraph 2009 master classes
Autodesk Siggraph 2009 master classes The titles are Fracture: procedural, collision event-driven destruction : Autodesk® Maya® by Kevin Mannens Advance Autodesk® Mudbox® Tips & Workflows: Autodesk® Mudbox® by Wayne Robson Non-Photorealistic Rendering T...
That's good to hear.
We got reports that it does, and some tests should it doesn’t’
Hence in my entry I typed “might”
Maya Composite crash on WIN with 3GB switch
If you are using Maya Composite on a computer with Windows XP 32 bit with the /3GB parameter enabled , you might result with random crash The virtual address space of processes and applications is still limited to 2 GB unless the /3GB switch is used in the Boot.ini file. Maya Composite doesn't...
Yes, you are correct. In my mined I was thinking "world space" but I typed to "Object space"
post corrected
Selection by Reflection
It seems that this feature is somewhat over looked by lots of users. When modeling a symmetrical object , it makes it much easier to enable this feature To enable this function Double click on the selection tool to open it’ attribute editor Check Reflection
It depends on the scene and it’s components.
For example, I would use method 1, if my Shader has color values (not textures)
As for the other note, its under the developments consideration.
Colors are washed out with mental ray sun/sky
When using het sun/Sky system in mental ray, it adds a mia_exposure node to the camera. By default the "Gamma" Value is 2.2, thus the change of color values of your render. This can be fixed by using one of these two approaches depending on the scene. Per file texture Add a Gamma correct node...
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